There is no one in the stone room at this time.

Ma Qingpu walked on along the passage.
The wall of the passage is inlaid with oil lamps, and it is not dim.
Soon there was a light in front, and through it was a small platform, and the platform
At this time, a woman is sitting on the platform stone and looking up at the sky.
"Saint" Ma Qingpu gently walked behind the woman and was very respectful with a fuels.
The woman didn’t look back or get up. She raised her hand and made a move. "Sit down. Look, the clouds are beautiful today."
At this time, it was the former saint of the scenic area, Meng Meng sapphire, that is, Nanyichen’s biological mother
Ma Qingpu sat down beside the stone.
"Is it like outside?" "It’s not easy to be an emperor."
"Saint is very powerful" Ma Qingpu couldn’t help but hook a corner of his mouth when he remembered the news. "He chose the queen and was also very powerful in Nantang …"
Chapter four hundred and forty-four Saint
In fact, Ma Qingpu said that many things happened a few months ago, but at this time, communication is very slow, and it may take a lot of manpower and material resources to solve the problem in the future. The information is delayed for several months or even years.
Especially in the scenic area, it is even stronger to want to deliver the message back here in the mountains and forests.
But Meng Meng sapphire listened with relish. That’s her son. She was born unable to be with him, but she wanted to know that he got married bit by bit. Her mother-in-law didn’t even prepare a gift for her daughter-in-law.
"Saint …"
"Qingpu, I am no longer a saint." Mengfu sapphire suddenly interrupted each other’s words. "The Saint in Scenic Area died more than twenty years ago, and now I am just an ordinary woman."
"But you will always be the most holy saint in my heart."
Meng Chi sapphire smiled a "thank you"
"Saint, if I hadn’t had you in those days, I would have died long ago. I don’t need to say thank you because … I didn’t say thank you to you in those days." Ma Qingpu said that her eyes turned red.
Meng Meng sapphire reached out and patted each other’s arm. "Then I said thank you."
Ma Qingpu smiled tearfully. "Do you want to talk to San Lian? Now he … "
"I haven’t been with him for so many years. How can I go to him now?"
"That’s not because you also hurt what lost your memory …"
"Even so, I’m sorry for him. I’m his mother, but I’m not with him when he needs me most. You don’t understand this guilt … and now he’s been flying for nine days and the real dragon is the overlord. He doesn’t need me anymore …"
Ma Qingpu couldn’t help but open his mouth, but after all, he didn’t say anything. He would give conditional support to what the saint said.
"What about the palace?"
"Well, rattan has been under house arrest for so many years, and his power is not underestimated." Ma Qingpu sighed. "Now, anyone who shows a little disbelief in his field is full of tricks …"
Mengfu sapphire nodded. "Then it can wait."
She used her own protective method to protect the little Nanyichen, but Ma Yin technique stopped her. Fortunately, people around her faithfully sent her out of the palace, and then Ma Qingpu found her.
But she was physically and mentally damaged. Although she saved her life later, she was like a baby who couldn’t remember anything.
It was not until … Ma Popo was killed by Yin technique that she gradually regained consciousness, but her body was very weak. If Ma Qingpu hadn’t inherited the position of patriarch and then had the opportunity to practice Yin technique to help her recover and recuperate, I’m afraid she would have difficulty in bed now.
Now that she is well, her son will be fine.
At that time, she asked people to inquire about the situation in Nantang, knowing that she had suffered in recent years and knew more about the means of those people, but her son was really great and finally came alive and won the land that was left to him …
She is so proud.
When she really dies in the future, she can also tell the man who loves her that their son has lived up to their expectations.
Therefore, she should live well and see her as this God!
"What else can I do for the Saint?" Ma Qingpu knows that Mengfu sapphire wants to restore its power, and other roots can’t help it in material convenience.
"Help me prepare a medicine. I want to recover as soon as possible." Meng Chi’s eyes flashed a bit resolutely. The scenic palace became like this because of her, and the eldest brother was imprisoned because of her. Several nephews also died because of her. Now that she is alive, she must find a way to remedy all this. At least the scenic area can’t be handed over to the rattan.
"Good" Ma Qingpu remembered the name of the requirement of Meng Chi’s sapphire, then bowed down and left the cave.
Meng Qin sapphire got up and returned to the stone room. As soon as a machine wall was pressed, a small door appeared. After entering, there was another small stone room.
And put a few boxes in the stone room.
Went over and hit one of the boxes, which was full of gold, silver and jewelry, and one of them was priceless.
However, Meng Meng sapphire didn’t look at it. She picked it up and put it on the surface. Inside it was a crystal butterfly the size of a thumb, but it was beautifully carved.
Meng Jie smiled, and then found the silk thread. Fingers flexibly knitted a lanyard and passed through the butterfly hole so that it could be hung around the neck.
When the son is married, she will give her daughter-in-law a gift, but how to give it?
Ma Qingpu had no sooner returned to the village than he saw Ma Ayao sending Mao to let Jiu Yue leave.
Two people saw Ma Qingpu and quickly stopped to say hello and salute.
"Don’t go back when it’s too late for Jiuyue." Ma Qingpu smiled and patted Jiuyue on the shoulder. "I’m going to go to Dongmiao together, and I’ll go to Shaoyou to show me the way."
"Line" bases for nine more simple and honest nodded with a smile.

Just heard from Fu Jingxiao that he was going on a blind date, and he figured it out.

Now how a little don’t understand this situation?
Thank you, "Sugar Sugar Sweet Girl" for your lovely monthly ticket ~
Chapter three hundred and nineteen Want to eat sugar
"I told you you don’t understand" Fu Jingxiao shrugged his shoulders.
Some things may not be solved in the end, but drinking can temporarily change some things.
Xia Lu loves to be noisy, and the more they drink, the more energetic they are. Xu Jin inkstone also joined in, and lives of three women played here.
On the contrary, the To Hoai whale was "still drinking" by Fu Jingxiao’s direct thugs
"They can all drink what I can’t drink. I brought this wine. I can’t be the master." To Hoai whale was bullied again with a face of injustice
Fu Jingxiao took a look at "Who will give her if you are drunk?"
"Drinking can’t drive"
"You won’t call a driver."
To Hoai whale frowned. "I think you just don’t want her to stay and bother you."
"Not too stupid"
"You are so insidious."
"Isn’t it good to arrange it for you in vain?" Fu Jingxiao died every time he assisted him. It was because he was too incompetent to handle affairs in To Hoai. "I don’t know how those women came before you."
To Hoai whale touched the tip of his nose. "Don’t give me a hat. It was a fling before me."
"Who are you kidding to send people to obstetrics and gynecology?" Xia Lu poked at the To Hoai whale and said.
To Hoai whales stare big eyes. What kind of thing is this?
Doesn’t she know?
"Deer deer, you’re drunk. Don’t talk nonsense."
