
Chapter 172 Disparity
"Miss Su, you are fighting for your life." Gu Qian smiled like jade. "I think you should have exhausted your strength just now. Now you are at your wit’s end."
Su Wei smiled peacefully, but her heart stirred up waves.
Sticky sweat dripped from the palm of your hand.
Damn it, is this guy guessing or is he really seeing the clue?
Smart as Su Wei also has some doubts at this time.
"Joke, Mr. Gu, you might as well try whether I’m a donkey or a tiger." Su Wei deliberately drawled and pretended to be calm and put on a fighting posture.
Su Chenran, if you don’t come back, you really have to help me collect the body.
Gu Qian stepped forward and pulled out a silver dagger from nowhere.
Su Wei gasped. Where did this guy get so many daggers? It seems that she is very close to death this time.
However, Gu Qian’s dagger did not stab Su Wei’s heart as it did for the first time, but her wrist stabbed her elbow
Su Wei hurriedly dodged, but Gu Qian was faster than her. One second before she escaped, the tip of the knife had pierced her flesh, and it was slightly painful like a poisonous insect bite.
Su Wei is surprised that he raised his arm consciously, but who knows that the original tiny wound has been expanding like crazy, and the color has turned terrible black and purple.
"You poison" Su Wei opened her eyes and was furious.
It would be better to solve it by himself if he tortured him to death.
However, Su Wei felt a tingle on the tip of her tongue before her teeth broke, and then her body suddenly weakened and her brain went into chaos.
Damn it, why doesn’t she even have the strength to kill herself?
Zhou Haixuan looked at this sharp situation, and the fear in his eyes gradually turned into pride and was finally replaced by madness and pleasure.
Ha, ha, ha, this, this Suwei is dead.
It’s absolutely him.
"Drag her away and don’t leave any other traces." Gu Qian patted her body and stood proudly with dust.
Well, he has never been unable to get what he wants.
Zhou Haixuan didn’t pay attention to Gu Qian’s commanding smile, so he picked up the sack and prepared to put Su Wei into it and take it away.
"Zhou Haixuan, you are so sad." Su Wei gave her one last sarcastic look, and her head sank and her eyes closed.
"What did you say?" Zhou Haixuan angrily threw sacks and grabbed Su Wei’s shoulder and shook it wildly. "You are pathetic. I don’t need your pity. You are the saddest woman in the world."
How can Zhou Haixuan go crazy and shout that Su Wei can’t hear it?
The last trace of sobriety was also taken away by toxicity.
Twenty minutes
"Did Sue’s little girl leave?" Su Chenran knocked the door open regardless of her image, dumped her shoes and walked barefoot into the room.
It’s strange that no one is here.
It’s not taken away by Gu Jue, is it?
Su Chenran immediately denied this answer, and Gu never knew that Su Wei’s injury could not take her away by herself.
Where did that girl Sue go?
Su Chenran looked at a room puzzled and scratched the back of his head, but soon he saw a palm-sized note at the dining table in the living room. Mr. Su, I have something to do and I don’t have to worry about Su Wei.
Sue is out of town.
But after thinking for a long time, Su Chenran’s eyes suddenly darkened, and soon the paper in his hand was kneaded into a ball and thrown into the garbage basket.
No, this is not Su Weiliu.
Although the handwriting is very similar, the tone in the word is so that it can’t be imitated.
Soon Su Chenran’s sharp-eyed eyes found a small pig iron fragment on the floor, and the surface was stained with blood.
Su Chenran picked up the debris and put it on the tip of his nose. His look was instantaneous and serious.
Damn it, this must be Su Wei’s blood.
He smell his medicine in that blood.
Chapter 173 Su Wei was caught

Mu Bei’s face smiled and immediately directed Qiao Huan to call Qiao Yuner.

Qiao Huan eyes tightly staring at the development.
The police persuaded the crowd to leave their roots and ignored them. The roads were blocked. Several nearby roads were paralyzed and vehicles were blocked. The media kept reporting this story. The led display screens in various cities were rolling with this news, and a message popped up from time to time by mobile phones to tell people to try their best to bypass the congested roads.
Things have come to this point, and some departments have finally sent someone.
A little man wears glasses. He negotiates with Linda, but Linda ignores him. He is talking loudly with a megaphone, and he also interacts with the surrounding people from time to time.
Well, the scene is really lively
Glasses man is so anxious that his head is sweating, and he wipes his forehead from time to time.
Qiao Huan called Qiao Yuner.
"Allow son noticed Linda men around you? Talk to him that we should get the results early in the day, and in addition, we should re-test the fairness and fairness of the sample video. "
"Rest assured and resolutely guarantee the completion" Qiao Yuner said excitedly and then hung up.
Qiao Huan saw Qiao Yuner squeezing into Linda’s side and talking to the glasses man, who kept nodding.
Qiao Huan knew that the other party had agreed to his conditions and slowly gave me a smile.
Things are going according to her idea. If she expects it to be good, the quality inspection will give the results and the project will be ready in the afternoon.
Of course, it’s the last step to prevent anyone from going to the construction site to tamper with it. Qiao Huan called Lin Zhenyuan again and asked him to send more people to guard the construction site, and everyone was not allowed to leave on time.
Qiao Huan would like to see what tricks those who want to see Qiao’s fall have now.
"Qiao Huan, I find that I love you more and more now." Mubei looked at Qiao Huan with a bright eye.
He was really impressed with her.
"If you give up buying Joe’s now, it will come." Qiao Huan glanced at Mu Bei and said flatly.
"I can’t wait to be your opponent" MuBei laughed.
"Then wipe your eyes!" Qiao Huan said slowly, word by word
Muleshan called Munan to the company and looked at Munan with a gloomy face.
Muna’s face doesn’t look good either. He looks at Muleshan coldly.
"This is beyond my control."
Mu Nan said coldly with an expression, "The development of things is beyond everyone’s expectation. Who knew that Qiao’s regiment would do such extreme measures?"
"What shall we do now?" Muleshan sink a way
"What can I do if things are like this? No one can suppress "Muna slightly mocking tone.
Now I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at this tuyere in Yuncheng, and it’s stupid to tamper with it.
Muleshan kept a gloomy face and didn’t speak. He watched the news today, and he was very disdainful of this kind of approach, but he had to admit that it was the most direct and effective way to break up all their plans.
"Have you hidden that worker?" Muleshan asked coldly
"hmm!" Munan should be a low.
"Don’t give me any trouble this time." Muleshan frowned tightly.
Munan lips without saying a word.
"Who do you think is behind this?" Muleshan asked Muna his face was puzzled.
Qiao Zhen that brain is absolutely can’t figure out this trick is someone behind his back? If that’s the case, they have to be careful
Munan wanted to think, there are two candidates in his heart.
"If I guess right, it’s either Qiao Huan or Mu Bei," Munan said with no facial expression.
"Mubei?" Muleshan leng one.
"You are not as simple as you think," Muna said coldly and got up to leave.
"Where did you go last night?" Muleshan sound coming from behind is also cold.
"Drink too much" Muna steps paused and looked back at Muleshan.
"There will be a wedding in two days. I don’t care whether you like it or not. You agreed to it. Now that Lu Xiaoya has your child in her belly, you must marry her."
Muleshan said sternly
Munan’s face was obviously resistant. "I’m an adult. I know what I’m doing. Don’t lecture me like a child, right? "
Impatiently throw a word Munan slam the door away.
He’s really bored enough.
Back in the office, Muna shook her mobile phone with her fingers in her hand for several times, and somehow she remembered Lin Yuchen and Lu Xiaoya in her mind.
One is tender as water, the other is crazy.

