"Don’t you think so?" The trees looked at him with their heads tilted. They were brother and sister, but they were just outsiders. Emotionally, it was understandable that he thought that.

Besides, white master and old lady Cong Baisong can think that they must have thought of it, but they haven’t questioned her yet. Is it because she hasn’t donated bone marrow to Bai Song? What do you have to endure?
"Since I got sick, I’ve learned a lot. Everything happens for a reason. It’s because Wan Ting did something sorry for you first. Now she deserves it. Although the punishment is heavier, besides, it’s because of you, but the result is not caused by you. It’s also the person behind the fault."
"I’m glad you think so. I’m not partial to Bai Wanting just because she is your sister."
"In fact, I have long regarded you as my sister in my heart." Bai Song blurted out and felt embarrassed to bow his head. He didn’t know anything. Since he first saw the forest, he heard her talk about her serious expression as a charity worker and told him that he would get better. He thought she was a different girl.
"It’s grandparents, parents, who abandoned you first. I’m sorry for you first. You should have complained to them earlier."
"Since you treat me like a sister, I’m welcome. I have a request for you."
Bai Song was stunned. I didn’t expect her to be so direct. She just said that she was a sister and she came to ask for it. It’s really impolite.
"You said I could do it."
"When you get well, you have to help me catch the murderer behind the scenes, whether it’s Bai Wanting or me."
Bai Song smiled. "I will." Originally, I was afraid that there would be a burden on my surgery someday, so I gave him an excuse and responsibility to live well.
"I will also go to the charity to help."
"Well, Bai Wanting, remember to tell me what’s going on." Trees took up their backpacks and walked away.
When I went out, I saw White Pearl standing outside the door. Are the others there? Is this because I’m afraid of what she will do to her son? She always felt that she looked at her with some kind of hatred.
She doesn’t talk to the trees, and the trees choose to ignore them.
"Hey, why did the beauty just come and leave and chat with my brother?" It turned out that Xiao Pang was still so enthusiastic.
The forest glared at him. "Watch your mouth. If my husband hears you, watch your legs."
"Who is your husband? Threaten me, don’t you? "
The forest was too lazy to pay attention to him. "Why haven’t you recovered from a broken cold?"
"Didn’t we say we were waiting for you?"
"Chatting" The trees turned to the ladder, and Xiao Pang also chased after them specially. White Pearl sneered and scolded "fox"
Xiao pang insisted on following her into the ladder and chattering around her. The trees heard a headache. "You are so rich that you won’t hire a nanny to talk with you?"
Section 237
"It’s boring to talk to them. I found it feels good to talk to you. How about I hire you? Three hundred dollars a day. "
The forest rolled its eyes. "Do you talk to everyone like you?"
"How to chat? You earn money with me. You still have meaning and social value. "
"I mean, you talk," the tree said to him word for word.
Xiao pang touched his face. "Don’t talk so close to me. It sprayed water on my face. Although I don’t dislike you, I’m not beautiful because of freckles."
The face of the trees is black and I can’t wait to swear.
It’s hard to get to the first floor, and Xiao pang is still following her. Do you know how annoying it is to keep talking about trees? She called the medical staff. "He can’t afford the medicine and wants to run away secretly."
There is not a single medical staff in this hospital who doesn’t know him. He has pulled him over and talked to him. When he heard the words from the trees, he calmly said, "It’s okay. His medicine has been settled until yesterday."
I’ve never seen such chatter. The whole hospital is so busy that he has time to talk with him. Besides, he has recovered from his cold and has to live here. If he hadn’t paid so much money a day in vip, he would have driven people away.
He is also very proud. "Thank you, Nurse Li, for explaining it to me."
Nurse Li smiled. "Don’t come to our room after you’re welcome. It’s a reward for me."
"How do you say this?"
"You see, you’ve become a hospital, everyone hates rats, and you don’t have any consciousness."
"I just like being sarcastic. What am I saying?"
The five senses of the trees are all wrinkled together. There are many people in the world.
"Mommy, Mommy, I’m coming to pick you up." The gentry saw her coming out at the hospital gate, ran out of the car and ran to her side.
"Why are the gentry here?" Trees are most interested in seeing children.
"I’m coming with my dad, and he’s worried about you. He’s afraid you’ll be bullied and he’ll come and pick you up." The gentry glanced at Xiao Pang next to him. "Mommy, who is he?"
You didn’t just drive dad away from peach blossom. Mommy wants peach blossom again, did you? Oh, what a trouble.
"Mommy doesn’t know us. Let’s go find Dad." The forest took the gentry’s hand and walked out.
Xiao Pang was shocked and touched Ba Dao. "Do you really have a child?" Looking at the trees ran past "hey, how do you say you don’t know me? I want to talk to you about it … "

Sasuke became nervous.

Once again, I thought of the blood moon that night in my mind.
What he saw that night was his Nissan.
The one he hates most is also the one he wants to surpass most.
His eyes make him have nightmares every night.
Chu Yun’s "sharingan is an evolvable normal evolution from one hook to three hooks".
"Under normal circumstances, sharingan will evolve into a higher form because of danger at the moment of life and death."
Chu Yun "commonly known as the eye, but I think the situation of sharingan’s enlightenment is the process of solving the limitation of the brain domain … If Sasuke can enlighten the first door, there should be a certain chance to evolve into Sangouyu."
Yakushi Kabuto was shocked and growled. Doesn’t this guy understand this world?
After the Uchihiro family was exterminated, all the documents in Konoha have been sealed. How can this guy know so clearly?
So this guy is talking nonsense?
But it doesn’t sound like anything.
It’s really … incredible.
Well … if he knew that Chu Yun had a wife who was Uchihiro, he wouldn’t think so.
At the same time, there was a servant, but then the servant defected.
What a sad story
Chu Yun went to see Hiruko this time, and naturally he also asked about the other two people who were arrested with Kaka.
Sasuke "I will definitely open the door first!"
Bells "promise …"
The original high-spirited oath was drenched with a large basin of cold water by Bell.
It’s a little weak to make a declaration in front of four people who can be casually.
Sasuke Jun flamed out and retreated to his own corner.
Chu Yun "Dou continues to say"
Miss Ueda’s defense is very strong. If the key is right, it will save the whole team from life and death. At the same time, as Ning Tsensen said, if you don’t know how to release your strength, it will be counterproductive to attack the enemy.
Dou is very clever in choosing the same name as Sasuke.
Chu Yun nodded his head. "Well … it would be nice to have as many floors as Rashomon. I will study one."
Good casual declaration
It is suffocating to reveal strong confidence at will.
Chu Yun: "Okay, it’s time to farm. Tell me what you think."
Yukita: "I … I’m really too weak. I can’t do anything except soft boxing … I can’t do anything well … I can’t do anything well …"
The more you talk about it, the sadder it gets. If you talk about it again, people don’t doubt that this girl will cry on the spot.
Chu Yun hurriedly stopped. "Let’s talk about others first, um … You wait for things and finally say that I believe I will have a solution."
Ueda "Oh …"
Everyone talks from Xiao Li, so I’ll talk from Xiao Li, too
Young Tian: "Xiao Li is strong even if he doesn’t have a door. He will never give up. He is much stronger than me. I want to learn from him."
Chu Yun "Well, the strength of the heart will rise, and this really needs to be strengthened."
Ueda "has a bright mind every day, and I can see through any problems I encounter. I will copy them and need to learn from her."
Chu Yun "IQ … I consider one"
Consider? Does Nissan need to consider such a clever person?
It seems that my IQ is hopeless …
Chutian was even more lost in his heart.
Ueda: "Sai works very seriously and doesn’t know what is worthwhile. He will remember it if I turn my head and forget it. I need to learn from him."
I have to say that Ueda said that the direction was not noticed by everyone.
But it’s more like
More thorough
Maybe even Ueda didn’t find himself really accurate in judging people.