"Is what I do? How could I not know?" Xia Lu muttered, "You men are like this. You just don’t want women to have fun. And you, Fu Jingxiao, you, too …"
Fu Jingxiao, who was suddenly named, looked blank. "I can’t go to the obstetrics and gynecology department."
"You just almost …" After Xia Lu finished, he fell down on the table.
Xu Jinyan shook his head. "Hush, deer, deer, secrets can’t be told to others."
"What are you talking about?" Did the To Hoai whale understand?
Fu Jingxiao’s eyes sank slightly to Xia Lu. What does this mean?
What is the secret of Xu Jin’s inkstone?
"Men are not good things." Fu Jingyun wandered around with her fingers and saw that there was no wine in her glass. She picked up the bottle, shook it and poured it directly into her mouth.
Fu Jingxiao glanced at the To Hoai whale "and sent it to Lao Zhou for him to lead people."
"Didn’t you say he went on a blind date? Maybe you cheated your sister yourself?" To Hoai whales are puzzled.
Fu Jingxiao killed his eyes in the past. "Don’t talk nonsense when you send it. He can still work as a brother-in-law."
"It was selling my sister for glory."
"But it’s good for me to have another niece." To Hoai Whale sent a video like this
After he gloated, Zhou Yu dialect was killed.
The To Hoai whale knows what Fu Jingxiao didn’t send him to do this good thing himself because his ear was bombed and he was accused of avoiding meeting. After that, he taught the To Hoai whale to choose to escape.
Of course, I resisted Xia Lu.
This is the fourth time he has seen Xia Lu get drunk. Why does she like drinking so much and always get drunk easily? What would she do without him?
"What’s wrong with me? Why can’t you forgive me?" To Hoai whale asked her drunk.
Xia Lu hummed "You kneel"
"Ah?" He is one leng.
"If the princess tells you not to kneel, drag it out to jail." Xia Lu shouted forcefully with a stretch of his hand.
She’s really drunk and still in her dreams, spy.
It’s really a loss not to sign him. A few years ago, he might actually sign her and let her debut.
No, no, no, it’s better not to debut. It’s a debut. Too many people see that she’s getting better, so how can he share it?
Here comes the bus.
To Hoai whale carried her car and left the community.
No sooner had they left Zhou Shiyu’s car than they came in.
"Take her to the apartment inside."
Zhou Shiyu saw Fu Jingyun leaning on the table when he entered the door. "Your sister, you don’t care about this."
"Do you think my girlfriend can’t control me? She’s in a bad mood tonight because you’re going on a blind date." Fu Jingxiao emphasized that "my sister is tough on the surface but a coward in her heart."
Zhou Shiyu lowered his eyes. "Maybe I’m taking a risk."
"Go ahead and support you." Fu Jingxiao hurriedly cleaned all these people out.
One by one, they all disturb their two worlds.
Zhou Shiyu held Fu Jingyun and carried her on her back. Fu Jingyun muttered, "Am I dazzled? I saw him coming."


A hot wave fell to the ground in Tang Yi’s thigh, and he didn’t come to check it. After rolling in a hurry, it landed behind the bunker.
Only then did the thigh feel burning and painful.
Play on the thigh, and then half a minute later, Tang Yi will be ruined.
"How are you?"
Flint Li Gen didn’t react until the bomb exploded in the rubble, and she didn’t know that she was in trouble.
"It’s okay. It’s just a mosquito bite."
Tang Yi shook his head. The outside of his left leg was dripping with blood. Fortunately, it was just a scratch and a bitter flesh.
After the vest was taken off and the stab was quickly cut, Tang Yi made a simple bandage and tied it at the root of the thigh.
This will temporarily relieve the wound from bleeding and pain, and he can bear it.
It’s a good result to get your life back. This is the law of the battlefield. Even if you are a famous dragon head, you can’t stop a bullet.
"I got it."
Li quickly took an automatic rifle after helping Tang Yi tighten his thigh.
This is an American-made 16-improved automatic rifle with a Grenade plug-in outside.
At the same time, there are four howitzers, and Li also brought them over.
"I think it’s solved, but I’m afraid my leg has temporarily moved."
Tang Yi wiped his face, sweat and pain made his left leg numb, which seriously affected his movement.
"What shall we do?"
Sniper sniper mirror is still aiming at two people. Death threatens them at any time.
Looking at Tang Yi’s rookie on the battlefield, Li can also help him pick up things. Can other roots help him?
"Do you think he will spare our lives if we surrender now?"
Pull out a bullet dagger and pour out the black powder inside.
Directly sprinkled on the wound, Tang Yi asked with a smile, and this sentence suddenly made Li dumb.
"You’ll get infected like this."
Obviously, it’s a matter of life and death. The other side won’t catch prisoners. Once they emerge, they will die.
Is Li crazy to watch Tang Yi spill gunpowder on the wound?
"In fact, there is another way. If one of us wants to attract him, he will have a chance to shoot him. It’s fair to change."
Tang Yi took out the ammunition machine and clenched his teeth. The flame of the lighter burned in the wound with black powder.
"zi zi"
Li couldn’t help shivering at the sound of barbecue. She didn’t know that Tang Yi was a burn to stop the blood from flowing out.
Pain, cold sweat, DC Tang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and the pain eased the numbness a little, at least so that he could walk a few steps.
"Then I will attract him, and you will attack."
To put it bluntly, the bait is almost equivalent to death at such a close distance.
Although afraid, Li still bite his teeth and said that soldiers should be ready to sacrifice at any time.
"Staying in the battlefield will not be the only thing in many cases. Use your head more. I will give you another lesson today and learn to remember it."
Of course, Tang Yi won’t let Li die. He stretched out his hand to fill the Grenade gun and raised it directly over his head.

It seems that it is difficult for several people to see that Nite will fall to four people from the sky with a wave of his hand, and Yang Ye and the blue-and-white snow display panel have also appeared.

[You have learned [riding elementary (temporary)]
By riding!
Riding is only after the mount comes out, you will have the skills to ride on the mount. Now there is no np in major cities who can learn riding. Nite gave several people riding with a wave of his hand, and even his followers can do it. It can’t be more embarrassing.
Unfortunately, it is temporary.
Will the emergence of horses in riding mean another era in the game? Is the mount age finally coming? Is heavy knight spring finally coming?
When it’s urgent, chase Ham.
Yang Ye walked up to a war horse, which was pure in color, full of fat muscles, explosive in appearance and smooth in mane. At first glance, it was a good war horse.
It’s a pity that even Yang Ye can’t see the attribute.
As soon as Yang Ye pulled the reins with his left hand, he felt like a horse who had studied riding for decades, and so did others. Even Lilina, who had always been clumsy, quickly climbed the horse and was excited to play with the reins.
"Warriors must succeed!" Nite avenue
"Please be sure to succeed!" A row of people behind followed shouted.