nothing more/that’s all./nothing beyond/this only goes so far

But Wei Feifei never looked down on him, and even gave him many important things to do.
Whatever the reason, it is enough to make him grateful.
Ling day can probably understand his mood with a sigh and take out a Dan medicine to feed Wu Guanjia.
Then take out the silver needle and apply it.
Wu Guanjia’s pupil shrank at the thought of suffering before.
But I didn’t beg for mercy
But still sneered
"To torture me again …"
A warm current suddenly appeared in the unfinished body.
The body pain disappears quickly.
The trauma is still there, but the body is much better and not as weak as before.
Wu Guanjia looked at Ling Tian in surprise.
Lingtian slowly exits
"Sorry I have to be careful."
This sound!
Wu Guanjia felt a shock and unconsciously pressed the bass.
"Are you Ling Tian?"
"It’s me"
"But how did you …"
"It’s just a little trick. Let’s not talk about it."
Help Wu Guanjia stabilize the injury Ling Tian asked
"Where is the lady?"
"You don’t know?"
Ling Tian frowns
If housekeeper Wu doesn’t know, it would be in trouble.
Whether Wei Feifei is connected or not has an impact on his future plans.
Wu housekeeper sat up and shook his head a way
"I don’t know exactly where she is."
"But I know she’s in the castellan’s mansion."
It’s in the Lord’s mansion!
Ling Tian was taken aback. It’s not that he didn’t think Wei Feifei had never left.
But I still can’t help but be surprised when I really know it.
This woman is really bold.
The black light seems to be safe, but it is extremely dangerous.
Once exposed, there is no possibility of escape.
"Can you contact her?"
"What do you think?"
Wu housekeeper wry smile two said
"I’m stuck here."
"If Mrs. Chan is injured, she won’t show up easily."
"Unless …"
"Unless what?" Ling Tian asked
Wu housekeeper hesitated and shook his head.
Seeing that he doesn’t want to say something about Ling Tian, when is this still hiding anything?
Tanai avenue
"Do you believe me or are you worried about something?"
"There are only a few days left before the big match, and we have no time to hesitate."
"I must see her before that."
"This is our only chance."
Seems to be this words persuaded Wu Guanjia he bit his teeth and said
"If you want your wife to come forward, unless the big lady comes back."
"But then the big lady will be in danger."
"Can you guarantee the safety of the big lady?"
Naturally not.
Ling day they have to face is the whole castellan mansion plus seven new gods.
It is impossible to get rid of their department even if the array method is started for a short time.
So he didn’t want to find Wei Feifei
Two people do things.
Get rid of the two messengers first after the duke leads people to Muwei.
There are people left in Muwei.
And the cloud is not smoke strength is too low, not only can’t help but also may become a burden.
But …
Yun Fei Yan can’t come back, but it doesn’t mean that Miss Yun Da can’t come back.

Because this third machine definitely exceeds the sum of all the things found this time in value.

But if you want to make this thing, even Pang Xia can’t make it, because this thing can’t be made by one person!
The most powerful engineering equipment made by Luban family is the solar catapult.
Powerful to be able to hit, even the master will kill you. The master will run away when he sees this thing!
Of course, the Ministry is able to hit the foundation.
There are very few players who can get shooting martial arts.
Is to prevent shooting martial arts players in the late game from getting more people to attack the city with one hand and crossbows and things like that.
Then how can other players mix with those masters? What are the grandmasters doing?
Now the people at the starlight reception haven’t thought of this yet, so they look at this solar ballista and some don’t know what to do with it.
"Why don’t we take this thing and kill a master?"
Discussion is a thought that if you go to everyone, it must be rejected.
But with this door, the idea of killing the master has obviously appeared in the hearts of all.
Pang Xia touched the bar and said slowly, "I have some hatred with the old guy Mogu, the master of Kongtong Sect."
Pang Xia didn’t finish his words. He wanted to kill Mogu not only because Mogu had hunted him down.
Also because of the hawks’ conspiracy to him, he is equivalent to wasting half of "Word Day". This tone Pang Xia can’t swallow!
Hear PangXia said kongtong sent Mogu a thought and a sword wins the snow and nodded his head. At the beginning, the two of them also suffered from Mogu. I haven’t forgotten this revenge.
After reasoning, nine people laughed at each other at the starlight reception, and everyone’s face was sinister.
Not long after, in the five-star restaurant, nine furtive figures rushed to the carriage line one after another.
Then three wagons were triggered from Hangzhou City and left for Kongtong School.
Since Pang Xia made a scene and Zhang Sanfeng repelled Mogu, the number of Kongtong players has decreased by nearly 60%, and the population has become thin.
Pang Xia and others successively came to the Kongtong Mountain to get together.
"According to the Vivian Dawson plan to Xiaoqing, descendants of Cai Lun, crows, and broken swords, the four of you go to that place and put a bullet gun.
There are only five people left to provoke the Kongtong Sect to lead the old guy Mogu out.
Then find a way to lure him here, and wait for me to make a sword fly from the west to the sky at the same time, which is the signal.
When the time comes, you can aim at Mogu to launch a solar ballista. "
When they heard Pang Xia’s words, they nodded in succession, and then nine people divided into two groups and acted separately.
After everyone left, a figure came out from behind a big tree.
If Pang Xia sees him, he can immediately recognize him, or she has not seen Su Rongrong for a long time.
"If you are dealing with master np, your plan is certainly very good.
But it is not enough to face the people in the world at the master level.
Let me collect a tail for you, instead of beating one out! "
Muttered a Su Rongrong eyes turned black.
Suddenly, in a world where players can’t see the data, the whole Kongtong Mountain is closed, and unless someone in the world breaks through the closed data, the root can’t sense what is happening in it.
Su Rongrong just wanted to find a place to sit in her ear when suddenly Pang Xia sounded.
"Sister Rong Rong, thank you for your help, so as to save me distraction!"
Hearing this, Su Rongrong first smiled, but after careful consideration of the meaning of this sentence by Pang Xia, Su Rongrong had to be horrified.
Because Pang Xia’s words mean that he has already found himself hiding aside, which many people in the world can’t do.
And the meaning in the words is that it shows that Pang Xia can also do this in the way of data blockade of Kongtong Mountain, which means that the meaning is completely different! ‘
Chapter 261 and MoGuGang positive
If, as Pang Xia said, he can indeed ban the whole Kongtong Mountain in the data world, then Su Rongrong thinks it is necessary to have a good talk with Pang Xia (
You know, even in doves, there are only three people who can do this: her and the leader of Zhang Sanfeng doves.
It is rare for hawks and neutrals to be able to do this.
As a result, Pang Xia’s position in the inner world is naturally very different.
Just as Su Rongrong was entangled, Pang Xia and five people had already left Kongtong Mountain.
At this time, in addition to Mogu, there is also a Tang Wenliang in Kongtong Mountain.
Yu Yu’s senior np department died in Pang Xia’s hands, so I don’t want to see them for a short time.
Pang Xia came to the entrance of the Kongtong Sect Mountain to enlighten the Upanishads and turn to the fallen gods seven times, but he saw that his fists were filled with black fog and boxing strength, which had already saved his strength.
"I can’t act for seven minutes. You should try it first. Now, I’m a kongtong pie.
It is said that all senior np of a sect can be refreshed only after they are dead.
I think the Kongtong players have a miserable life, so help them find their lost np! "
Hearing Pang Xia’s words, everyone rushed into the entrance of Kongtong School with insidious smile.
Holding the plan of burning, killing and grabbing all the lights, one sword wins the snow, one thought, nine Hao and Vivian Dawson kill each other with guns and set a fire by the way, so that there is no high-end combat power. Kongtong players are losing ground.
And even some Kongtong players are not as good as nature, and they are not four-man opponents with one sword to win the snow.
In particular, a sword wins snow. Since I learned that flying in the sky, every sword seems to contain great power.
Yan’s sword in his hand is simply touching it and rubbing it will hurt the abnormal condition.
The four men made no secret of the door attack and soon led to the leader Tang Wenliang.
Tang Wenliang, the strongest of the five old men in Kongtong, has reached the peak of his innate strength, and he is one step away from reaching the master level.
So when he appeared, the four men put away their playful thoughts in four directions and watched carefully with anger among the four men, Tang Wenliang.
"You four young players are so bold that you dare to come to my school. Don’t leave anyone today!"
Tang Wenliang raised his fists, but saw that his fists vibrated for seven times. The Seven Wounded Fists, a unique school of Kongtong School, was directly displayed by Tang Wenliang.
A fist full of murderous look came out. Tang Wenliang took the lead in throwing his fist at the sword and winning the snow!
Several boxing shadow towards the sword wins the snow boom in the past.