No, most of them are illegitimate brothers …

"You have no wealth and status, but you are all favored and have nothing to do with you!" Na Lanqing said faintly in his eyes, "You deserve to be beaten to the ground, which is worse than a dead dog!"
Na Lanqing’s ridicule deeply hurt these people’s hearts and flew into a rage. "What are you …"
"I’m not a captain Na Lanqing!"
Tut tut tut tut …
79 one-on-one hit
There was a dead silence around Nalanqing.
Everyone stared at her with a twisted expression. Is this their new captain?
"Ha ha ha ha … NaLanQing you also want to consult a surname?" Hu San saw Nalanqing coming out immediately and was full of fighting spirit. Anyway, he had long seen this group of people unhappy and even took the lead to see if they dared to be arrogant.
Na Lanqing walked slowly to Hu San and looked up at the tall and stout man in front of him. "It’s true to ask for advice, but what are you going to do if a captain wins?"
"How can you lose if you are old?" Hu Sanwan hasn’t thought about it. Look at this skinny guy. Can he lose?
"It’s hard to say, don’t be weak. It’s still good to fight." As he spoke, Na Lanqing rolled up his sleeves and looked like he was going to fight.
Hu San looked at her slender arm and immediately disdained to laugh. "Poof-ha-ha … ok, I am the old saying that you can win, but if you lose …"
"Lost our 13th team immediately dissolved ~" NaLanQing directly.
Lying there, my buddies looked at Nalanqing like idiots. Didn’t you know that Hu Sanli was famous for his poverty in imperial riding?
Isn’t he looking for death?
Didn’t you see such a group of people lying flat?
This NaLanQing is either a brain-broken or an idiot ~
"Ok, that’s what you said!" When Hu Sanyi heard it, he immediately became interested. He just wanted this eyesore to dissolve the 13th team. It was a stain to stay in the imperial riding.
"Let’s make it clear how to compare?"
After listening carefully to Na Lanqing’s emaciated appearance, Hu Sanyi said, "I will lose even if you don’t lose thirty strokes!"
It’s an idiot not to take advantage of it
Na Lanqing saw a loose coat on her body. She took it off and hung it over her shoulder. Then she hooked her fingers at Hu San …
Hu San, a raptors rink hijinks without mercy, attacked directly towards Nalanqing’s heart.
Na Lanqing looked at him and bent down. She quickly hid. It seems that she narrowly escaped Hu San’s attack …
Staggering seems to be very difficult to stabilize your body.
Every kind of adventure
Hu San saw that she could escape her blow and raised her eyebrows. "It’s fast!"
When NaLanQing shook her body and finally held her steady, Hu San attacked her head-on and punched her. When she slipped, her fist hit the stone pillar behind her …
Complete fragmentation of stone pillars
He Lanqing leng.
This ….. This destructive power is too …
Her eyes squinted with a strange luster, as if she had met something of interest, and her mind immediately became active.
This is as rough as a monster. She wants it!
This destructive power is almost the same as her gunpowder … More importantly, did she feel the force at all?
Say that this man is born with divine power!
Flying away from the attack range of men, Na Lanqing is rarely serious. Her eyes are fixed on the man in front of her. When the man attacks, she flashes and disappears …
Hu Sanyi leng
Looking up, I found that this Wan Ku jumped high in front of me, which showed that the other party had a lot of flying skills.
People on the ground looked up and looked at this one by one with different eyes. After Hu San took several moves, Na Lanqing couldn’t say it was complicated in their eyes.

When fker blind monk took off the second red buff in minutes, he immediately gave it a wake-up call in Yefeng Middle Road.

The first wave of fker after level 6 was actually to help him in the middle.
Both fker and yefeng are top players.
When the news that fker was coming to gank Middle Road arrived, Feng started to prepare immediately without any delay.
It is absolutely enough for these two heroes to kill ez, but the timing is very important!
Another whirlwind of Q skills.
Night Maple Jianhao is the place where the main promotion E skill is chopped before stepping, and the Q skill does not come to the fastest time when it cools down, but the hero Q skill of Jianhao is only about four seconds when it cools down at the first level, which is very short.
"fker controlled the blind monk to come to the middle road. Do you want to cooperate with my Excalibur?"
"It feels very unreliable. A child care worker is a primary school monk."
"Lou, don’t tease you. My God and fker can’t play. These two people are very serious. It depends on whether they are serious."
When everyone directly saw fker brush the second wave of red buff in the middle of the minute, they went directly to the middle road, and immediately everyone got serious.
"My god Yasuo folded the hair dryer, which seems to be ready to make a move, but when to make a move is very particular. Do you want the blind monk to make a move first or do I have an Excalibur to make a move first?"
Fat boy glanced at the screen and knew it was time for him to analyze the game and explain the situation.
"Cut before stepping and cut before stepping, but it’s hard. ez, this hero, it’s still too hard for you to blow him … huh? Straight away! Oh, my God, is this an eq flash! "
From the perspective of Fat Boy’s live screen, this wave changed from tranquility to flurry, and the siege was formed in an instant.
Gdeyes Jian Hao didn’t show any intention of blowing a whirlwind before hard after folding the blow for two seconds, but when Jian Hao’s Q skill cooled down, he was still in a very safe position in ez.
Gdeyes jianhao beheaded the soldier before stepping, and the whole person’s body flashed and drifted horizontally, generally spanning 500 yards, and appeared beside ez.
Then ez’s body floated horizontally, and after a general attack, he made a big move and the wind stopped!
Eq flashes, and the whole movement is like the smoothest machine, which has no taste of childcare rope.
W touch the eyes to punish the small soldier Q skill Tianyinbo!
At the same time, the monks in fker primary school walked out of the grass with a set of skills. When ez was recruited by the sword master and had no escape ability, even if he was elegant and free, he could avoid the blind monk’s Q.
General attack and then e skills step forward and cut.
After the night maple’s big move, it didn’t stop manually. The general attack skills were spilled on ez.
And fker blind is very experienced. After the Q skill hits, the root doesn’t pick it up immediately. Instead, it follows it immediately after the eze skill arcane transition is displayed.
A series of swordsmen attacked and ignited ez, and the blood volume has already dropped to one third. This second Q followed by ez is already dead.
Fker directly made a big move, and the dragon wagged its tail and took away his last blood line.
The second volume Emperor’s Eye Chapter five hundred and fifty-three fker Primary School Monk
"fker was very clever and didn’t follow the second Q directly. After ez developed E skills, he finally flew over. This dragon wagged its tail and directly took ez and robbed the head."
Fat boy almost didn’t blink. After watching this wave of killing, the whole process suddenly flashed from tranquility to killing. gdeyes swordsman eq is perfect for timing and distance. This is almost the best way for two people to get the first hand in ez.
"6666 my god eq flash"
"fker’s eye-catching punishment for the small soldiers is also very fast, otherwise this Q skill can’t hang ez!"
"Mom, where are these two primary school monks and nursery ropes?"
Fat boy’s live broadcast of this wave of killing ez is not a very long process from the beginning to the end, but it has made all the audience deeply realize a truth. Once these two people get serious, they are not primary school monks and childcare workers, but they are truly kings, okay?
"Want to play back? No need, this wave is my god eq flashing open beautiful fker. More words are to show his hand and finally grab the head or this guy is really fast. "
Fat boy watched a live broadcast asking for a replay of the barrage. Although he saw it clearly, the audience didn’t say much, even the emperor dragged the progress bar directly to the beginning of the previous wave of encirclement and suppression.
Then, the western cowboy’s elegant first hand, blindly surpassing Aauto Quicker speed, was once again displayed in front of the audience.
"this wave of gdeyes has handed over all the flashes to the head but failed to get the estimate."
"The original fker was kind enough to help him, and now gank thinks it’s just to annoy him."
"I’m really angry that the blind monk has this big move to rob the head of the cliff in hand. There is no suspense. Unless the blind monk plays the roundhouse kick first, he will rob the head at a time … and dance, hahaha."
Some black-bellied viewers quickly thought of the killing contest between fker and gdeyes.
Immediately, they understood fker. This was obviously a deliberate attempt to kill people in the middle of the road.
Gg team temporary training room Ye Feng looked at fker blind monk in distress situation and grabbed the head, but he did not forget to dance in the middle, knowing that this guy is very childish.
Ez was killed once, and the night maple directly pushed all the remaining lines into one tower, just as another wave of lines came over, and once again, the skills overlapped and quickly cleared away.
Although this wave of killing him didn’t get the head, it had a great impact on the normal situation of the whole game. A wave of half-line ez didn’t eat it, which definitely had a great impact on his development and loading rhythm
The first thing to do when you go back to the city to install a sword hero is to make a knife.
"Your own player has been killed"
Soon, when Ye Feng went to the line again, Lu came to the brain to kill the opposite side, and Lexay cooperated with Daniel to kill their family horse!
"Your own player has been killed"
After that, the road situation happened almost simultaneously without any intervention, and ad was killed again in the road V killing.
"This game is a bit against the wind."
Night behind maple Dong Rui waved again holding a cup of leisurely way
Indeed, as soon as he came over, he saw two lines and people were killed at the same time. Look at the total head ratio. Although it is not far behind here, it is not at a disadvantage. In this top-ranking ranking, it is likely to be snowballed by the opposite side.