"Please rest assured that we will succeed" table to comfort Yang Ye or said, then-
"Go!" Yang Ye shouted, the war horse leaned back and lifted its forelimbs, and then a burst of horseshoes was urgent. Several people in Yang Ye recovered in the direction of Hamm’s disappearance …
Tammy watched a few people disappear, and his little heart was full of envy. He also wanted to be like a warrior, riding a strong and powerful sword and chasing and bullying his own people-he would definitely after the meeting.
"Uncle Nate, I want to be a brave knight," Tammy said heavily beside Nate.
Nite didn’t speak, just glanced at Tammy, who used to be a knight.
Fashion is still early. In the game, the morning sun has just risen, and the fog has not dissipated. Dewdrops are covered with grass. It is very urgent to walk along the road leading to Wangcheng. He looks back from time to time and seems to be behind the tension. His right hand deliberately moves back to facilitate the knife to come out at any time.
It’s Ham.
"How fast!" Ham frowned, and his opponent was very fast. He was very tired after running around all night in hakodate, and he didn’t feed any forage. Now he is rushing to run and can’t win, so he can rest his horse all night.
I can’t go like this.
Ham scowled and rode a little further. He suddenly pulled the horse’s head and turned the direction at an angle-the straight line was not the city but the mysterious lake.
On the one hand, going to the lake of Mystery Light can make people in the rear pursue a distance in vain, and they will certainly keep pursuing themselves ahead, but in fact they have changed their direction; On the other hand … To be continued.
Chapter 165 Silver Leaf Knight Hamcan!
Miguang Lake is located in the northern part of Sa Ding Royal Xiaoli, and you can reach the scenic Miguang Lake by walking northeast along the west Sa Ding mining area.
There are all kinds of wild monsters around the lake, even outside. There are no living things, some are fierce, and some are harmful to people and animals. If you are cheated and wait for you, you will die.
The Mystery Lake is so big that it doesn’t freeze in spring, summer and autumn, and it is sparkling in the sunshine. Among them, there are also wild monsters living in it. They are huge, small and mysterious. The Lake is adjacent to the Sa Ding Plain. Strictly speaking, it is the Sa Ding Plain, but for the convenience of finding the way, the Sa Ding royal family divided the Mystery Lake separately.
The area around Miguang Lake is collectively called Miguang Lake.
Sa Ding people care about this area, and residents are not allowed to come here even if the grass is fresh and fertile.
There are many wild horses around Miguang Lake.
Wild horses are all first-class and good horses after taming the wild.
On taming the abyss of wild animals has always been a specialty, which is why they have so many mysterious species, some of which are transformed or artificial, and more of which are achieved by taming wild monsters.
Sa Ding people are also abyss people, even though they have been away from the abyss for several years and away from the war for several years, this skill will not be forgotten by Sa Ding people, so wild horses here have become their best training objects.
Protecting wild horses from heaven has become an important matter.
Silver leaf knight? The captain of the Sa Ding Plain Scout Team sent by Hamm Sa Ding’s royal family did not patrol the strongest white horse as usual today, but he was quite embarrassed to dash his white horse in the plain-he also looked tired on a snowy night, panting and puffing, and his horseshoes were heavy, which was obviously caused by a long journey without rest.
Ham is a little worried about the snowy night. This snowy night was given to him by his father on his first birthday. He has been with Ham for many years. Usually, the patrol roots are not willing to let the snowy night get so tired, but now …
Ham’s palm rubbed against the back of the hakodate to soothe it. It was almost tiring on the hakodate.
In order to reduce the burden of hakodate, he has discarded his heavy armor and water bags from the east and west. It’s really a good horse to last so long in hakodate, but …
Ham looked back at the back and there were four black dotted figures faintly visible.
"Have you made track for it?" Ham whispered that his voice was a little broken.

That man has a buzz cut and a big figure, and he walks casually, and he looks very energetic. Only when he walks to the commentary desk can others see his face clearly.

"It’s Meng Changjun!"
"It’s really a single Meng Changjun in the ZG team!"
"Is the ZG team very powerful?"
"Of course, the ZG team is not as powerful as the top three in lpl, but this time it has also reached the wg World Finals. A few days later, they will join the Ghost Team in the Taicang Finals in Jiangsu."
There was such a sound in the crowd
Even Lu Zhan was surprised if it wasn’t him. He clearly remembered that Xia Lingyao told him for the first time that Meng Changjun was good at supporting China and had always been the strongest single player in the country.
I heard that the so-called ZG team means that all five members of the Warring States team are famous during the Warring States period. Meng Changjun is the captain of the ZG team. Although this person is not necessarily the first in the circle level, his influence is not inferior to theirs. It seems that this great man is indeed true.
"On behalf of twelve universities in Jinling, I welcome you!" The light rain led the audience to applaud and welcome many audiences to Meng Changjun’s appearance. Now they have come back to feel that even if the game is not wonderful, just watching a Meng Changjun person is considered.
After all, the fans of competing stars are very common now, and the domineering stars like Meng Changjun are also very popular in Jinling No.12 School.
"Thank you!" Meng Changjun also smiled and said
"It’s very kind of you to say that the ZG team horse is going to participate in the wg finals, but we are all very excited that you can come all the way from the sea to watch our game!" Xiaoxue said
"Ha ha, actually, I’m here to see a player improvise!" Meng Changjun said.
"Who is it?" Xiaoyu asked, and she also asked a lot of questions including Lu Zhan.
At this time, Li Zhezhe, the Tai Chi Tiger team, is ready to get up. He is wondering why the audience is so stupid. He is the only one who can get involved with ZG here.
He can be chosen to go to ZG team, that is, Meng Changjun has someone to ask him. Although he and Meng Changjun have never met, he feels that Meng Changjun can really admire him for coming to see Jinling Cup. He feels that there is nothing wrong with staying in China to play professionally.
But a word from Meng Changjun broke his fantasy.
"Of course, I have to see Su Xiaomei when I come here, but more importantly, I want to see an analyst named Lu Zhanren’s Ghost Team who bet me that Shan has already surpassed me in this player. I don’t believe that I will prove her wrong!" Meng Changjun said slowly.
Meng Changjun said these words and immediately talked about it.
Su Yueran’s brother is Su Huanjen, which is known to many people. It is not surprising that the candidates have exchanges.
But who is Lu Zhan? Although it is obvious to all that Lu Zhan has played in the past two days, everyone regards Lu Zhan as a better player. Now Meng Changjun says that Lu Zhan’s single ability has overtaken him, which is surprising!
At the same time, An Zhe’s brain was "stunned". What happened? His future team captain didn’t come to see him?
Don’t look at him, but look at his opponent Lu Zhan, which makes him unable to accept it.
"Lu Zhan, wait for me. I’ll make you suffer enough when you choose someone later, and I’ll crush you to death in the game!" An Youxi clenched his fist and sat back with a jerk.
Chapter 167 Land Exhibition Tactics
After hearing the commentary, Lu Zhan was in distress situation. The team analyst must be Xia Lingyao. I don’t know if Xia Lingyao boasted himself in front of this Meng Changjun and asked Meng Changjun to come and see him.