I can’t wait to throw this dead woman

"Stupid woman, shut up and talk again. Believe it or not, I will throw you away?"
Jiang Xue Bud’s face is shaking his calves and playing around. "Oh, then you will throw me away." [
"Don’t I dare not Section 31: If you want to lose it, you can lose it!
Jiang Xue Bud’s face is shaking his legs and playing around. "Oh, then you will throw me away."
"Don’t I dare!"
This stupid woman is so confident that he won’t throw her away? "I didn’t do that. You can throw it away if you want."
Ji Yue Liu Yin pursed her lips and took a deep breath, "You woman …"
I knew he was just talking at most [
She’s pregnant with his child. Is he willing to throw himself away?
"Hey, don’t walk too fast. If you smoke, your sister is still behind you. If you walk too fast, she can’t follow."
Say Jiang Xue bud turned toward the cloud if smoke provocative smile.
See cloud if smoke gnashing stare at her a pair of very anxious to cramp her skin.
"If smoke?"
There was some doubt in the sound of the silent moon flow and then stopped.
Turned around and saw YunRe smoke is a face of pathetic looking at him.
Those deer eyes are generally clear, and a layer of water mist has been covered in them.
Where can you still see half a point of evil?
"If you smoke, you don’t have to follow behind you to get ready first."
Cloud if smoke bite lips reluctant to nodded his head.
Brother Liu Yin likes obedient girls … Even if she is unhappy in her heart, she can’t go against his will.
He will carry this woman … just because of the child in her belly.
He will be better to himself when he has other children after himself.
It’s a child
She needs a child.
Only when she has children can she compete with this humble woman for the heart of her brother.
"Good if smoke this to prepare"
If the cloud smoke goes away, Jiang Xueya reaches out and pats the silent moon stream and says softly, "Well, you can let me go now" [
The sound of the silent moon ignored her and continued to walk behind her back. "Isn’t it backache?"
Jiang Xue Bud chuckled, "It’s backache, but now it’s suddenly not sour."
"Do you have to be so unforgiving?"
The sound of the silent moon stopped, and the sound was neither cold nor hot, and I couldn’t recognize a trace of emotion-
Afternoon, continue with Section 3: There is nothing wrong with stupid women listening to me.
"Do you have to be so unforgiving?" The sound of the silent moon stops, and the sound is neither cold nor hot, and I can’t hear a trace of emotion.
Jiang Xue Bud Leng Leng immediately came over for nothing. What was he talking about?
She grinned with something of a sneer, "People don’t attack me, I don’t attack, I don’t want her to be an enemy, but she has regarded me as an enemy."
"If the smoke is afraid that you will take me away, she is not bad."
Jiang Xue Bud raised her eyebrows. "Where?" [
"You can pack her more."
Why should she pack her more?
What, she didn’t wrap herself up?
This smelly fox ….. Even if he is her, won’t she be regarded as an enemy?
A woman’s jealousy is terrible.
"What’s to keep her?"
Even if you want a bag, it should be him.
Why should his own woman let herself pack it?
She is not so broad-minded and has no sense.
She knows, but she will return the favor to anyone who is not nice to her Jiang Xue bud.
"Don’t give Ruo a pipe. You’re … no match for her."
Jiang Xue bud slightly dazed.
What does this smelly fox mean?
Maybe … He is still worried about her?

"Well, then I won’t force you! Be careful when you go back! " Ye Qing is very calm and tunnel. In fact, he has never thought about how to treat Da Mi tonight. Just as Thomas said, he is completely immersed in the excitement that K is coming to the club.