Every now and then, a reaction becomes a magic, and it is straight. So an attack rose staff gently clicked on his chest.

"grass! !”
A mind into a demon looked at his head injury can’t help but scold a.
Even an ordinary attack on the staff is as high as 37, so why not let people live? What if two weapons are aimed at one person at the same time to attack, such as hiding? It will be seconds!
The most important thing is that not only the sword attack will cause sputtering damage, but also the staff ordinary attack will cause sputtering damage. After being attacked by a demon, a circle of petals will float behind him and form ripples … All these ripples will cause 3,700 damage when they touch the enemy!
"Grass promises this boss, her staff can also carry out ordinary attacks, and the damage is not low and there is sputtering!" At the first moment, I became a demon and told my teammates about the boss information.
Yang Ye didn’t slant his head and was cold. "I saw it. Be careful. You add blood to yourself and don’t add it to me!"
The best way to last for 1 minute is not to kill her, so that her attributes will not rise. Ordinary teams can rely on the advantages of many people to send a tank to directly support the back of the first Queen Flower State in Rose Enlightenment to treat it. If you don’t hate it, you will always be successful until this skill state disappears.
Yang Ye needs to find a way to kill the rose seven times, but he can’t guarantee that he will be beheaded? After all, the attribute of rose will be higher and higher with the number of deaths, and it will become more and more difficult to fight in the end. In case the rose does not die seven times after the end of the state of heavenly solution, Yang Ye will have no chance and ability to kill again!
So he has to delay for five minutes, and then start the "emperor-cutting ceremony" in the last five minutes? Day solution "skills rose to a life-and-death struggle can also make yourself immortal.
They have killed the rose once before, and the rose attribute has increased by 25%. There are at least six more times, which is a must! And it’s only been two minutes …
Rose died only once, and after two minutes, the two of them were almost unable to hold on. By the end of the sixth and seventh time, their attributes had gone up a lot. It is estimated that two attacks would have killed both a demon and Yang Ye.
At that time, I’m afraid Yang Ye, a guy who can increase his own attributes, was able to survive …
When I think of it as a demon, I have a lot of career in my heart at this time. This boss is powerful. It doesn’t need to say more. The ordinary attack lost his 3,700 HP. This is still the damage after he started his defense skills. I’m afraid I have to get 4,000!
How to fight such a boss? How long did her "queen flower" state last? If it’s too long, what should it be like resistance? More importantly, this boss now has a 25% increase in attributes every time it dies, and so on. If you kill more words, the final attribute will be off the charts! !
According to the normal idea, this boss must not kill more …
"Is there any way to hold her off and kill her? In the end, it will make us feel uncomfortable. Her attribute has risen so ferociously!" As soon as I became a demon, I felt a little anxious. As soon as I relaxed my rose, I didn’t escape from a common attack.
Looking at being severely smoked with a stave, more than 4,000 injuries appeared on the top of his head. Yang Ye hesitated, but in the end he bullet "No, you want me to kill this guy seven times at least seven times! !” Yang Ye told a lie. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do.
Seven times …
As soon as I became obsessed, I felt my tongue was bitten by my teeth and my mouth was shaking-I promised to kill this guy seven times! ! Is this a mistake? Kill once and add 25% attribute, and turn over a lot of attributes seven times. How can they stop if you have to kill ordinary attacks in seconds?
"Hey hey promise you have no problem? It’s hard to kill seven times at a time … "In the middle of a spell, the promise war was suddenly stopped. I’m afraid he can’t say that he killed seven times. Now that he’s in this situation, he can’t back down. He sighed slightly and dumped his head violently." Seven times is seven times. I’ll help you to the end with a spell! !”
Yang Ye was slightly moved by the final words of "One Mind Becoming a Devil", knowing that he can still follow himself even if he is dead. Although it is a game, it is precisely because of it that he can see what is better. After all, friendship in the game stops at some harmony and friendship in a few words.
"thanks! This boss is very difficult to fight. I know that I promised that we will definitely go there! " Yang Ye will cut the emperor in two minutes? The sky solution skill and the rose kill turned upside down to see who added more ferocious attributes!
"Ha-ha, I’m waiting. Don’t blame me if I die." I relaxed and laughed as soon as I became a demon.
"How come!" Yang Ye said, "Put all the treatment on yourself. I don’t need your treatment. I have skills!"
When he became obsessed, he was slightly surprised. He turned to look at his promise and wondered which skill the other party said was "skilled". It is still possible to collect some personal information of other master players for a long time, but whether he can remember it is another matter …
At this time, the thoughts in my mind suddenly turned around, and I really didn’t find out which skill can be used in the promise war, or is it the angel aura skill of her followers?
No, no, that skill is probably the method to do harm to boss like Rose, otherwise it will be too enemy …
What the hell is that ….. Suddenly, when he became a demon, his mind flashed. He suddenly remembered that he had seen the promise war with the Summer Palace Guild and the Extreme Guild in the video of the battle of the Shenji Guild on the periphery of the Moon Valley. This guy started a super cool skill and summoned Jinlong to spit his breath at him. After that, he was super-spirited and went into the Shenji Guild Department to directly kill the Shenji …
Many people want to know what that skill is, but they don’t say it.
Don’t …
As soon as I read it, I turned to look at the promise war-he wants it later? to be continued
Chapter 373 Victory ridicule
Of course Yang Ye wants it, but certainly not now. Is he beheading the emperor? The apocalypse lasted only five minutes, and the rose queen spent ten minutes! This is nothing. He is still trying to avoid the rose attack instead of directly starting his skills and recklessly.
In the opening ceremony? Yang Ye killed Rose’s life and blood as much as possible before the heavenly solution, so that the file reserved for him in the last five minutes would greatly increase the number of kills for seven times, and it would be easy and easy.
At this point, the state of the rose queen flower has passed for 3 minutes, and then it will take 2 minutes to start and cut the emperor’s style? It depends on the last five minutes …
He didn’t ask much at last, although he wanted to know the promise and plan of the war very much, but after careful thinking, he finally felt that he wouldn’t ask anything, and after that, he would probably be able to understand nothing. At this time, it was redundant and annoying to ask.
concentrate one’s attention
After the first resurrection, the rose blood volume recovered to 5% of the total blood volume, that is, 1w blood volume. After this 1w blood volume rose, the rose attribute was really difficult to beat. Yang Ye, the damage they caused to the rose was all reduced. Although the rose no longer continues to recover life, just rising the defense value also made Yang Ye miserable …
Three minutes and almost four minutes later, the rose finally fell down again, but the effect of "metempsychosis in spring" made it get up again. Not only did the blood volume return to 1w, but it also rose by 25% again, reaching the basic attribute of 15%!
This rose is quite amazing in attack and defense!
As soon as the rose was resurrected, it laughed and attacked Yang Ye as a demon. The long sword and staff were waved to the two people’s energy loss and exhaustion. Both of them did not escape the attack and were severely beaten in the body and lost a lot of blood.
And before the second time, their blood volume is not full!
It’s good to have one’s own healing skills and high defense value. It’s not too dangerous to keep the blood volume at 6%, but two more attacks will also kill him. However, at this time, Yang Ye does not have any treatment, and he is hit by a sword with higher damage from ordinary attacks. Blood loss is more ferocious than one’s thinking of becoming a demon. At this time, the blood volume is already at 3%, but he is also in jeopardy despite drinking medicine desperately.
I see this in my eyes.
"Promise when will your skills start?" A thought into a magic coagulation asked
Yang Ye smell speech looked up at the rose skill-one minute short. Yang Ye must never break the attribute and increase the state before the rose, otherwise he will be finished. Even if he can’t kill the rose seven times in the end, he must live. That is successful.
"A minute later!" Yang Ye sink a way
One minute … a moment of meditation. Now only the promise war can compete with the rose. Even if they didn’t kill the rose twice before, they can safely spend the time when the queen bloomed. Now the situation is-the promise war must be made alive!
Like he said, one minute!
After a moment of silence, I became a demon and looked up again with a frown. He turned to Yang Ye and said, "I’ll change people and keep my promise. You add blood!" Say a therapy directly fell on Yang Ye and restored a lot of his health.
At this time, it is not difficult to understand the words of a demon. Yang Ye didn’t say much and nodded. "It takes a minute!"
That’s right. One minute!
After this, Yang Ye will cut the emperor’s style? There is a battle of roses, and roses can only be resurrected in the queen flower state, so Yang Ye must last longer than the rose attribute bonus, even for one second! So he won’t be killed by roses directly …
In the weak state, Yang Ye still has a way to spend the past!
One minute doesn’t seem like much, but it’s really a bit difficult for Yang Ye and Yi Nian Cheng Mo at this time. When Yi Nian Cheng Mo said that substitution is not the end of meaning, but the rose hatred is temporarily pulled to him by skills-
"Victory ridicule! !”
Victory taunt is a unique skill for a knight to become a demon in one year, a skill that can taunt the target for 7 seconds and add a lot of hate value. Although this hate value is nothing to the hate value caused by Yang Ye, this long 7-second taunt is also very powerful.