Specially invited guests appeared on the stage, and a small commotion soon passed. Light rain and light snow announced the game. At this time, Lu Zhan and others brought headphones and could not hear the outside sound.
"As we all know, the Taiji Tiger team showed that the strength of crushing all opponents in these two days’ competition was solved in about 2 minutes. I don’t know what good methods will be taken against the Taiji Tiger win team!" Ban explained himself when he chose the scenery.
I didn’t expect that there was a hiss at the mention of Taiji Tiger Team, which was not only the home advantage of Jinling University, but also the shame of the audience.
"the win team is also good, and it is also a victory!" Light snow quickly added
"Well, it’s so good. ban’s election is already in the middle." Feng Se went on to say that after this delay, four heroes have been ban on both sides.
Because the Taiji Tiger team has no weakness, the win team is a regular ban, and the two heroes, Da Shen and Blind Monk, are both good, but they are not good enough to be released.
However, Tai Chi Tiger Team ban dropped Leopard Lady and Lux, and in the third ban Tai Chi Tiger ban dropped the barrel, and in the third ban, it was obvious that it was aimed at the landing exhibition to ban all the heroes who had played better in the land exhibition.
"yeah!" See this ban xiaoshengqiang let out a cheer.
Several other people are also very worried that what they are most worried about has not happened. Xiao Chengjiang and Riven are still present.
Although the other side chooses the hero first, to be honest, the probability of their choosing Riven is not high, so they are all relieved.
Lu Zhan is also very worried about this. Xiao Chengjiang Riven must take it out. This is their secret weapon. It seems that Tai Chi Tiger is really conceited and has not investigated them, but Lu Zhan already knows the problem that conceit equals suicide.
Now Lu Zhan still has a ban quota in his hand, but he is hesitant. It is obvious that the hero who is best at robbing is the hero who makes him entangled.
The first three Tai Chi tiger robberies were all dropped by ban, and he didn’t know what level the other team could reach.
If ban robs him, he can choose ban to lose other positions. His teammates are not good at heroes, but if he doesn’t rob him, it means that he will face the strongest hero of the other side!
This choice is really difficult to make.
"ban robbed it!" Xiao Chengjiang looked at Lu Zhan and understood the contradiction in his heart. After all, the single line with the robbery was Lu Zhan himself, and the other three also nodded their heads.
But when seconds passed, when Lu Zhan locked the last ban, it was impressively that ban dropped the opponent’s front auxiliary position and played well, Leona, not robbery!
"What?" Su Yueran Diane eyebrow a wrinkly to ask
"I want to face him head-on!" Lu Zhan wiped the keyboard seriously and said
"Well" four people suddenly expressed their understanding of Lu Zhan.
In fact, Lu Zhan has another plan, that is, although the other party may not choose Riven, it is still possible to choose not to rob ban now, which means giving the robbery to the other party to choose first, which will cut off the possibility of Tai Chi Tiger taking Riven.
This kind of ban IQ game is already handy, even if a battle-hardened professional analyst chooses ban, that’s all.
Seeing Tai Chi Tiger’s first choice, he really took the land robbery exhibition and smiled softly and said, "Comrades, after all, this is the last battle in his life. I will let him die gloriously!"
After listening to his words, several people in the win team will smile. They all know that this land exhibition is for real.
After the final selection, Tai Chi Tiger Array is very common. Jax is the only one to rob the wild, spider ad is the aircraft aid and hammer stone.
The win team is more exotic. They are Riven ad alone, policewoman assisted by Nami. It’s nothing, but playing wild and single position is a nightmare and one is a card!
Ball flow!
The audience who knew League of Legends immediately thought of the word nightmare and card. These two heroes can support nearly half of the map and can do it very quickly.
When a hero with this ability appears twice, it is called the ball flow play. This kind of play supports quickly, and there will be a sharp wave of catching people at Level 6, which is difficult to defend.
This reminds me of the well-known Lu Zhan’s promise to blow up his opponent in 25 minutes, and it’s already white to say that the explanation will hit the audience. This is the early stage of arresting people.
"Everyone has seen this array, so I would like to ask Meng Changjun what do you think of win’s play?" After thinking about it, Feng Se decided to ask the professional players for advice first.
"The advantage of ball flow is that when there is a big move, the disadvantage of that wave of arresting people is that there is no team battle and big move, and it is inconvenient to play a group. If you really want to target it, the Tai Chi Tiger team can actually get together and push at level 6, so that the advantage of the first wave of ball flow is not so obvious. Personally, I feel that this strategy of win team is actually very broken, which is not so high." Meng Changjun said.
It is obviously impossible for him to know about the 25-minute promise, but his understanding of League of Legends is still very deep. He glanced at Lu Zhan intentionally.
"Well, it is estimated that the win team also knows this problem and chose Nami, who has strong backhand ability, as an assistant so that the team battle will be better!"
Although Lu Zhan couldn’t hear what the commentary was saying, he knew that there must be a discussion about their candidates outside.
In fact, Lu Zhan’s choice of this style of play is by no means targeted. He studied it for a long time last night, and today he also had a private exchange with Lin Zhengzheng, and finally introduced Nami’s assistance.
Meng Changjun said that those Lu Zhan knew Tai Chi Tiger Team, but Lu Zhan still took out this style of play for his own reasons, and that was because he had repeatedly studied it and would not bring it if it was immature.
So when the audience saw that the game appeared in the semi-area, the win team sneaked into the opponent’s wild area from their own wild area for the first time, and the line of people didn’t even stop. It was not normal for the first-level group to try one step at a time.
"Is this going to force a first-class regiment?" Explain the wind and exclaim
Yes, the key point of this style of play is to fight the first-class regiment.
In fact, the threat of land exhibition ball flow to the enemy is not from level 6 but from level 1!
Chapter 16 crouching in the grass
What is the weakness of Taiji Tiger Team?
Personally speaking, they are undoubtedly the strongest in the whole competition, but good personal skills can mean that their consciousness is better and their cooperation is not bad after a long period of running-in, but it does not mean that they will be strong in tactics.

Room light is a little dim. Dong Laoer pulled out a pack of soft Chinese from his trouser pocket, threw one for Ye Qing, then ignited the silver zippo for Ye Qing, and then ignited it for himself. After that, the room was filled with smoke.

Ye Qing slowly vomited smoke and his face gradually blurred. At this time, his heart was a little excited. Dong Laoer’s words made him feel inexplicably excited to dig 7kg! This is much more exciting than digging coal and gold, 7kg, so that the player will attract wide attention on which team to go to. If he can really come to Club I, Ye Qing will be covered by absolute intimacy when he is ahead, greatly reducing his offensive pressure.
When defending, having 7kg in the seat can also greatly limit the opponent’s attack. If you rush desperately, you will die faster. The speed and hit rate of 7kg guns will make the enemy rush from the entrance of Avenue A to the slope of the platform, and at least three people will die!