Big honey left her pie mouth and then went to the side of the road and stopped a taxi. She turned to look at Ye Qing and said, "Then I’ll go!"
"Well, give me a call when you get there slowly!" Ye Qing didn’t want to retain any meaning at all. Honey felt very interesting, so she gritted her teeth and drove away from Ye Qing’s sight soon. Ye Qing twisted her neck a little and strode towards his place of residence.
Big honey leans against the window and looks at the retrogressive high-rise buildings and trees on both sides of the road, just like the process of time, but time will go forward and never go backwards. She is a little depressed. Ye Qing, that guy, is sometimes considerate and sometimes doesn’t understand amorous feelings like an old elm head. He didn’t want to go home tonight, but he was a little reserved. As a result, Ye Qing let her go home with the show.
Ye Qing went to bed without even washing his face. It seems that he was really exhausted. He soon fell asleep. He slept soundly that night. He didn’t know when Dong Laoer and Zhao Junzhu came back.
The next morning, when he got up, he smelled the smell of porridge. When he walked into the living room, he saw three bowls of porridge and two plates of pickles on the dining table, and a plate of fried cakes, which looked golden and attractive. Ye tilted his hand and took a bite of a cake, which was crisp and delicious.
Zhao Junzhu came out of the kitchen and saw Ye Qing stealing food. He smiled, "Is Brother Ye delicious?"
"delicious! Jun Zhu, you are really capable and can make cakes! " Leaf sincerely praised.
"It’s the first time for me to learn from my mother." Zhao Junzhu was embarrassed to tunnel.
Ye Qing took the cake and looked at the door of Dong Lao’s second room and asked, "Where’s the second child?"
Zhao Junzhu frowned and some bitterness tunnel "still sleeping? He drank too much wine last night, and now he probably hasn’t sobered up yet, so I thought it would be better to let him eat porridge earlier. Porridge is nourishing the stomach."
"You are so kind to him. I don’t know what luck this little boy has left to meet such a good girl as you. You eat first and I’ll get that little boy up!" Ye Qing said that he would put the cake in his hand into his mouth and then quickly walked into Dong Fannie and Freddie.
Dong Laoer is lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, with one leg still hanging on the edge of the bed. Ye Qing shook his head very politely. This guy is still sleeping in the same position as when he was in college. It’s extremely difficult to watch him go to the bed, stretch his feet and kick Dong Laoer’s ass. Dong Laoer turned over and fell asleep again.
"I slept quite dead!" Ye Qing muttered something and then stepped up his efforts to push Dong Laoer’s ass.
Dong Lao Er immediately turned and sat up and shouted angrily, "Who the fuck is going to die! ?” He opened his eyes in a daze and saw Ye Qing at the bedside. He immediately scratched his head awkwardly and said, "It’s the boss. Why did you kick my ass?"
"wake you up, I still hope you won’t come back later. Now that you are back, I won’t let you be late. Come to the club with me later. This is not about catching young men, but the normal training of the club. You can’t be absent!" Leaf tilt is very firm tunnel
Dong Laoer gave me a wry smile. He was still sleeping in a bar and was kicked in the bag. His temper was a little big. He was always used to arrogance outside, otherwise he wouldn’t have caused so much trouble at sea, but he was as gentle as a little sheep in front of Ye Qing.
"I don’t know how I came back … it’s estimated that narration bamboo dragged me back. That girl has been clamoring for coming back. She doesn’t know that in fact, there is a bed in the luxury bag …" Dong Lao Er’s words haven’t finished yet, but she saw Ye Qing’s face was wrong and suddenly shut up.
Ye Qing looked at Dong Laoer very seriously. "Laoer, you are getting more and more ridiculous. It is wrong to take your girlfriend to a bar to fool around. Do you still want to pull people to spend the night in the bar? Do you know where the bar is? Aren’t you afraid that other men will take advantage of your girlfriend in those messy places? Zhao Junzhu is not the kind of girl who likes to play. She is simple. Don’t lead her astray! "
Dong Laoer whispered for a long time before saying, "Boss, you’re right. I’m an asshole. I shouldn’t do that. Don’t worry, I’ll treat Jun Zhu well. She’s a good girl and I won’t hurt him."
With these words, Dong Laoer got up and scratched his hair and said, "Let’s have breakfast first."
"Zhao Jun bamboo is really capable and fried cakes for you to eat early, and because you drank the wine, she personally cooked porridge to nourish your stomach. How sweet! Be sure to cherish it! " Ye Qing told a way
Dong Laoer made an ok gesture and then walked out of the room. He saw Zhao Junzhu sitting at the table waiting for them very cleverly. He couldn’t help but feel a warm feeling in his heart. Zhao Junzhu always brought him this warm feeling. He felt that Ye Qing was right. Such girls must be cherished. In today’s era, there are so few such girls. It is good luck to meet one!
"honey, you are great. You definitely have the potential to be a pastry chef. I love you so much!" Zhao Junzhu was very surprised by Dong Laoer’s disgusting words. She couldn’t help asking, "Where did the sun shine today? You should praise me!"
"Don’t I often praise you?"
"Where do you always hit me, saying that my clothes are too simple, that I can’t dress up, that I’m clumsy and can’t do anything, that my legs are short and a little thick, and that my eyebrows are not thick, flat and straight, and there is no curve? Are you always picking on my shortcomings today?"
"That’s because you didn’t fry this cake for me before. I didn’t know you were so capable! In fact, I deliberately hit you. You are too natural. You think you are beautiful and have a market, so I won’t be able to tie you down. "Dong Laoer is very witty and tunnel.
Ye Qing just came over and heard Dong Laoer’s words and immediately interjected, "Jun Zhu, don’t listen to his nonsense. He usually says that a woman is beautiful, which is the truth, because it is absolutely impossible for him to say the word beautiful to an ugly woman. In this respect, he is still honest, but this honesty is a bit annoying. He is true in dealing with women, never hypocritical and never speaks without conscience. If he praises your beauty, then you are really beautiful. In his eyes, this is the case."