Alpha opened his mouth with a serious face, which seemed to teach the naughty child "Don’t move, baby"

When he said this, Yan Shuhan’s eyebrows frowned slightly like he was worried.
This makes Su Mo think of a possibility-his husband should not be afraid of needles, right?
However, it is not impossible. After all, when he was a child, he was accompanied by his adoptive parents to have a physical examination and draw blood, and he met a little alpha who was particularly afraid of drawing blood. A bunch of adults were crying and making noise around him.
Anyway, at that time, he behaved well and his adoptive parents bought him delicious food after the blood was drawn.
Bought bear cake and strawberry milkshake. He remembers.
"Yeah, don’t move" Su Mo winked at Yan Shuhan and deliberately hesitated to speak. It looked lovely, soft and clever, and people couldn’t wait to give their hearts to him. "Will you take me to eat delicious later, sir? I’ll be good if I go to eat delicious food. "
As he spoke, he looked at Yan Shuhan nervously as if he didn’t usually eat delicious food.
If ega had talked like this at home, he would have taken her back to her bedroom.
But at this time in the blood drawing room of the health center, and speaking of which, the blood drawing needle stuck into ega’s arm.
Yan Shuhan held out his hand at a glance and blocked Su Mo’s view of the needle. His heart shook again.
"Good" Yan Shuhan bent over to kiss Su Mo’s forehead sound so gentle that people can drown in it.
"Take your wife to eat delicious food and eat whatever you want."
It’s easy to get caught when you say something big
"Then I want to eat strawberry milkshake. No, blueberry milkshake wants blueberry milkshake, sir …" Su Mo pushed his luck and was held in the palm of his hand by alpha, and he gently scratched Yan Shuhan’s palm with his fingers.
But where do you scratch the palm of alpha’s hand? Ega is literally scratching his heart when he talks like this.
Yan Shuhan glanced at the window, and the bright red blood was drawn into the test tube from ega’s white arm.
Yanshu chilling a malicious "good promise" madam.
Su Mo laughed and let alpha get closer to himself with his right hand. "What’s your word?"
Yan Shu’s cold hand is still blocking Su Mo’s eyes and not letting the other side see the blood draw.
Until the blood is exhausted, the nurse in the room gave a cotton swab to let people press it and tell them to pick up the fruit in half an hour. If they say it, they will send a text message to their reserved mobile phone number.
Su Mo pressed his arm and got up from the consultation stool to feel relieved.
Carefully picked up the person, rolled the vodka soothing pheromone into an energy blanket for the person to put on, especially taking care of half the arm of the sleeve.
In the glass room, several bea nurses and a male bea nurse who came in halfway covered their mouths and talked and screamed. Finally, they were pushed into the air by surprise and excitement-
"mom! I seem to see true love! "
Yan Shu cold at the door and Su Mo glances didn’t resist a little stupid and then laughed at each other.
Yan Shuhan walked out with ega in one hand and touched his mobile phone at 5: 35.
"All right, take the baby to eat delicious food." Yan Shuhan put his mobile phone in his pocket to speed up the pace and walk to the parking shed.
"Hello, blueberry milkshake, I’m coming ~" Su Mo smiled.
I was seriously looked at by alpha, and the eyes were meaningful.
A second Su Mo cheek rang with a crisp "chirp".
Blueberry milkshake was ordered, but alpha didn’t give Su Mo milk.
When the dishes are ordered in the car, they arrive at the Cantonese Restaurant, book a box and a table of dishes will be placed one after another.
First soup, then shrimp, then all kinds of vegetarian dishes that Su Mo likes.
Then there is ega, who gradually likes to eat a meat dish-roasted pigeon.
Yan Shu, cold and quick, carried out a one-stop process of peeling shrimp and vegetables in Su Mo
After eating it, I said that I was afraid that ega would not eat enough and eat well enough, so I ordered three sweets very intimately.
And they’re all very considerate. They’re all hot.
Blueberry milkshake slowly turned into blueberry juice-there was no way to fill the room with high concentration of vodka to appease pheromones, not to mention that after entering the box, an alpha found someone to adjust the tone to 30 degrees.
The winter just turned into the summer, and Su Mo began to sweat after eating.
"Madam sweating? Then take off some clothes, "alpha said.
Su Mo always thinks it’s a bit strange for the other party to talk like this.
But soon Yan Shuhan got up and helped him untie his scarf and coat quite politely, and didn’t do anything strange.
Su Mo "…"
Well, it’s because he’s so careful.
After eating and drinking enough dessert, everyone tasted it and looked at it. After entering the door, they were "abandoned" to the table, and the guilt of blueberry milkshake surged.
Yan Shuhan’s eyes followed Su Mo’s eyes and fell on the cup. Uh-huh cleared his throat. "I’ll solve it for my baby lady?"
Su Mo looked at Yan Shuhan and knew that the other party was "fighting" in that cup that night.
So I decided to be the other party. "Come on, Mr. Quasi, drink."
"Yes, madam."
Yan Shu-Han smiled and stretched out his hand to plunge the bag into the straw in front of him and began to dazzle.
A milkshake was finished in two minutes.
"What does Sir do?"
It’s a bit strange to look at getting up and coming over to smile at yourself. alpha Su Mo got up with a hitched heart.
The box is not big, but it has a sofa, a small coffee table and some board games.

"Since you don’t know where he lives, then you must have a contact way. If you don’t have one, then there is no need for you to stay!" Kang Tianlai looked at Hou Sankou coldly, but he still didn’t have much confidence in it. Although it was strange, he didn’t know what it was anyway, which was an intuition!