7kg didn’t go to the whole city to compete soon. The team members just ran in and were afraid that it was not so easy to dig, and the big honey had been exposed to 7kg, but it was rejected by 7kg. Ye Qing didn’t know if Dong Laoer’s high-priced method was effective. He was a little worried. "Now 7kg’s annual salary should be 100,000. If you dig him at a high price, you have to give an annual salary of 150,000, right? Otherwise it is estimated that he will not be moved! "
Dong second shake shake ash way "one hundred and fifty thousand is too little! I’m going to offer him 200,000 yuan for a man like 7kg. Money is the way to impress him. He has a dream in his heart. He wants to win the championship. He also needs an array with the strength to win the championship, so as to attract him. After the big boss digs up the powerful machine gunner, I’ll make an offer for 7kg! "
"I wipe two hundred thousand! It’s only over 30 thousand a year old. Is there such a big gap between me and 7kg? Second, you’re driving up the price, and you don’t have to help me like this. 200 thousand is not small money. You have to pay this favor every year after you dig it up. I can’t afford it! " Ye Qing finished and took a drag on the cigarette holder in his mouth.
Dong old two fingers with smoke twist a head to look at leaf tilting way "also a fart human feelings! Boss, our brothers still say this? 200 thousand a year is not much. I have to go back to work. This money is nothing! I spend more money in bars every year than that. I can understand the big boss’s difficulties. After all, she is a girl who invested more than one million yuan in the early stage, which is already a lot. Her family probably won’t give her any more money, so this money is the most suitable for me! "
"Don’t say anything else about the second child. It’s my honor to have you as a brother in this life!" Ye Qing was very moved, and Dong Laoer was so kind to him. The two had only known each other for a short time, and it was only three or four years in total, but they treated each other as sincerely as brothers who grew up together.
"Eldest brother melodramatic? Ha, ha, ha ….. "Dong Laoer laughed and Ye Qing followed him. The brotherhood between the two was quite deep.
At lunch, Dami took everyone to a good restaurant. They played very well because of the afternoon competition, so Dami also rewarded them. When they ate, they were cold-blooded and others were still very excited. They thought that there would be no competition in the afternoon and every day, so they also ordered several bottles of beer to drink.
Ye Qing and Dong Laoer also accompanied them to drink. Anyway, after drinking together, there were not many days. The atmosphere gradually warmed up, and even the big honey could not help but drink two beers, and her face became red and beautiful.
"Captain, although we lost the game today, we are still proud of the defeat. I know you are still not satisfied with the result of the game. You have a pursuer, but you can’t rush for a while. Our team still loses the game before making continuous progress, and we will win it back!" Cold-blooded hand on leaf shoulder way
Ye Qing didn’t speak, cold-blooded, and didn’t know that he was going to be forced to leave the team. He was still looking forward to a bright future. Ye Qing felt that what he said was cruel, and the meteor also leaned in. He was very enthusiastic about Ye Qing. "Captain, the story of our defeat of the old fish has been very remarkable. In the face of the royal Forbidden City team with two big guns, we almost equalized the score several times and met them again. It is estimated that we can avenge ourselves! Through this game, I found that my sniper rifle method is still not strong enough. After returning to Chengdu, I will train harder to become a first-class sniper! "
After listening to the meteor, Ye fell in love. These guys are still working hard. They all sincerely hope that the team will become stronger, but they think it is by their own strength that the team will become stronger, while Ye Qing thinks it is by foreign aid that the team will become stronger.
Big honey knew his heart melted when he saw Ye Qing’s expression. He didn’t want to crowd them out of the team, but if they stayed, the team would become stronger. I don’t know if it will be years. She can’t wait for Ye Qing, and she can’t wait. If she wants to be cruel, let her be the wicked.
She quickly raised her cup and said, "It’s time for everyone to drink at dinner and not talk about the team!"
Cold-blooded and others immediately picked up the cup, Ye Qing barely smiled, and then everyone touched the cup together. After sitting down, Ye fell in love, there was still some guilt, but if the team wanted to be strong quickly, there would be a way to reorganize!
After eating, they are cold-blooded and they are all drunk. It is definitely not possible to go out for a stroll. Maybe they will fall directly into the Huangpu River. Everyone thinks that they should go back to the hotel to sleep and get drunk. It is best to sleep when they touch the bed.
After returning to the hotel, they went back to their rooms to sleep in cold blood. Ye Qing was sober at this time. As soon as he entered the room to prepare for the door, Da Mi quickly flashed in. Ye Qing gave her a surprised look and revealed a wretched smile. "Don’t you know that it is very dangerous for a girl to enter a drunk’s room alone?"
"How dare you do anything to me?" Big honey puffed out her chest and smiled. Her face was red when she was eating. She also drank a lot and became afraid. Besides, she didn’t believe what Ye Qing dared to do to her.
Ye Qing also directly pulled her into her arms with the strength of wine, and then directly put her mouth together. Honey’s heart suddenly accelerated. She pushed Ye Qing and said, "I can’t stand less alcohol!"
Leaf to palm ha two tone way "is it bad? Well, let’s get down to business. What are you doing in my room? "
Big honey sat in the chair and patted her chest to calm down an emotion, and then said, "I am afraid that you will be soft-hearted in the reorganization of the team. I saw it at dinner just now that you don’t want to drive them away. Let me come forward with this matter. You don’t care about anything and don’t blame yourself."
Ye Qing shook his head to sober himself up. He sat beside Da Mi and stretched out his hand to hold Da Mi in his arms. "I really can’t bear to see them still trying to improve their strength. If they are slack in training or they are a group of people who have no dreams, then I will feel very comfortable if I force them out."
Big honey leans her head against Ye’s chest, her left hand puts her arm around his back, and her right hand puts her arm around his waist. She thinks this posture is very comfortable. She likes to lean against Ye’s arms, which is especially warm and safe.
"You are too affectionate. If you want to achieve great things, you must be ruthless. We are not letting them die, but we are just dismissing them. Besides, I will send them a sum of money." Big honey guided Ye Qing.
"I know, but I just feel a little uncomfortable. By the way, there is another thing I want to tell you. A second child is going to dig 7kg into our team. He is going to quote 7kg an annual salary of 200,000. What do you think of this money from him?"
Big honey smell speech broke free from the arms of Ye Qing and sat up straight. "Two hundred thousand? Is he crazy? It seems that the annual salary of the sniper is only 300,000 yuan. Nowadays, the salary of the professional circle can reach 150,000. There are not many professional players. He will raise the overall price of professional players, which will increase our talent! This is nonsense! And even if I have to dig 7kg, I should pay for it. He is not the owner of the club. What is his money? "
Ye Qing hurriedly stretched out his hand and scratched her nose lovingly and said with a smile, "Don’t be excited. Personally, I think 7kg should have this value, otherwise he may not be tempted by the money problem. The second child is right. You have invested a lot. Let him pay for this money. Anyway, he is not short of money and he is about to leave the team. Let’s just say that he is doing something before leaving the team. I will pay him back the money later because I know he is helping me!"