Chapter 474 Reasons for breaking up
After eating pancakes and porridge, Ye Qing went out of the door. Dong Laoer’s head was still a little groggy, but there was no problem after walking. Ye Qing looked at the buildings and landscapes on both sides of the road and didn’t know what it was, but he couldn’t remember what it was.
"Second, did we close the door when we went out?" Ye Qing suddenly asked Dong Laoer that some monks were puzzled. Why did the boss ask this question? He usually goes out and doesn’t care about it. But since Ye Qing asked, he still replied honestly, "Why do you ask this?"
"No, I always feel that there is one thing that is right. I just want to ask if the door is open …" Ye Qing said this sentence and Dong Laoer slapped him and gloated. "Boss, you are obsessive-compulsive!"
"get out! I’m not obsessive-compulsive, but I really haven’t done anything. What should I do when I come back from the sea? Who will wake me up! " Leaf tilt is very serious tunnel
Dong Laoer thought for a moment, "Didn’t you change it?"
"Seriously! Don’t make trouble, will you? If you can’t think of it, shut up with me! " Ye Qing is very authentic
Dong Lao Er immediately put his hands over his mouth and Ye Qing turned his attention to Zhao Jun bamboo. Zhao Jun bamboo immediately waved her hand blankly. She didn’t follow her to the sea this time. How could she know that Ye Qing had something to do after she came back?
Ye Qing nai shook his head and said, "Forget it. I’m too lazy to think about it. Anyway, we’ll know!"
The three of them went to the club building, and Ye Qing saw a long queue of people waiting for the stairs in the hall. Many of them were holding a cup of Starbucks coffee in their hands. It seems that they all worked overtime last night, and they will rely on coffee early in the morning.
Seeing the coffee leaves in these people’s hands suddenly reminded me of what I didn’t do. He came back for two days and forgot to unite Su Yanbing. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he should forget Su Yanbing after making a promise to Da Mi. He doesn’t know how to face Su Yanbing and how to tell Su Yanbing.
He is not a man who likes to escape. This kind of thing must be made clear to Su Yanbing face to face and then made a clean break. This is the real man, but now he has not figured out how to say it. It is simple but it will definitely hurt Su Yanbing quite deeply.
The last thing Ye Qing wants is to hurt Su Yanbing, but in fact, no matter what he says this time, it will hurt Su Yanbing. After all, he promised Su Yanbing when he was at sea. If he goes back on his word now, wouldn’t he be a traitor!
Looking at Ye Qing’s sad face, Dong Laoer patted Ye Qing’s shoulder and said, "Who owes you money and hasn’t paid it back?"
You!’ Ye Qing pointed to Dong Laoer and immediately stood by his hand and said, "Please, I never owe anyone money. How can a talented young man like elder brother borrow money from others? I can’t spend all my own money! Boss, what are you worrying about? "
Ye Qing looked at the long queue in front and frowned, then sighed, "Second, I think you should be an expert in this field. Maybe you will have a good idea, right?"
"In what way? I’m an expert in many ways. Hey hey … "Dong Laoer is very obscene and laughs.
"What if you want to break up with one of your girls without hurting her?" Ye Qing looked at Dong Laoer with hope. Zhao Junzhu also cocked up his ears to listen to what Dong Laoer would say about his middle of the back. It’s better to have a preparation to be fooled by Dong Laoer.
Dong Laoer was a little surprised. He didn’t expect Ye Qing to ask this question. He didn’t directly answer Ye Qing but asked, "Eldest brother, do you want to break up with the big boss? You have to think clearly. The big boss is a good girl. She is true to you. I can feel that you should cherish it! "
Ye Qing waved his hand and said, "Who told you I was going to break up with Mier? Don’t make a wild guess and tell me the way quickly!"
Dong Laoer breathed a sigh of relief and laughed. "I told you, if you didn’t scare me, you changed your mind when you slept last night. Did you help others ask?"
"I told you to stop asking so many questions and say it quickly!" Leaf tilt impatiently press a way
Dong Laoer scratched his head and thought hard, then shook his head and said, "I’m sorry, boss. Although I am an expert in this field, I really can’t think of a reason not to hurt the other party. Besides, most of the women I used to be with were directly sent away when I broke up with money. It didn’t hurt at all!"
Ye Qing suddenly said contemptuously, "Money is the most despicable means. If the other party doesn’t care about money, is there no way?"
"Anyway, I can’t think of any way. If I want to break up with a girl, I will say it straight away. As the saying goes, it’s best to have a good time if you have a long pain." Dong Laoer is very free and easy
Zhao Junzhu broke in with some sadness when he heard this. "If you want to break up with me, I hope you can just say don’t lie to me and don’t make excuses, okay?"
Dong Laoer immediately revealed a gentle smile. "I am not the former Dong Tiancheng. Don’t worry, I won’t break up with you. We will be together forever!"
Zhao Junzhu was in a good mood when he said this. Zhan Yan smiled and said, "Well, I believe you."
Ye Qing sighed naively. "It seems that the damage can’t be avoided. I can think of some way to minimize the damage."
"Eldest brother, it was your own thing. Which younger sister are you going to break up with? I really didn’t see that you have an upright face but an uneasy distraction! I have learned to step on two boats, awesome! " Dong Laoer gave a thumbs-up sign.
Zhao Junzhu also looked at Ye Qing curiously. She obviously didn’t expect Ye Qing to have other women besides big honey. She always thought Ye Qing was a good man and a single-minded man, but she couldn’t help but be slightly disappointed when she heard Ye Qing’s words today.
Ye Qing saw that both of them were staring at her and suddenly she was embarrassed and explained, "No, Su Yanbing wanted to make up with me when she was at sea, so I thought of some way to refuse her without hurting her."
"Oh, it was Su Yanbing! Boss, isn’t that your goddess? Isn’t it your dream to ask her to make up with you? You are so cruel that you refuse her? " Dong Laoer looked unbelievable, so it was. Ye Qing once had a crush on Su Yanbing, which surpassed F. At that time, Su Yanbing was everything to him. He could not forget Su Yanbing or refuse Su Yanbing.