"My Lord, please forgive me. He has been contacting me all the time, but he comes and goes. Sometimes he suddenly appears in front of me and disappears when he leaves. When something happens, he comes to me, and when I have something, I tell him that the Lord wants to let me go. When he contacts me again, my horse will tell you to beg the Lord to let me go!" Hou San is busy saying that if you speak slowly than fast, it will lead to Kang Tianlai’s punishment, and then you will buy Gao Chen!
"Everything you say is true". Look at Hou Sankang’s face and show terrible anger!
"The villain dare not tell a lie in front of the duke. If there is a lie, the villain will die a natural death. I beg the duke’s adult to let the villain go, and then the villain will be the only one who cares about the duke!" Hou San is busy saying that his words are equivalent to swearing, but he is afraid of what he says is true! …
"Since you don’t know anything, I’ll keep you!" Kang Tianlai said, he patted Kang Tianlai with a palm. It doesn’t seem that he will shoot this palm out. He can’t vent his anger without putting out Hou San.
Actually, it’s not that he hates Hou San so much, but that he can get some news from Hou San’s mouth. This is a great hope, but it seems that he didn’t ask anything at the moment. That’s a disappointment. How can this situation not make him furious? In this rage, he vented his anger and directly shot Hou San to death!
When Hou San spoke, he was already paying attention to Kang Tianlai. Although even the oath was sent out, it should be able to win the letter from Kang Tianlai, but he was always cautious. He was still alert to see Kang Tianlai seriously slapping him and thinking about it, but he didn’t want to directly start sending Kang Tianlai. But if the eleventh order strong man was hit by his angry palm, he would be dead!
Kang Tianlai clapped his hands and went to see the light flashing. What else was there in front of him? It seems that Hou Sangen never appeared in this place. This made Kang Tianlai furious and immediately roared, "Where is Hou Sanna? Have you seen it!"
Although he asked questions, I knew the answer from those people’s expressions. Because these people, whether they are his brother or those disciples of Gao Chen, are all surprised. If Hou San’s position just now had any knowledge, then there would be no such expression. For Gao Chen, it would also cost a lot of money. Of course, it is impossible for everyone to send a piece of paper. There are also a few talents in every city who are qualified to have a gift. Don’t say that they have not entered the Tianchen Temple. The disciples have never heard of it. It is this kind of surprised look that saved their lives.
"Duke, when we saw the light flash, Hou San disappeared." Kang Jinghu was busy running over and said, at this time, the expression on his face was wonderful. Now he didn’t know that he was away from Gao Chen. A disciple of Gao Chen had such a thing, so if Gao Chen didn’t order something good, no one would believe it!
"The light flashed and disappeared. Did you think I was blind? What the hell is this? It seems that Gao Chen still has a lot of things we don’t know. Hum, Hou San should have gone to find Gao Chen now, so I’m afraid he won’t get the news. Give me these people first and kill them one by one. I want to see if they can really disappear like this." Kang Tianlai sneered at these people, and he almost stepped in to kill these people in a real rage!
"Lord, it seems that we still don’t know enough about this Gao Chen. When the time comes, I will arrest him!" At this time, there has been no mouth on one side, and the old man said faintly!
"Grandpa, a Gao Chen is worth your efforts. Just have a little grandson!" Kang Tianlai looked at the old man respectfully, but from his address, he could know the identity of the old man. He was the first strong man in Kangcheng, the eleventh-order star Kang Liyou.
"It seems that I was a little too careful to hear that he is a ninth-order, but I always feel that this peak should not be so simple. Since you have confidence, I will leave it to you!" Kang Li’s face showed a faint smile and said!
After listening to Hou San in Gao Chen’s shop, he knew everything. Gao Chen’s face showed a cold sneer and said, "In this case, I’ll go to Kangcheng. I wanted to go for a long time, but I didn’t expect it!" …
"Master, you can’t go to Kangtianlai, but you are an eleventh-order strong man and the eleventh-order strong man in the Lord’s mansion doesn’t know how many you go. It’s too dangerous!" Hou San exclaimed that although he was also worried about the other disciples, Gao Chenan was more important!
"If you don’t go, how can you really let him kill one a day? Don’t worry, I have my own opinion!" Gao Chen calm mouth way!
A few days ago, Gao Chen finally succeeded in breaking into the tenth order. He rose to the tenth order instantly. At least a thousand nine-star apprentices were upgraded to the ninth order nine planets, and these experience values directly pushed Gao Chen’s level again to the tenth order. Seeing the ten-order, one-star, ten-order, two-star experience value Gao Chen, it is not surprising that what will be directly upgraded. Since ten-order, one-star and ten-order two-star need experience values, it is even less than nine-order nine planets’s to rise to the tenth order, it is full of excitement for Gao Chen in Kangcheng
After the level rose to the tenth order, a hero system was started, that is, Gao Chen could summon a hero if he could finish this. Of course, he knew that this was a main helper in the game and that he could have a hero. This was what Gao Chen hoped for all night, but this made Gao Chengen not know how to do it. Because this show was to open the manor, he was directly dumbfounded by this show. It was better to say that he moved into the shop instantaneously, but the root of the manor didn’t rise. How did he get into it? He asked a god beast, and he didn’t know anything. Anyway, it was a short time
Throw that hero aside. What Gao Chen has to do now is to go to Kangcheng for a while, but Kang Tian will come! After leaving the shop, Gao Chen started to send the ring directly. It took several times to get to Kangcheng. After the level rose to the tenth order, Gao Chen found that the map display area widened again and was ten times the top. Now it can show hundreds of billions of square kilometers, but it is still not possible to fly to Kangcheng once for such a wide area. To be continued Chapter three hundred and twenty-three Enter the castellan mansion
> although I had the intention to have a collision with Kang Tianlai, Gao Chen didn’t swagger into it. After all, Gao Chen’s strength is only a tenth-order one-week, and the whole city of Kangcheng still doesn’t know how many eleventh-order strong Gao Chen is confident, but it doesn’t mean that he is arrogant. *1*1* Gao Chen went into Kangcheng to collect the bodies of those killed disciples, then sent them directly to the duke’s mansion, summoned a pet from his duke’s mansion, and then turned it into his appearance. Then he put the pet into a shop and turned it into a pet
Although it is not far from the map to find the location of those disciples, Gao Chen can’t go straight there. After all, his pet Lord’s Mansion hasn’t reached the position of walking casually. Because Gao Chen is like this, he has not aroused other people’s suspicion. But Gao Chen knows that a pair of eyes sweep from his body from time to time. Obviously, this is the master of the Lord’s Mansion. Because these eyes sweep from the body, Gao Chen concludes that their purpose is not to monitor a certain person but to monitor the whole Lord’s Mansion!
With these, it took Gao Chen a long time to reach the place where his disciples were detained, even though it was no problem to look at him from time to time.
In fact, these disciples have not been abused so far. They just can’t go out. In Kang Tian’s case, they killed one person a day, but now they haven’t arrived at all these disciples. That’s a lot, but because they were arrested, these disciples don’t look very good now.
The place where they were taken is the outermost part of the castellan mansion, because he wants to kill people in front of everyone so that the news can go out. If they are taken to the innermost part of Kangcheng cell, there will be a lot of trouble for the team Gao Chen. Now Gao Chen, the pet identity root, can’t enter the castellan mansion, not to mention entering the cell and slowly approaching these disciples. After a glance, Gao Chen and others swept away, they all took these disciples into the shop.
Gao Chen put these apprentices in the shop and roared from the city hall at the same time. Then a figure appeared in front of Gao Chen, and several figures appeared first. It was Kang Tianlai who looked at Gao Chen (1_1) and said, "It’s amazing how you turned into someone else. I didn’t expect you to come. Should I call you Gao Feng or Gao Chen better?"
"Whatever you call this, it’s all the same anyway, isn’t it?" Although Kang Tianlai arrived instantly, Gao Chen’s face didn’t show much surprise. For him, this action has been a success because his disciples are now safe.
Besides, this is what he expected. After all, this is the castellan’s mansion. If the castellan’s mansion really took people away, it would be a strange thing. After all, this is a city power. If it is so easy to enter and take prisoners away, then this Kangcheng is not qualified to establish itself in the martial arts world, even if this person can change his appearance at will!
"Then I’ll call you Gao Chen. You’re very good. You played me for ten years." When you saw Gao Chen, Kang Tianlai had no anger. When you spoke, your expression was extremely calm, but no one knew what kind of anger it was! …
"No, you’re wrong. It shouldn’t be that I played you for ten years, but that you forced me to do the peak for ten years. You have always been the wind!" Gao Chen chuckled lightly and said, no matter who is, he doesn’t want to live with someone else’s face. Besides, it was ten years ago.
"Really? Then you mean that I was wrong and I should pound garlic for you, right?" Kangtianlai looked at Gao Chen mouth way
"This apology is not, after all, this matter has passed." Gao Chen said with a smile on his face, as if the truth believed Kang Tianlai’s words to apologize!
"Hum, you really have a face. Now I ask you Kang Yue?" Kang Tianlai looked at Gao Chen calmly and asked, although his expression was calm, no matter who he was at this time, he could see that he was hiding his anger!
"I don’t know Kang Yue, but I have an apprentice named Yue Kang. I just don’t know if this is someone you are looking for!" Gao Chen smiled and turned a blind eye to his expression.
"What do you mean he is your apprentice now?" Suddenly Kang Tianlai looked at Gao Chen angrily. Although he once thought that Kang Yue would become a disciple of Gao Chen, he was confirmed that his anger broke out at this moment. If he hadn’t considered that he hadn’t seen Kang Yue yet, he would have directly killed Gao Chen’s heart!
"Yes, we should be good now, but isn’t your attitude too bad!" Gao Chen smiled and said, it seems that Kang Tianlai is angry!
"We are good. Why do you accept my disciples? Are you worthy of accepting others?" Kang Tianlai was furious and asked, "Since martial arts masters and apprentices are so important, you can’t just learn from them. Ordinary people really don’t have the qualification to be Kang Yue’s master because his father but Kang Cheng mainly knows the eleventh order strong people in Kang Cheng, but there are many!"
"What’s my strength? It’s not up to you to decide whether you are qualified or not. Anyway, Kang Yue is already my apprentice, and even if you don’t want to admit it, you can’t change this fact!" Gao Chen smiled and looked at Kang Tianlai’s anger lightly.