Big honey nestled in Ye Qing’s arms again and said softly, "In fact, I also contacted 7kg, and my offer was too high, but he refused without thinking!"
"He is not a man who values money. He wants to stay in a team that has the strength to win the championship, so you should dig up some powerful machine gunners and talk to him then. I think he will promise! Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gone from ag to Qingcheng Competition! "
"You’re right, then wait until I get rid of those powerful machine gunners!"
"Can you tell me which gunners you are?" Leaf tilt is very asked curiously.
Big honey smiled mysteriously and then slowly said, "even Zheng Pengfei, Lincoln Xu Hongyu, n1e Feng Yongqiang … If you dig 7kg again, you know what this means!"
Ye Qing was surprised when he heard this. He knew that the big honey diggers must be very powerful figures, but he didn’t expect that they would be three super-strong gunners. If all three of them joined the I club and 7kg finally agreed to join, it would mean that the members of Dongjia ab, the strongest team in the past, reunited in the I club and owed only one sir Li Yang.
Since sir has retired, it is impossible to assemble the original dongjia ab formation, but ye Qing can replace sir because he is also the commander! If this array is really formed, then the F world is not the only one in the S team!
Chapter 34 Get the champion and get you
Ye Qing was deeply shocked by Da Mi’s words. Da Mi is also a very enterprising boss. She is even more ruthless than the ig boss. She tried to reunite the members of Dongjia ab in the peak of the past in the I club. If successful, the situation in the F world will change greatly. After all, Dongjia ab was too strong in the past and won the world championship for a while.
After the shock, Ye Qing realized another question. If the four men can join the team, can he be the captain? After all, the four men are very powerful, higher or lower than him, and he is playing ak47even. Zheng Pengfei is also an ak player, and the leaf tilt is definitely unshakable in the main road near the enemy’s position.
Although a team is allowed to have two ak players, his position and Zheng Pengfei’s overlap. He thought about it for a while and then he was relieved. Who said that there can’t be two ak players on the main road? When the time comes, two ak’s will be suppressed, and it is estimated that the other party can’t even enter the main road!
Ye Qing thinks that he is not necessarily better than those experienced top players. You know, even, but sir, the apprentice of sir, is one of the best gold medal conductors in China. He taught even to play ak and at the same time taught him to be responsive and organize attacks.
In fact, Ye Qing doesn’t care about commanding this position. It’s all the same if even wants to be a commander. After all, having an ak player like even can greatly improve the team’s strength. His ak marksmanship is much stronger than Ye Qing’s now. His strength should be equal to K’s single-point accuracy. It’s almost like a sniper rifle to kill a person!
Ye Qing is now an ak marksmanship. Although he has made rapid progress in meeting ordinary opponents, he can kill a person with one bullet, but in the face of equal strength, he will solve his opponent with one bullet. In fact, among the four men, there is also an ak master, Lincoln lee, that is, Xu Hongyu.
Lee is not as famous as even because he is in the secondary lane, but his quick head shot is a must. His style is cold and aggressive, which often makes his opponents frightened. What makes even different is that he likes to be quick and even likes to be single-handed, but both of them are very sharp marksmen. lee is also known as ak Emperor and Head Shot King.
His defense in the alley on the second floor of the institute is impressive. Almost anyone can break through his defense. He keeps flashing and will attack the enemy one by one. He is a reassuring player and a rare machine gunner who can attack and defend.
If a team has three ak machine gunners, how fierce the offensive firepower should be! Many teams have one ak machine gunner, that is, two teams rarely have three ak machine gunners because ak is too difficult to practice!
In the F professional circle, there are only a handful of professional players who can play ak well. Many team ak players are not very strong, but they can’t find a better one. Those powerful ak gunners have already been carved up by super teams.
It’s a luxury for a team to have three ak machine gunners. Ye Qing is a little excited when he thinks about it. It’s the grand plan of Big Honey. I don’t know if it can be realized in the end. He bowed his head and kissed Big Honey on the forehead. "This array is really powerful and can definitely compete with the S team."
"It’s not too early to be happy. Those guys are hesitant and didn’t give a letter of approval. I have to increase the price! At present, even is still in ag Swim. After sir announced his retirement, the strength of this club has declined. They definitely don’t want to let even go. n1e is not doing well in the snowy area. It’s really difficult for a gunner to study the map layout tactics with m4 on the rampage. Although there are god snipers like Ma Zhe in their team and Lincoln’s 7kg partner in the whole city is also very lethal, it is estimated that he will have a hard time deciding. "Honey is still slightly worried.
"even and n1e didn’t come. I think 7 and Lincoln will be moved. After all, they are old friends and have been fighting side by side for many years. If they are reunited, the hope of winning the championship is very great. If 7 has ambition, he will definitely come!" Ye Qing is very sure that he knows everyone who has dreams.
"That is to say, even and n1e need to be taken care of?"
"The principle is that always talk to them first! Well, this matter can be put aside first. Anyway, we have to wait until we get back to Chengdu to do it. Should we do something more meaningful now? " Ye Qing (turn corners of the mouth flush a wretched smile.
Honey was alert to hear the unusual meaning from his words. She quickly struggled out of Ye’s arms and got up and said, "I’m a little dizzy. Go back to sleep first and wait until I wake up!"
Say that finish big honey and want to escape Ye Qing immediately got up and grabbed her wrist, and then pulled back a big honey and directly crashed into his arms. Ye Qing hugged her back tightly and bowed his head and kissed her on the mouth.
Ye’s kiss is overbearing, and his mouth is bigger than Da Mi’s small mouth, and the whole lip of Da Mi is contained in his mouth. His tongue is strong and powerful like a javelin drilling into Da Mi’s mouth. Da Mi’s teeth are closed, but she is afraid to close her mouth and is afraid of biting Ye Mi’s tongue.
The two of them kissed heartily, and the big honey body gradually softened. The whole person was attached to Ye Lean, and Ye Lean hugged her waist and moved to the bed. The big honey legs consciously followed and moved to the bed. Ye Lean slowly put the big honey into the bed, but did not leave the big honey mouth. Finally, the whole person lay on the bed and Ye Lean gently pressed one hand on the big honey legs.
It’s tempting for Dami to wear a pair of tight jeans to wrap her beautiful legs straight and slender, but her most sensitive place is that her thighs feel itchy when touched by others. As soon as she put her hands down, she opened her eyes and pushed the leaves directly with both hands, and then sat up. She cut her hair and her face was red and she was bleeding. She was flustered and said, "No, it’s not time to tilt the leaves."