"Knock …"

"Come in" Ouyang Tianyi shouted.
Yun Zhuiyue and Ouyang Tianyi looked up at Hanxiang and they looked at each other. Yun Zhuiyue first asked, "Why are the four of you here today?"
Fanran pulled Fontaine and quickly knelt down in front of Yunzhuiyue and Ouyang Tianyi.
"Shi Ye Shi Fei Fan Ran wants to marry Fang Dan and ask Shi Ye and Shi Fei to become" Fan Ran changed his smirk and looked serious.
Fontaine knelt shyly and didn’t speak.
Cloud chasing the moon at first glance, he thought that Fan Ran would begin to understand early. I didn’t expect to come to her with Fontaine now.
"This is a good thing, princess, of course, but Fanran Fangdan is an orphan and I grew up together. We are just like sisters. Let’s not say that Anping Wangfu and Qisha Palace are her family …"
"The July 7th evil spirit palace …" Fan Ran’s eyes are almost falling out in surprise, and his hands are tightly holding a girl in General Fangdan’s mansion. How can she have a relationship with the Seven Evil Spirit Palace? This is too shocking.
Fontaine glanced at Fanran proudly and knew that he would look like this when he knew it.
Atractylodes macrocephala did not have much surprise after listening to it! The identity of the seven evil spirits palace is enough for Xianger to stay with her for so many years, which explains his doubts.
"It’s true that Fontaine and Hanxiang are my right-hand men in the Seven Shaks Palace. Apart from Xiang Xuan, they are the most profitable. You marry Fanran, but I am the left-hand man of the Seven Shaks Palace. Can you guarantee that you will marry Fontaine all your life?" Fanran wants to marry Fontaine Fontaine. Fanran must know that because some Fontaine will often go out, she doesn’t want them to quarrel about these things when they get married.
Fan Ran swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The princess in front of him is the mother of the Seven Evil Houses! He can really find the treasure by walking at night!
"Shi Fei Fan Ran swore to heaven that she would marry Fontaine all her life. If Fan Ran failed Fontaine, it would be a natural death." Fan Ran immediately raised his hand and swore that he was also an orphan. Anyway, it is good to marry a daughter-in-law. If he can marry a good girl like Fontaine, he will wake up with a smile in his dreams in the middle of the night.
"Ah! Why do you always say something unlucky? bah, bah, bah! Who let you be struck dead? "said Fontaine quickly. Bah, three people looked at her and looked at her so much. They all smiled at Fan Ran, Ouyang Tianyi and Yun Zhuiyue.
"Well, you get up! You two have already discussed with the moon, Fan Ran. You are also an orphan. After you get married, you will live in the back yard of Yi Kun Palace. There is a separate courtyard, and there is your home. "Ouyang Tianyi is pleased to see Fan Ran. He can find his own happiness and is very happy for him.
"Xie Shiye and Shi Feicheng" Fan Ran was so happy that he wanted to shout loudly that he finally got the beauty back.
"Thank you, Miss in-laws." Fontaine is also full of joy and shyness. A little blush with shame with his head down is very attractive. From time to time, he looks up and looks at Fanran with shyness and wants to throw Fontaine down.
"Wedding day? Let Hanxiang do Hanxiang for Fontaine, and they will find a person who can count words. Let’s look at the auspicious day and figure out their two characters. Just look at the appropriate day to avoid the Tenth Five-Year Plan and the Tribute Day. "It’s not difficult to chase the moon. Fanran believes that he will be single-minded to Fontaine.
"Yes, Miss, I will go early in the morning with fragrance." Hanxiang is also very happy for Fontaine. Since we love each other, we must be brave together to be happy.
Atractylodes macrocephala looked at Fan Ran with a happy face and thought that he used to be so happy. He ruined that happiness himself, but now he won’t. He will cherish the happiness in front of him.
Atractylodes macrocephala took a brave step and clenched his fragrant hand in an instant
"Atractylodes macrocephala, what are you doing? Let go "with fragrant force jilted to jilt Atractylodes macrocephala hand but Atractylodes macrocephala grip tightly how also can’t open.
Atractylodes macrocephala just dragged Hanxiang to the front of Yunzhuiyue and Ouyang Tianyi.
Cloud chasing the moon looked at them and shook his head, and his heart was still open.
"Shi Ye Shi Fei Bai Zhu wants to marry a fragrant man and ask Shi Ye and Shi Fei to succeed." Bai Zhu did the same thing as Fan Ran said.
Fanran smiled Baizhu this counterparts finally begin to understand.
"Miss children, don’t listen to Atractylodes macrocephala nonsense. Who is going to marry him?" Don’t look back with fragrance, but your face is flushed and doesn’t look angry.
Cloud chasing the moon got up and looked at Atractylodes macrocephala faint and said, "Atractylodes macrocephala this woman is like a pear, which is sweet on the outside but sour on the inside, because it eats people and finally throws away your heart. In the past, just like this pear, you tasted a sweet marriage that made your heart swing, but you didn’t realize her sadness. For Aroma, you are like an onion, but if you want to see your heart clearly, you have to peel it off layer by layer. But in the peeling process, you bring her tears and peel it off until the end, which is still sad. Now you leave Aroma with Have you seen clearly that "cloud chasing the moon doesn’t want to force her to respect the choice of fragrance-containing things?"
"The princess’s fragrance is still left to Atractylodes macrocephala. The first time she saw it, her heart moved with the passage of time, and her feelings were still the same. She didn’t disappear with the passage of time. In the whole waiting process, Atractylodes macrocephala learned to cherish, such as seeing her feelings whiter, and it’s not easy to love each other." Atractylodes macrocephala seriously looked at the clouds and chased the moon and said that he really understood now. Chapter 170: Blood pact is the next life.
"Atractylodes macrocephala, it seems that you already know love." Yun Zhuiyue listened to Atractylodes macrocephala and his eyes lit up.
"Han Xiang Bai Zhu is now white. Where is he wrong? Love is not easy to love with fragrance, what can you love without loving you? You are young and healthy, and you love to go when you have enough health. "Cloud Chasing the Moon envies the fragrance in your heart. They can love to go when they have enough time, even if they occasionally play some small things, and they can adjust slowly when times come.
Ouyang tianyi, Baiyun chasing the moon, has a choking pain in his heart, and he won’t let her leave himself.
"Miss …" With fragrant eyes hanging down, I can’t bear to look at all the eyes of the cloud chasing the moon. Miss Bai’s pain in her heart is that she can really have no way to solve Brahma poison.
"Hanxiang, it’s up to you to ask me and Shiye for Atractylodes macrocephala."
"Yes, Miss Hanxiang will consider it carefully." Hanxiang pulled Atractylodes macrocephala up, but Atractylodes macrocephala didn’t move. There was a tendency that he wouldn’t get up until Hanxiang promised her.
"What are you doing? Up "with incense some nu stare at atractylodes macrocephala.
"Unless you promise me to get married," Atractylodes macrocephala broke the jar and broke him. What a shame he is in front of Fan Ran!
Fanran touched Fontaine. It’s funny to look at Atractylodes macrocephala. There are times when Atractylodes macrocephala makes a search.
"You …" Hanxiang Nai also knew that Atractylodes macrocephala was stubborn and thought for a while. They had an emotional foundation in the past, just like the young lady said, to untie her heart, and everything was not a problem.
"You get up first! I’ll give you the answer at the latest. "Hanxiang made a final concession.
Atractylodes macrocephala looked fragrant and knew that she had made the final concession. I was very happy that ten * * became Atractylodes macrocephala.
Cloud chasing the moon and Ouyang Tianyi smiled at one another and knew that Hanxiang gave in.
"You all go out! When Hanxiang went to show Fangdan the day, if she figured it out, show it to herself, by the way. "Yunzhuiyue joked that she understood Hanxiang and she would do so."
"Miss, you make fun of Hanxiang." Hanxiang stamped her foot with a shy face.
"Well, I won’t tease you. Go out and do things!" Cloud chasing the moon and other things, she has to unlock the secrets in her notes quickly.
"yes, miss"
After they all left, Yun Zhuiyue picked up pink notes to study.
Ouyang Tianyi frowned: "The moon has been sitting in the room for a long time, so let’s go out for a walk!" "
"Ahem … Master Shi has actually thought of a way to chase the moon and just want to give it a try!" Cloud make track for the moon smiled and moved some stiff body.
Ouyang Tianyi looked distressed and helped her hold her shoulder. What are you talking about?
The cloud chasing the moon forced a drop of blood into the notes, and her eyes stared at the notes, and the blood came out. She suspected that the wandering monk had set up a blood soul illusion here.
Soon the cloud chasing the moon confirmed her idea.
"Master Shi, you see that people have set up a blood soul technique here, and now it can be solved." Cloud chasing the moon said with a face of surprise, and his heart was even more excited.
"Ha ha! The moon has seen you excited … "Ouyang Tianyi knew that she would soon be able to solve the puzzle.
Slowly, the notes automatically turn up, and bloody scenes suddenly pour into the mind of chasing the moon.
"hmm!" The cloud chasing the moon is painful, and the cloud chasing the moon is painful and closes its eyes. The bloody scene makes the cloud chasing the moon not want to face it.
"Moon, what’s wrong with you?" Ouyang Tianyi shook the cloud and chased the moon, but turned a deaf ear to the cloud and still closed his eyes. Ouyang Tianyi was in a hurry and wanted to touch the cloud and chased the moon when suddenly a light surrounded them.
There were different scenes in two people’s minds. The corpses were everywhere. The battlefield was full of blood. A man in silver-gray armor had a red face and could not see clearly. A long sword in his hand was dripping with blood.
Opposite him, a woman in a red uniform pointed a sword at the man and looked at him sharply with a pair of original delicate eyes.