Backhand, insert 【 Tears of Blood Rose 】 into the scabbard. Love flower Sheng Jingli controls the seven rainbow gods’ needle attack.

Seven silk threads generally have different colors, and the light passes through various traces and greets the natural body.
At this time, it is natural to see the flower scene attacking again without any tension and continue to wave the sword in his hand.
It’s still a slow sword speed, but none of the seven rainbow needles have scored the natural sword potential
Instead, the department was naturally flying out with a huge sword in its hand
At this time, the natural display is actually a swordsmanship in the Great Sun Tathagata Burning the Magic Wisdom Sword.
This swordsmanship is the most labor-saving way to defend the body by waving a giant sword.
In this swordsmanship, the blade, tip, body, hilt, armguard and so on are wrapped in all positions of the giant sword.
Any sword can resist the enemy’s attack
And this wide range of resistance allows the emissary to greatly save physical strength.
Therefore, the slower the swordsmanship is performed, the deeper the angel understands this swordsmanship.
According to these three moves, I naturally get the local notes of the Great Sun Tathagata Burning the Magic Wisdom Sword.
The highest level of defensive swordsmanship is called "Static Sword".
To reach this state, the sword in the hand is generally static.
Only when you resist the opponent’s attack can you move a sword slightly.
Will have a "static sword" call but now naturally haven’t mastered this situation.
Of course, this sword defense is of course a very powerful sword.
But this doesn’t mean that fencing will be the enemy naturally.
Among them, although there is fencing, naturally, the reason for the highest state has not yet been realized.
However, the more reason is that the lover Shengjing has already thought of a way to crack it.
Take back the seven rainbow needles, although dozens of ordinary embroidery needles have been played.
And these embroidery needles are also connected with red silk threads.
In the distance, it looks like a large piece of red glow naturally wrapped in the past.
Seeing those embroidery needles attack, it is natural to wave a sword in your hand to resist the embroidery needle attack.
The Seven-Rainbow Needle and the Seven-Rainbow Needle Method did not break the defense, and these ordinary embroidery needles naturally broke through the law.
However, the flower scene does not want to win by this large number of embroidery needles.
But want to let the embroidery needle connect the silk thread and wind it in the hands of nature.
The sword is strong, but if it is sharp, it is not.
When naturally found his sword has been wrapped around a number of red silk thread.
Even if you want to break away from the sword, those red silk threads won’t come.
Because when it was discovered naturally, the flower scene had already begun.
Grasp the red silk thread with both hands and connect the ends of the red silk thread to another embroidery needle.
Then shoot these embroidery needles directly towards the surrounding ground.
In the flower scene, the sunflower is really angry, and these embroidery needles shoot directly into the ground.
Make it natural that the sword in his hand was blocked by those red silk threads.
Although it can barely wave, it can only be within a certain range.
Seeing this, it’s natural to transport the hot qi and want it to break the red line of the giant sword.
I have to say that it is good and correct to think naturally.
But how can the magnificent scenery of love make it so easy for nature to retrieve the giant sword!
"Sunflower Collection" is a martial art that is good at speed.
Especially when the love flower Shengjing found the red leaf Zen master of Putian South Shaolin.
Raising the "Sunflower Collection" to the secret level has made the speed of love flowers reach a very high level.
Although there is still a gap compared with Pang Xia, the gap is not too big.
Therefore, naturally, the distance between the flowers and the scenery seems not too close.
But in love, the hand can reach the distance in the blink of an eye.
At this time, the love flower came to the front of nature instantly.
Make a sudden snatch a handbreadth and boom toward the natural heart.
Chapter 936 Sixteen-entry competition is over!
Naturally, the Great Sun Tathagata Burning the Magic Wisdom Sword has three swordsmanships.
These three swordsmanship methods are [burning sword], [guarding sword] and [air sword]
The first two have naturally come into play, and each has different powers, which can be said to be excellent swordsmanship.
However, the third move has never had a chance to display. However, at this time, I have a chance to face the palm of my hand.
The right hand still clung to the sword and wouldn’t let go, but naturally it loosened its left hand.
Seeing nature, the left hand and five fingers are close together like the tip of a giant sword.
At the same time, a thick firm but gentle from natural left palm generate.
Without hesitation, he waved his left palm and went straight to meet the palm of his hand.
Blink of an eye two hands relative to a roar.
Then the lover’s grand scene called a whole person to spin back.
Re-landed in the ring. Looking at the back of his right hand, he frowned slightly.

"White right Hao Ge Road grass has eyes to spare."