Ye Xie has entered the state. This kind of thing comes naturally, but I didn’t expect Da Mi to brake halfway. It’s really a big spoil. He took a deep breath to calm his restless heart and then shrugged his shoulders. "I didn’t see you drink well. You are still so sober after drinking so much wine at noon!"
"Am I boring? A girl like me must be particularly disliked by you men! " Big honey is a little frustrated. She thinks there is something wrong with her personality. What age is it now? How many couples wait until they get married before they get to the last step? Now, when we meet for the first time, we go to the room. What kind of * * * * * is everywhere? Is it a bit too conservative for us?
Ye Qing shook his head. "It’s not that men are too superficial and vulgar now. They just want to be with her when they are with a girl. * * * In fact, a girl like you is the most precious. It’s so good to be faithful to a man and have a man in one generation. Men actually like this. But there are too few girls like you in this society!"
Big honey was very moved when she heard Ye Qing say this. She looked up at Ye Qing and asked, "Where’s Su Yanbing?"
"She? She ….. She is also a girl like you. I liked her so much at the beginning. "Ye Qing honestly replied.
"Do you still like her now?"
"This doesn’t answer? I want to keep a little privacy! " Ye Qing is very difficult to tunnel

Although many women say that they believe that Jiuzhong believes that he must be alive, the so-called heart is chaotic, and they are worried that the roots are out of their control. Now it is difficult to restrain themselves from crying with joy.

Although the people outside the world have different emotional starting points, they see that the sky is like a shadow of death, and there are signs of collapse in the virtual vortex. When they see it, they will collapse completely, and tears are uncontrollable.
Just when the world was so excited and wept with joy, there was another earth-shattering bang, and the sky was full of cracks and virtual whirlpools, as if it had finally reached its limit and burst.
In an instant, the whole world was covered with purple and black, followed by the gasification of the whole sky, and the light and rain spread all over the earth like showers from heaven.
With the light and rain falling, although it was blocked for less than a day, it seemed to the world that a century of sunshine broke through the clouds and shone all over the world, and the earth was bathed in peaceful sunshine again
Suddenly, a dazzling purple light beam came from the sky in a downpour, directly smashing the nine-fold dragon shield and crashing into the buffer zone of both sides of the Earth Federation in Tiancheng, causing a large pit to stir up a thick earth wave and spread to all directions.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-nine Bite the hand that feeds you
"It must be a tiger!" Shen Yue was the first to react, and the first woman to fly away toward the spot where the light beam landed was Taofeng and Guxiang, followed by the soldier king, the big fiend and others, and then the purple light beam landed at the edge of the pit as quickly as possible, and the probe looked at the bottom of the pit and saw a bloody person embedded in the ground, motionless and reckless.
"Woo hoo tiger!" Although it is difficult for ordinary people to recognize the blood at the bottom of the pit, Shen Yue’s daughters and Jiuzhong’s closest people recognized it at first sight, that is, Jiuzhong.
Daughters jumped into the bottom of the pit together and fished Jiuzhong out of the ground. They went to check Jiuzhong’s situation. "Tiger, are you okay … blare … don’t scare us. Are you okay? !”
"Nothing, nothing, the tiger is still breathing!" Finally, Shen Yue has always been calm. At this time, he can barely keep a little calm and explore Jiuchong to make sure that Jiuzhong still has a long breath.
"Nine heavy? !” Bing Wang, big fiend and others have also approached the front of the pit to ask about the nine heavy situations.
"Can’t die!" Caocao replied, "Let everyone feel at ease. Shen Yue led all the women to pick up Jiuzhong and go out of the pit." "
"I see you still don’t go!" They just got out of the pit but were stopped by a sudden sound.
All the people in Tiancheng just now paid attention to the situation around them, and it was only now that they suddenly found out that they didn’t know when they returned from the sky and smashed out of the pit. They were surrounded and surrounded by the remnants of the Earth Federation.
After many battles, the federal forces of the earth have left a few, but that is relative to the heyday of the federal forces of the earth. Even now, what they have left is not what all the people in Tiancheng can match, and they are in an absolute advantage in terms of troops.
"What do you want? !” Bing Wang, antique, big fiend, the top era of divine power, quickly covered before living, holding the nine-fold Shen Yue daughters with dense eyes scanning the earth Federation.
"Look at him to get out more, intake less like nine heavy injury is very serious, I’m afraid? !” On the federal side of the earth, a group of officers dressed in costumes came out. The first middle-aged general looked at the nine-fold being held by Shen Yue’s daughters. If he was unconscious, he would not be able to live. He sneered and asked, but he could recognize the schadenfreude in his words.
"How do you have him? !” Bing Wang cold way
"Haha, of course!" Middle-aged generals laughed "didn’t you hear what I said just now? Since Jiu was seriously injured, you might as well not go! You are not leaving, stay! "
"You ungrateful people are worse than pigs and dogs!" The pacifist point pointed to the other side with a look of indignation and said, "When you just falsely robbed the end of the world, you didn’t care about the past, but you also stepped in to protect you. In the end, you smashed it and completely saved you from the desperate situation of extinction. So you saved your life, and you not only didn’t want to repay, but also killed him!"
"Hum!" The earth federal people all sneer at the first middle-aged general is also sneer at a blush stand hand way "we let him save us? It’s just his wishful thinking! The Commonwealth of the earth has wiped out our compatriots with nine times of blood, killing our old clan owner and even destroying our federal president Troy. We have a sworn enemy with him and will never die! "
"Never die!"
"The undead endlessly! !”
"The undead endlessly! ! !”
The earth Federation is full of excitement.
"Say so much nonsense …!" The antique expression is full of disdain. "Just say that you want to destroy ourselves and dominate the world!"
Lies are uncovered by antique * * nudity, and there is no need to play them again. A group of people across the street are showing ferocious faces. "Hey hey, you can say that! You always have to die, and this ninth weight must die! He’s too powerful, he’s too dangerous. If he’s allowed to live, wouldn’t the whole world live in his shadow? Life and death are in his hands and he can take whatever he wants. ! Do you want to live in such a world without personal freedom and life guarantee? !”
The last question about the middle-aged general was that he was behind him, and there was a faint agitation because of revealing the cruel truth in antique colors. After hearing what he said, the agitation in the federal crowd of the earth gradually subsided.
"If you want our lives so much, then your lives will be exchanged!" On the one hand, all the people in Tiancheng are surging with divine power, and all of them are posing as decisive fighters.
Although they are all exhausted, the fighting capacity is not much different, but they still don’t want to sit still and die in the hands of these pigs and dogs, but choose to die in an open manner.
"In that case, I’m afraid I can give it up again!" Just as the fighting between the two sides was about to break out, a weak abnormal sound sounded very abrupt.
It is reasonable to say that the number of people who can hear this sound is very limited just by listening to this sound, but unexpectedly, everyone present has heard it.
Although this sound sounds so weak, there is no reason to hear it. At this moment, everyone’s heart is in a quiver, and the atmosphere has gone to the edge of the explosion for a short time.