Ting Xiang was surrounded by the painting clouds and laughed. "Is this what the girl did for the old lady?"

Despite the smoke is not never seen Ting Xiang diffuse nor received Ting Xiang’s fragrance, but it is the first time that Ting Xiang has been so flattering, so I couldn’t help but give birth to some vigilance in my heart and say with smile, "Exactly, I am clumsy and can’t do it well without nine elder sisters. How can I be so ingenious?"
What’s coming? "
Old ladies and housemates are decent in front of their masters, so we can’t really treat them as slaves.
"I want to give the old lady a pair of shoes, but I can’t find a good-looking shoe sample. I heard that the shoes painted by eleven girls are novel and good-looking, so I found them by myself." Ting Xiang smiled. "At least the girls feel bad about me. I’ll be grateful if you don’t let me go back!"
Gu smoke busy laughed "what is it worth? !” I asked her to go to the store and take out many shoe samples, so that Ting Xiang could look at one and sigh another, but she liked it. Looking at her with shining eyes, she praised her.
This is really strange. The clouds looked at each other and saw some nai in each other’s eyes.
Before the clouds, Pingchun was the second-class girl in the old lady’s room. When I was a child, Tingxiang grew up together. She knew that Tingxiang’s nature was called’ Phoenix Treasure Don’t Fall’. If she was not liked by the old lady or not much, the Lord would suffer from her.
It’s amazing to come here and pay attention. My eyes are about to fall out.
When Ting Xiang went to Gu Yan, she put away her smile. Outside, she said, "Sister Qiu Hua came from the girl’s eldest wife, saying that the old lady ordered the eldest wife to make summer clothes for the girls and choose materials for you!"
If it was just a coincidence that Ting Xiang really valued the novelty of her shoes, it would be a coincidence that Qiu Hua came.
Despite the smoke, the color flashed with a puzzled light way, "I’ll go out if I know."
After turning the round mask and opening the curtain, Qiu Hua next door was greeted with a smile. "Come and pick eleven girls. This pattern is beautiful this year! The old lady said that the girls asked Miss Yi to make clothes! "
Ayi is really good at cutting clothes, cutting clothes with good styles and caring for cigarettes. She will hold back her doubts in her heart, smile and take a look at the album, and then glance at the table with all kinds of cloth. The doubts in her heart are even more aggravated, and she is a little uneasy.
None of the samples have been circled. This cloth is in line with all the styles in this album. It means that without Gu Qing, their first daughters actually sent it directly to their own faces to let them choose?
Does this mean the old lady or fann?
One hundred and seventy-four rescue meritorious service
The old lady won’t take herself so seriously.
And fann has not given herself a good look because she once harmed Gu Qing to go to Zhuang in those years. So if it is fann, why would she do that?
Is it a coincidence that Ting Xiang, the big girl in the old lady’s room, came over?
Very easy to pick out four sets of clothes with trepidation, but she felt a cold sweat coming out of her palm unconsciously.
Qiu Hua laughed even happier and blushed to smile. "It is said that our eleven girls have a good eye for choosing styles. It is really the best to wait until they are made. Wearing them is to compare all the girls in the house!"
Compare all the girls in the house? What about Gu Qing, Gu Lin and Gu Man? Not saying too much.
Gu Man also forget fann, surely she doesn’t like her very much, but Gu Qing and Gu Lin are fann’s first daughter Qiu Hua. How can a big girl not know what to say and what not to say? It’s not too much to say this sentence to raise yourself and belittle your own householder.
But despite the smoke and frowning at the same time some at a loss.
Gu old lady’s people came here with fann, and all of them said a compliment, obviously to please her. But Gu Yan was just a prostitute, and she was very fond of it when Gu Boqi took a high look. Just this, how can she persuade the old lady to please fann deliberately? There must be something you don’t know about.
Thinking about this, Qiu Hua sent the clouds out to listen for news.
The cloud is that Jiasheng knows more about the family than anyone else, and all the little girls are good to her, and all the girls in the old lady’s room are familiar with her.
Before the cloud came back from listening to the news, Gu Yan listened to the show and reported that it was the fourth wife.
Fourth wife Fang?
Fang has always had the word "copper" in her eyes, and she doesn’t recognize money. Plus, she is an ordinary woman, and she has never been in her eyes. This time, even she is here?
Heart suspicious more serious despite smoke press the temple at that time some don’t know how to parry.
Finally, she finally sent Fang, who was smiling all over her face, and somehow she felt a little collapsed. She sat down in the chair with a soft leg and did not move after half a ring.
She had the strength to tell the show to find someone, but Yunyun came back by herself and smiled when she came to see Gu Yan.
When I saw the clouds, I knew that even if something happened, it would be a happy event. I put some worries in my heart and leaned forward and asked, "If?"
Clouds first gave Gu Yan a salute and laughed. "It’s a great wedding for a girl!"
In the room, the air is a little floating, and the smoke is dizzy. Since I opened my eyes and listened to the clouds, I continued.
The cloud saw that she was really in a hurry and didn’t dare to sell again. "Last night, the imperial palace caught fire. I heard that the Royal Guards rushed to put out the fire, but they rescued several eunuchs. Finally, a waiter told them that the emperor seemed to have not been rescued in it. At that time, the fire had burned so hard that no one dared to be me again."
The Fifth Master poured a pot of water into his body and rushed in regardless to carry the emperor out! "
"Later, Wuye saved the long live grandfather, but he was smoked by smoke and burned in several places, so he was left in a hospital for diagnosis and treatment. It was not until today’s palace that he sent someone to pass the news."
What? !
Gu Yan knew that Gu Chengyu was seen by Lin Tongzhi, a security guard, because of his outstanding martial arts competition. He trained with him first, but he didn’t know that he could follow him to such a critical place in the palace.
The most important thing is that he rushed in and saved the emperor before the Royal Guards dared!
Gu Yan didn’t know how to react at the moment, just sitting in a chair and half ringing.
Knowing the news, Gu Man raised his eyelids and looked at Wang Tingran opposite him. "Is uncle thinking so?"
How important is the imperial house? How can it catch fire for a reason?
Wang Tingran smiled and stretched out his hand to drop the chess on the chessboard and looked at Gu Man with a smile. "I’d like to listen to Aman, but it’s not easy to hear that he is riding and shooting a Lin Tongzhi and appreciating his skill. He immediately decided to take it with him to cultivate it. This time, it’s just Lin Tongzhi taking him.
The first time I entered the palace, I met a fire in the imperial house. He rushed to save the emperor even if he didn’t want to die. It’s really admirable. "
Gu Chengyu, who else will know better than Gu Man?
He is a complete villain. Of course, he is still very kind to his own sister, which cannot be denied.
Gu Man thought for a while and then asked Wang Tingran, "I heard that this Lin Tongzhi Ouyang conductor is not very harmonious?"
There is also a fight in the Royal Guards, which is normal.
Lin Tongzhi never fought Ouyang Xuan until he died. Ouyang Xuan entered the Royal Guards at the age of 19 and was removed from the Royal Guards after the new emperor ascended the throne. However, later, the command of the Royal Guards became Gu Chengyu from Long Gong.
"It’s not very harmonious. This Lin Tongzhi has a very special history. His mother is a wet nurse of the Six Emperors."
I don’t know what Gu Man always thinks there are many strange things about this matter.
For example, the imperial house will suddenly catch fire. For example, Lin Tongzhi knows that there are so many royal guards, but I just brought Gu Chengyu.
However, if this list of possibilities is combined, the meaning behind it is too scary for Gu Man to say it.

Backhand, insert 【 Tears of Blood Rose 】 into the scabbard. Love flower Sheng Jingli controls the seven rainbow gods’ needle attack.

Seven silk threads generally have different colors, and the light passes through various traces and greets the natural body.
At this time, it is natural to see the flower scene attacking again without any tension and continue to wave the sword in his hand.
It’s still a slow sword speed, but none of the seven rainbow needles have scored the natural sword potential
Instead, the department was naturally flying out with a huge sword in its hand
At this time, the natural display is actually a swordsmanship in the Great Sun Tathagata Burning the Magic Wisdom Sword.
This swordsmanship is the most labor-saving way to defend the body by waving a giant sword.
In this swordsmanship, the blade, tip, body, hilt, armguard and so on are wrapped in all positions of the giant sword.
Any sword can resist the enemy’s attack
And this wide range of resistance allows the emissary to greatly save physical strength.
Therefore, the slower the swordsmanship is performed, the deeper the angel understands this swordsmanship.
According to these three moves, I naturally get the local notes of the Great Sun Tathagata Burning the Magic Wisdom Sword.
The highest level of defensive swordsmanship is called "Static Sword".
To reach this state, the sword in the hand is generally static.
Only when you resist the opponent’s attack can you move a sword slightly.
Will have a "static sword" call but now naturally haven’t mastered this situation.
Of course, this sword defense is of course a very powerful sword.
But this doesn’t mean that fencing will be the enemy naturally.
Among them, although there is fencing, naturally, the reason for the highest state has not yet been realized.
However, the more reason is that the lover Shengjing has already thought of a way to crack it.
Take back the seven rainbow needles, although dozens of ordinary embroidery needles have been played.
And these embroidery needles are also connected with red silk threads.
In the distance, it looks like a large piece of red glow naturally wrapped in the past.
Seeing those embroidery needles attack, it is natural to wave a sword in your hand to resist the embroidery needle attack.
The Seven-Rainbow Needle and the Seven-Rainbow Needle Method did not break the defense, and these ordinary embroidery needles naturally broke through the law.
However, the flower scene does not want to win by this large number of embroidery needles.
But want to let the embroidery needle connect the silk thread and wind it in the hands of nature.
The sword is strong, but if it is sharp, it is not.
When naturally found his sword has been wrapped around a number of red silk thread.
Even if you want to break away from the sword, those red silk threads won’t come.
Because when it was discovered naturally, the flower scene had already begun.
Grasp the red silk thread with both hands and connect the ends of the red silk thread to another embroidery needle.
Then shoot these embroidery needles directly towards the surrounding ground.
In the flower scene, the sunflower is really angry, and these embroidery needles shoot directly into the ground.
Make it natural that the sword in his hand was blocked by those red silk threads.
Although it can barely wave, it can only be within a certain range.
Seeing this, it’s natural to transport the hot qi and want it to break the red line of the giant sword.
I have to say that it is good and correct to think naturally.
But how can the magnificent scenery of love make it so easy for nature to retrieve the giant sword!
"Sunflower Collection" is a martial art that is good at speed.
Especially when the love flower Shengjing found the red leaf Zen master of Putian South Shaolin.
Raising the "Sunflower Collection" to the secret level has made the speed of love flowers reach a very high level.
Although there is still a gap compared with Pang Xia, the gap is not too big.
Therefore, naturally, the distance between the flowers and the scenery seems not too close.
But in love, the hand can reach the distance in the blink of an eye.
At this time, the love flower came to the front of nature instantly.
Make a sudden snatch a handbreadth and boom toward the natural heart.
Chapter 936 Sixteen-entry competition is over!
Naturally, the Great Sun Tathagata Burning the Magic Wisdom Sword has three swordsmanships.
These three swordsmanship methods are [burning sword], [guarding sword] and [air sword]
The first two have naturally come into play, and each has different powers, which can be said to be excellent swordsmanship.
However, the third move has never had a chance to display. However, at this time, I have a chance to face the palm of my hand.
The right hand still clung to the sword and wouldn’t let go, but naturally it loosened its left hand.
Seeing nature, the left hand and five fingers are close together like the tip of a giant sword.
At the same time, a thick firm but gentle from natural left palm generate.
Without hesitation, he waved his left palm and went straight to meet the palm of his hand.
Blink of an eye two hands relative to a roar.
Then the lover’s grand scene called a whole person to spin back.
Re-landed in the ring. Looking at the back of his right hand, he frowned slightly.