Hearing Zhou Qiang dialect, Zhang Hao bypassed his blue buff and came to the triangle grass behind a tower that was blown off. He was quietly waiting for an opportunity. Since the river has eyes, he can’t go directly to gank. There is definitely no chance.
Zhang Hao has a feeling that spiders will definitely appear on the road. The road wild area has been occupied by crocodiles. The reconnaissance guards have never found the spider’s trace. The blue buff has also been destroyed by Yasuo, so the spider’s activity range must be limited to the road.
And the middle of the river has never seen a spider, and the spider range has been narrowed again. In this wild area of the road, the spider is not a wild hero, and a tower in Jialu Road has exploded with a male gun and a hammer stone pushing the line so far ahead.
After some analysis, I can’t judge if I can’t talk.
It seems to be the confirmation of Zhang Hao’s judgment that when Debon had not reached the triangle grass, the policewoman took aim at the male gun with a big move, and a round of red sun rose suddenly, and the scorching sun took the lead, handing over her toes and thinking about what she knew.
All of a sudden, I didn’t respond. The male gun was set in place on the spot, and the hammer stone was also slowed down. The policewoman made a big move to hand over the sniper rifle and shoot it accurately at the male gun. At this moment, two guns were playing fiercely.
Hammer stone failed to get to the front of the male gun before the bullet arrived. After all, it didn’t stop the policewoman’s big move. Then a trap was quietly placed at the foot of the male gun. Zhang Hao andao is not good. This frame is very deadly, but nothing can be done for a while. It will take a few seconds to get there.
Dawn doesn’t cause much damage, but the control is absolutely powerful. The male gun is stopped, and a zenith blade is crossed and hidden many times. This hammer stone failed to stop the dawn after all.
Coming to the side of the man’s gun is another Q skill. Leona’s dawn shield was shot at the man’s gun face. The policewoman attacked Leona when she was grasping. Passive solar eclipse is also an ia. One skill can cause an additional injury. Don’t be too cool.
Because the hammer stone’s reaction was a little slow, it was only when Leona was close that the pendulum of doom slowed down and did not interrupt this limited skill. The male gun was very hard to be beaten for a long time
"The male gun flashes directly at your foot. There is a hammer stone. Give me a lantern and pull me over."
Zhang Hao is on his way and commanding a male gun. If he doesn’t leave, he really can’t leave. This clip must not be stepped on.
Wang Dongdong is also referred to by Bai Zhanghao, because spiders have appeared, driving out of the intersection of the defense tower and heading straight for the male gun with a homicidal face.
Wang Dongdong kept flashing wildly when the male gun was dizzy, and at the moment he flew out to avoid the tragedy of stepping on the clip. If you step on this clip, no one can save him.
Watching the male gun go first, the spider turned the target spider web and gave it to the hammer stone. No, Zhou Qiang was trapped in the same place
Zhang Hao dark sigh a Wang Dongdong and Zhou Qiang, after all, inexperienced encounter this old rival details always slightly flustered.
Fortunately, Wang Dongdong turned around and handed over a smoke bomb, which blocked the opposite rhythm. At the same time, two barrels shot the three large lead bombs in an instant, and then the final bomb was thrown without hesitation.
At the top of the front row, Dawn’s blood volume was suddenly cut, and the spider next to him was also lost some blood volume by the wave.
The battle started in an instant, and the two sides fought fiercely for more than a dozen rounds, but it was only a second. It was decided that the bulls had temporarily fallen into the wind and retreated to wait for the non-stop meeting with Debon.
Hammer stone stays in place. Spider has a Q skill percentage. damage per second is considerable and switches to spider form. A bite makes Hammer stone lose a lot of blood.
Wake up, Hammer Stone, hurry up and make a big move to retreat. However, the dawn across the street was the first to touch the ghost prison, and the two men broke through a breakthrough. The spider policewoman felt that she would continue to catch up.
Seeing that Debon is not far away, a hammer stone and a lantern are thrown back to make way. Some people see that there is some confusion and fraud after the fog of war.
When Debon didn’t give the opposite reaction, he had already arrived at the right mouse button in front of the lantern to experience a long displacement and flew to the hammer stone side, looking at the three people in front with a sneer.
There is not much entanglement. Zhang Hao chose to beat the spider for the first time, because it is definitely unrealistic to beat Shuguang among these people. An aid does not make much sense. Secondly, if you choose a policewoman, the policewoman e skill is a magical skill, which makes it easy for her to escape. It is not cost-effective
Just thinking about hitting a spider is a choice. Debon’s spear lights up and he is afraid to charge. The only drawback of the spider with E face is that the red buff has just disappeared, otherwise it will be more refreshing to fight.
Debon’s sudden arrival made the blue road suddenly chaotic, and they had a great advantage, especially when both sides made big moves. It was even more difficult to fight, and there was no extra output. At this moment, Debon was that conan the destroyer was there.
Zhou Qiang glanced at the situation, swinging in the hands of the hammer stone, and the chain roared out and flew straight to the slowed spider. This close distance can be said to have just hooked the target and then slowly dragged it.
"Beautiful" Zhang Haozan praised it, and at the same time did not forget to continue to attack the queen Yi Lisi Xiaohua. This is the spider queen. Explode her Xiaohua and earn a lot of money.
Chapter 119 The situation is good [third]
Zhang Hao andao, I’m afraid this spider will be hit. The wild area is held by crocodiles. Now the route is trying to bully more and find less, and it’s just sad to be robbed and killed by yourself.
At this moment, the spider has really cursed the mother, and the life has been forced from the bureau, and it has not been normal to cross the road directly, and then it has been beaten wild. Pushing the tower can give up the fight, pushing the tower to fight a few mobs and being occupied by the boss.
Now, for the first time in my life, gank has been stared at by the opposite Debon boss. It’s a pity that it’s not a sigh that the hammer chain has brought him back to reality.
The chain of "grass" hammer stone makes him can’t help swearing and being tied up, especially feeling Debon’s roar, which, which, which, which is so like S scene, is really bad.
While the spider is restricted, Zhang Haoke can beat the enemy hard. The visible speed of blood volume is reduced. After the triple claw attack, the spider is picked by love and depends on ank. You run.
Wouldn’t it be more stupid to do so than to be stupid? Er Hong drank wine, but at best, he is still not stupid.
The stone man has been in place and crouched at the intersection behind the blue square tower, that is, a wave of grass behind the three wolves’ buttocks. Debon has also passed the little dragon and headed for the middle road. After passing the little dragon, Zhang Hao is a little disappointed. There are eyes here
The fox came to line up in the middle of the road, but Debon quickly retreated after approaching, which is obviously a sign that I found you wretched.
Zhang Hao pie pie moved on. Now that you have seen it, why don’t you just come out and sway in the middle of the road to make the fox dare not show up to make up for the soldiers? It’s also good for this fox.
The appearance of Takino Debon made the fox huddle in the tower and wait for the soldiers to enter the tower. Unfortunately, the fox didn’t know that there was already a bigger boss waiting behind him for a long time.
Erhong chats squatting in the grass and pinching his feet. He hates that he can’t rush to the fox’s face with a big move, but he still needs patience to find the best time to ensure the killing.
"I said hurry up when I am old."
"How honestly do you squat?" Gao Chengfeng criticised, and then continued to push the line. It is imperative to cooperate with Debon and the stone man to take this fox in the past.
Moreover, if you want gank, you must hurry up. Spiders and crocodiles may arrive at any time. Fortunately, crocodiles are still on the line to catch up with the economy, and they have never noticed the movement of the stone man.
Zhang Hao did everything. After he came from the river, he wandered around the fox’s crouching tower, waving a pike and deliberately provoking. Although he has been wandering around the tower, fortunately, there has never been an incident of being attacked by the defense tower.
This is because Zhang Hao once observed that there is a A Man Called Autumn Flower and Zhang Hao in front of a tower in the middle road. If you look carefully, you will find that this A Man Called Autumn Flower is there.
The other place is to distinguish the attack range of the defensive tower. If you walk through this small flower, the defensive tower will attack. This mark was firmly remembered by Zhang Hao and never crossed this A Man Called Autumn Flower to prevent it from entering the defensive tower.
Gao Chengfeng is pushing more and more, but the wild spider is also rushing to the middle, so the fox is not worried that the opposite side will push hard.
Besides, there are two crispy people on the opposite side who want to kill a fox in Taco. It’s almost dead to show a flying fox and play with these two stupid guys in Taco for minutes.
Looking at Debon still hanging around the tower, watching the fox seize the opportunity, a charm floated out of Ali’s red lips and a kiss floated to Debon. Debon would go to the tower if it was to succeed in charm, and the fox could cheat the orb and the demon fire to play a wave of defense. It is no problem for Taldabon to control half of Debon’s blood.
But the charm didn’t succeed, not that Zhang Hao was too good, but because he reacted too fast. Yes, not only fast, but also fast.
When he saw the fox’s charm, he reacted very quickly. He pressed the flash to avoid this charm and also flashed in front of the fox. But at the moment, Zhang Hao was confused. "No, why are you always telling the truth?"
Chapter 12 Show Fly Up
"Hey, I went to Xiaohao. What’s wrong with you?" Gao Chengfeng didn’t understand the soldier line a little, but he hasn’t entered the tower yet.
"No, I’m the second macro brother. Come on." Zhang Hao Nai didn’t have so much time to explain at this time.
Erhong has been waiting for a long time, watching Debon’s obsession and not thinking about it. Directly bombing with a big move is cool, but the damage of this defensive tower is even more powerful.
Zhang Hao is the most resistant at this time. Now that he has handed in the flash, he can’t return it. After the flash, he will retreat and hide from a charm show. It doesn’t take this.
Debon and the fox looked at each other for a second, and then instantly E-faced the fox with a big move, and the crescent moon swept and picked up another Q skill. At the moment when the fox had not left, an oss had already appeared behind him.
The scope of the stone man’s big move can just be divided into two walls. In Debon’s e-face, a big move will blow the fox up.
"Bang" the moment the fox rose to the sky, Zhang Hao felt that the scene was bloody and could not bear to look straight at it, but a flash came out of generate in Zhang Hao’s mind.
He knows that Gao Chengfeng lacks this decisiveness. He won’t be so brave as Er Hong. In other words, he lacks a vicious force. If he doesn’t grasp the slaying, Gao Chengfeng rarely waves. More often, he is slow and steady, but at the same time, he also lacks a lot of eye-catching exercises
As simple, rude and hard as Erhong, Gao Chengfeng is rare. Zhang Hao has an epiphany that something missing limits Gao Chengfeng’s ability.

As soon as Cai Yi’s words came out, a tsunami broke out, and even Cao Cao next to him was a little excited, but Cao Xing shook his head quite naively when he saw this. To put it bluntly, this is not just some superficial articles. If Cao Xing estimates that it is right, it is estimated that he will tell his ambitions one by one later. However, everyone will say it, but not everyone will do it.