"Well, you tell me your detailed plan and I’ll see if I can give you a hand …"

"Pleasure …"
Chapter 26 You are me
Chapter 26 You are me
But things are always unexpected.
Half a month later, Shi Biao didn’t come, the four bandits didn’t move, and even the mysterious guest of the Li family didn’t show up. It was as calm as a stagnant pool, but there was one person who changed qualitatively, that is, Shang Xiuxun, the owner of Pegasus Ranch.
Shang Xiuxun seems to be a different person since that defeat.
The proud Shang Xiuxun disappeared and turned into a gentle maid, who was the most serious brother when Dong Lai Lu Miao proved martial arts. When Dong Lai Lu Miao exchanged poems and played piano music, she was the most obsessed follower. She was the most considerate nurse when she asked Lei Yin from the East to expel Monty’s true spirit for Lu Miao.
Always make Donglai and Shang Xiuxun vaguely have an inseparable form.
The monty spirit in Lu Miao’s body is very vicious, which makes Donglaifa gradually remove the way that Lei Yin can wash qi and blood and shake bone marrow. Although this method can cure the symptoms, it also makes Donglai have to endure it unless Donglai has seen the "Monty Skill" cheats. It really takes quite a long time to completely cure Lu Miao.
I hope that Lu Miao can also take care of himself and save money when I come to the East.
At this time, Donglai was explaining to Shang Xiuxun what "Dantian Gong" was.
Earlier, Lu Miao, the commander of Donglai, talked about the mystery of "Dantian Gong". Although Shang Xiuxun was curious, she heard a little about Naixiu. Now she just took the rare opportunity of the commander of Donglai to humbly ask him for advice.
Make Donglai patiently say, "Mind Boxing is the skill of dantian, that is, the skill of defending dantian is the main method of cultivating strength with mind boxing. The ancients said that it is the hardest to be in the spirit and mind, and it is difficult to be quiet and easy to be distracted. Mind Boxing is the skill of practicing and moving all over, and seeking luck in static and dynamic. If you exercise in dantian for a long time, you can achieve the goal of being energetic and strong. This kind of visualization, refinement and gravity exercise can make you refined, energetic and energetic.
Make Donglai wake up and say, "Xiuxun, you have a good martial arts foundation, and with your pure strength, you need to continue to practice the gas gravity method. You are superior in martial arts talent and believe that you will achieve something in three years."
I was a little confused when I saw Shang Xiuxun from the East. I knew that Shang Xiuxun was too impatient. If I could cultivate "Dantian Gong" to the extreme belief that Shang Xiuxun would become a master figure, even the East could not stand her at that time.
You know, Shang Xiuxun’s martial arts is not comparable to that of ordinary Jianghu experts. What she lacks is practical experience. Once Shang Xiuxun integrates the strength and skills of the future world, her strength will definitely rise to a higher level. With rich practical experience, she will definitely be stronger than the two ranch masters of Shang Peng and Shang He.
"Shang Xiuxun knows."
Shang Xiuxun is also a clever girl. When she saw the expression on Dong Lai’s face, she knew that she was not satisfied with her performance. She abandoned some so-called distractions and devoted herself to practicing martial arts.
Finish practicing and washing.
It makes Donglai feel a faint fragrance from far and near, and I know that the bearer is Shangxiuxun, but at this moment Shangxiuxun’s breath is not very stable and his heart is beating badly.
General practitioners can’t do this, and the result is simply to ruin themselves and make Donglai frown and say, "Shang Xiuxun, come in."
However, when Donglai saw that Shangxiu Xun had only a thin layer of light sand and perfect figure, an evil fire arose spontaneously.
In the past half a month, Shang Xiuxun from the east has become so close that if couples, especially Shang Xiuxun and Lu Miao get along, some mysterious force will gradually influence her to enter the "witch girl" in the story.
The reason is that Shang Xiuxun, a classical scholar from Donglai, has secretly grasped some secrets in the past, and Shang Xiuxun has changed qualitatively.
Of course, after the change of Shang Xiuxun, it was only for the East that he saw the roots of others.
"Men are made of mud and women are made of water. Mud and water can be burned into utensils. Men and women can practice together to make elixir …"
This is the basic theory of Yili.
This not only made Donglai dedicate a modern secret book, but it was the earliest western public yoga practice of Tantric Puno in 1930s, which caused a tsunami storm in western countries at that time.
The "big handprint yoga practice" is not a slap in the face of martial arts novels, but a method of cultivating body and mind. The whole big handprint means a perfect practice of harmony with Buddha.
The main theory of big handprint is "ten fingers connected to one heart", which means that the ten fingers of the human body and various organs have combined dexterity, and the fingers make various gestures to move various organs in the body, so that the body organs are as dexterous as the fingers.
This theory is very close to China’s theory that "the palm of your hand is not as good as the finger".
Moreover, the practice of big handprint is too complicated. There are some mysterious things in it, such as ideas, breathing, mind guidance, men’s and women’s joy, etc. Some things are specious and easy to cultivate into mental derangement. The most outrageous thing is that there is no way to keep fit after practicing, but it’s a pity that there is no fighting capacity.
Things like this make Donglai wonder how many of them have been filled with ancient and modern secrets.
I don’t know what Shang Xiuxun thought, but he realized a way from these two classical books to gradually change his temperament, and this change came from the fact that Shang Xiuxun’s cultivation was a double cultivation method.
More and more demon Shang Xiuxun saw that Dong Lai’s eyes were burning with enthusiasm, and she came back to her nest like a swallow, and her nest was to make Dong Lai broad-minded