Cai Yi looked at the people sitting in the front row and asked them to express their views together. When he saw a young man in his mid-thirties, he saw Cai Yi’s eyes and wanted to get up. There was a man next to him who stood up first, but this man was none other than Yuan Shao, who looked at Yuan Shao and got up first himself. But in the end, he did it without saying anything.
Yuan Shao looked at Cai Yi with a punch, and then gave a deep gift to everyone, showing his good manners. Then he looked at them and said, "Yuan Chu was born in four generations. My uncle and my teacher are very strict with me. They often teach me to be loyal to the king and patriotic. Yuan Shao has no ambition in this life, and he wants to manage the sky properly, so that my Han Dynasty can become a peaceful and prosperous time!"
"good!" When Yuan Shao finished this sentence, several cheers rang immediately and Cai Yi nodded slightly in front.
"Part-time job with this ambition is really a national blessing and will become a pillar of society in the future!"
Looking at his words has attracted the corresponding effect. Lombardi also smiled and sat down, but the person sitting in front of him was a little tired. Seeing that he also got up at once and took a provocative look at Lombardi, then Lang said.
"I Yuan Highway was born in four generations and three kingdoms, and I am proficient in everything. I would like to be a general in the next day. I will expand my big Han’s territory and spread my big Han’s reputation overseas, so that the barbarians in all directions can worship the wild!"
Cao Xing listened quietly to the words of the two men in the face. At this moment, he also understood the young speaker. To put it bluntly, Yuan Shu is a cousin of Yuan Shao. However, history remembers that the contradiction between the two brothers is so deep that fire and water can’t match each other. Just now, the two of them are comparing with each other to see who is more slippery.
When Yuan Shu said these words, he turned his eyes to Cai Yi, and Cai Yi made comments on Yuan Shu with his smiling face.
Is sitting in the square watching their two brothers fight is talking about it, although everyone has different opinions, but there is always a sign that Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu give people a feeling of being different, Yuan Shao gives people a feeling of being like a spring breeze, but Yuan Shu seems to have some words that are eager for quick success and quick success, showing his demeanor. Yuan Shao can’t be compared, so their two brothers are slightly worse than Dou Dou or Yuan Shu this time.
However, Cao Cao, who has been talking about a lot, has not taken it to heart. He has some regrets being dragged to this place by Cao Cao. Listening to this group of people talking about Cao Cao, he feels sleepy. To put it bluntly, most people are bragging about what the two brothers, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, will be like in the future. Cao Cao knows better than anyone, and Cao Cao feels that he is here to chat at the moment with drinks on the table.
After Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu finished their speech, people sitting behind them began to remember that these people were, to put it bluntly, descendants of dignitaries, and their parents or grandparents held important positions in the DPRK. All of them were distinguished, and they learned a lot of exciting words, and Cai Yi also smiled and nodded and gave them a certain evaluation
I believe that getting Cai Yi’s evaluation will be of great help to my future career. However, even without these comments, I believe that my future career should be smooth sailing. It is estimated that I am not interested in joining in the fun today.
After a while, it seems that it is Cao Cao’s turn to speak at this table. Looking at Cao Cao next to him, Cao Xing also put his glass in his hand and turned his attention to Cao Cao.
Now, Cao Cao and Cao Xing are completely different in history, so Cao Xing wants to hear what Cao Cao’s ambition is.
After seeing Cao Cao, he hesitated for a long time before he looked at Cai Yi calmly and said, "I, Cao Cao, hope that after I die, I can engrave the words Cao Cao, the general of the Western Expedition. Although my official position is far from the position of the general of the Western Expedition, I, Cao Cao, will always be a minister of the Western Expedition, but if one day the big man needs me and my country needs me, I, Cao Cao, will definitely stand up at the risk of my life!"
When Cao Cao finished this speech, many people present were silent. Now, it is not a festive day, but it is definitely a good day. Many valuable brothers in Luoyang are gathered here to talk about it. It sounds cautious that Cao Cao should not die when he comes, but it is precisely because of Cao Cao’s incompatibility that Cao Cao’s speech is particularly prominent. If it is more accurate, it is that Cao Cao’s determination seems to be much stronger than that of many people in front.
There was a moment of silence in the field, and sometimes Cao Cao couldn’t help but put his glass in his hand. He looked at Cao Cao with different eyes. Cao Cao was able to say these words. If Cao Cao felt that Cao Cao seemed to have matured a lot, unlike those rich men who knew how to talk big.
And Cao Cao’s sentence that Seoul was always a big city was deeply imprinted in Cao Xing’s mind. Recalling Cao Cao’s life, Cao Cao tried to abolish the last emperor of the big fellow in one’s hand, but he didn’t do it, and he always pretended to be a Han minister.
If you ask Cao Cao to do this, it may have been doomed a long time ago today.
After hearing Cao Cao’s answer, Cai Yi’s mouth turned up unconsciously. Then he looked at Cao Cao and nodded and said, "Meng De is good. You can say this today. I believe that Qiao Xuan should not be mistaken that day!"
Maybe others don’t know what Cai Yi meant, but Cao Cao’s nature is clear. In history, Cao Cao was also a dude when he was a child. Many people didn’t think highly of him. However, only Qiao Xuan, a famous man, praised Cao Cao and said that Cao Cao was an important person in every day.
Cao Cao is also very grateful to look at Cai Yi and then sit down slowly.
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
"Brother Meng didn’t see that you still have such ambitions!" Seeing that Cao Cao was still a little nervous at the moment, Cao Cao couldn’t help joking, but Cao Cao quickly waved his hand and said to Cao Xing, "Brother Cao, don’t make fun of me. You’d better prepare. Now it’s your turn!"
Cao Xing couldn’t help but fail to look at the people around him. At the moment, many people focused on him. Later, it was Cao Xing’s turn. However, Cao Xing was not prepared to express any opinions on this occasion. He waved his hand indifferently and made a gesture of please to a person, which obviously meant to abandon him automatically. Anyway, he also accompanied Cao Cao out to play today.
Just behind Cao Xing, when people got ready, suddenly there came a dissonance in front.
"It turned out to be a little brother Cao. I didn’t expect this to happen to you today!"
Looking around, I found that the speaker was none other than Yuan Shao, who was sitting in the front, and Cao Xing frowned involuntarily when he heard this. If Yuan Shao was speaking casually, there would be no problem, but he could tell that Yuan Shao had a thorn in his words.
Sure enough, when Yuan Shao’s words came out, there was a lot of discussion around him. Everyone looked at Cao Xing whispering there. As Cao Cao said, since Cao Xing left the palace to catch assassins, Cao Xing’s name seemed to become very small and a little angry.
The Ministry here is descended from dignitaries, and they must have heard about it long ago, so they also know a little about Cao Xing’s name.
"Hehe, Cao’s little brother hero is young and young, so it’s hard for everyone to get together on this occasion and not express your opinions!"
Cao nature will look at Lombardi. Although Lombardi has been laughing, Cao performance feels that Lombardi, this guy, the bait hides the hook. Cao nature is somewhat puzzled. He and this Lombardi pole can’t get together. This Lombardi wants to speak against him everywhere.
But anyway, Cao was not going to get mixed up with Yuan Shao, a group of people. He bowed his hand and was just about to refuse. However, at this moment, a man next to Yuan Shao showed a sneer and looked at Cao’s scruples and said.
"Ha ha at the beginning of you don’t say I didn’t find this bing topped how can appear in Daya Gallery? It’ s simply a slippery day! "
This statement is aimed at Cao Xing, and the speaker is none other than Yuan Shu next to Yuan Shao.
In such a public place, Yuan Shu openly said that Cao Cao was a bumpkin, believing that Cao Cao would be unhappy in his heart and could not be vulgar, so he couldn’t figure it out. Did his generation and the two Yuan Gu brothers become enemies? The two of them are aiming at Cao Xing everywhere?
"Ha ha highway, I said, how can you say such a terrible thing? Cao Xing’s brother was transferred to the capital at the Bing Military Meritorious Institute, and now we should congratulate him on making a big name for ourselves!"
"At the beginning of what outstanding exploits? I think it’s blowing out. Isn’t it just hitting a few aliens? I have to say it’s amazing. I thought it was different when I went to war in Yuan Shu. I killed more than 20,000 yellow turbans. Who do you think I have more credit than him? "
Lombardi and Yuan Shu actually had a heated debate in this public place, while others sat around without talking and quietly watched this scene, since there was a scene to see or not to see.