Everyone on both sides looked around and found the sound source. However, after seeing the sound source, the reaction of both sides was seriously polarized
All the people in Tiancheng found the source of this sound, and it was hard to restrain their excitement. And the earth federal people find the sound source after each heart is instantaneous as if fell into the icehouse pull cool pull cool.
Just now, the war between the two sides was on the verge, and both sides paid attention to each other. No one noticed that I didn’t know when I was seriously injured and unconscious, and my eyes opened.
Even holding nine heavy Shen Yue several women didn’t notice nine heavy more awake.
Didn’t expect such injury nine heavy incredibly still can wake up Shen Yue several female pleasantly surprised slightly a consternation eyes suddenly lost nine heavy figure eyes hurriedly four looking for a twist a head to find nine heavy appeared in front of the crowd alone in the face of the earth.
"Nine … nine heavy!" See nine heavy appeared in front, although nine heavy state at this time is really not optimistic, whole body blood tottering like a pair of weak across the earth, the middle-aged general, the first all the officers are still full of fear, uncontrolled body trembling scared heart almost jumped out "you … what do you want? !”
Chapter one hundred and fortieth A finger broken dry Kun
"You now this half-dead state you … what else can you do? !” Although these people in the Earth Federation are questioning Jiuchong, it sounds more like comforting themselves and cheering for themselves in the presence of all people. "Don’t say that you want to use your tired body to deal with all of us? !”
"Why are you so clever!" Nine heavy some difficult grin reveals an ugly smile than crying, and then raise your right hand and explore your index finger slowly to the front.
"Ha-ha … ha-ha-ha … Jiuzhong, you are so crazy!" See nine key points to their forefinger opposite the earth federation that first middle-aged generals hurried back into the rear crowd to hide in the crowd and laugh "incredibly want to pick up a finger we are really blind you dog eye dismiss the day hero! What are you staring at? !”
Middle-aged generals around yelling a "give me kill him! He is seriously injured now, but he is just a paper tiger, not afraid! Who can kill him? I’ll make sure his senior officials are rich and prosperous! "
Dare to follow the middle-aged generals to take advantage of people’s danger and bite the hand that feeds them to deal with Tiancheng ginseng. These earthly era supernatural powers are naturally not good people. All of them are cynical and ruthless, and now they are rewarded with four questions. In an instant, the earthly federal era supernatural powers have sprung up and killed the sky.
Jiuzhong couldn’t help grinning again. Although he knew that this smile would definitely affect the injury and make him feel better, he still couldn’t help laughing. I don’t know whether the middle-aged officer across the street is a golden mouth or a crow mouth. How can it be said that it is so cute?
Middle-aged generals say yes, Jiuchong is to use this finger to deal with the divine power of all eras of the Earth Federation at the moment.
One finger moves slowly to the front point, but there is no force. There is a little force fluctuation. When the nine arms stretch, the fingers stop and disappear at the same time.
Nine fingers disappeared at the same time, and the powerful people in the former federal era of the earth were aggressively culled, as if they had planted a freeze spell, and at the same time they were "frozen" and the middle-aged generals were the first leaders who didn’t make moves.
"Cut! ! !” A scalp pins and needles, root sour crack ring.

The Lord will definitely slap him to death.

Come on, he just came to confess to the Lord. Wouldn’t it be cool to tell him again?
"How can you be so ashamed of being the Pope in the Hall of the Soul?" Isn’t the woman who looked at Bibidong dumbfounded by the red king very proud? How can you want to be a little woman before the Lord, and you can do such a little thing as blowing a pillow breeze?
"So what? Not angry? " Bibidong smiled and gently held his hair by his fingers and continued to look at the Red King.
"I was wrong to respect the Pope’s crown. I offended you. You adults don’t remember villains. Give me a few more good words in front of the Lord." The red king said that he dared not provoke Bidong, who was stronger than him, and he was the kind of enemy with her, but it was not good for him.
"Look at your performance." Bibidong stopped talking and looked at the posts. The Red King stopped poking fun at the Red King. She was a little scared. Even the Red King was so respectful to Zhao. It seems that Zhao’s prestige in the spirit beast world is much higher than she thought.
"What’s the matter? How did the Red King bully you? I’ll help you get rid of him. "A long sound started from Zhao’s body and flew towards Bidong, and directly took hold of Bidong’s slender waist and felt Bidong’s ripe and charming female palm, so I couldn’t help caressing it and rubbing it towards that plump ass.
"You …" Bibidong’s cheeks turned red and he felt Zhao’s bad palm burst out in a horrible qi machine.
"Don’t leave me some noodles in front of my hand." Zhao attached to Bidong’s earlobe said softly that the hot air rushed to her chest and shoulders with Zhao’s unique masculinity. The limp and numb feeling made Bidong’s charming body tremble and almost fall.
"If you touch me again, I’ll kill you." Bibidong forced himself to calm down. The trembling line said that she was numb and unable to control her body and leaned toward Zhao.
Her eyes are even more annoyed. Zhao is too ashamed to dare to touch her in front of outsiders. What should I do if others see her? She’s the Pope of the Soul Hall, dignified and noble, and Zhao can’t be so ashamed even if she can’t help it.
She is worried that she will be seen with slender arms. Naturally, the gap between her and Zhao will be filled up so that the red king can’t see Zhao’s hands behind her. Her beautiful eyes are raised and she pretends to be calm. Looking at the red king, she finds that the red king didn’t look at them, and her red hot cheeks are slightly cooler.
"Didn’t you say you are my wife? Husband touches his daughter-in-law as a matter of course. "Zhao laughs. Just as he has already absorbed the soul ring, he is taking note of Bidong’s reaction to Bidong. His daughter-in-law status posts the red king’s rule. He naturally won’t let Bidong go so easily.
"I was just talking nonsense. Don’t take it seriously." Isn’t Bibidon annoyed that Zhao was just absorbing the soul ring? How did he know that? Did he just want to see her say that in the morning? Not the kui is Zhao really ashamed.
"oh? Really? " Zhao put on a smile and gently slid his fingers on Bidong’s back and buttocks, which made him feel itchy like an ant walking, which made Bidong feel weak.
"Dead friends, I depend on you, whatever you say is the head office." After Bibidong’s charming body is finished, she leans against Zhao’s body. If it weren’t for Zhao’s being here to lean against her, maybe she would fall to the ground. Her eyes looked at Zhao with eyes like silk.
"Promise what?" Zhao Yixiao continued to ask Bidong if he didn’t make it clear that he would go back on his word if he left later.
"Promise to be your woman" said Bibidong with a light bite of her teeth. She didn’t know why her body would become so sensitive in front of Zhao and she would react when she touched it.
"Good baby Tung-erh, then let’s go first." Zhao knew that it was the first time that Bidong could say these things. If Bidong really made a fool of himself, their relationship would not get better, and there might even be cracks.
Zhao holds Bidong and flies directly towards Tiandou City.
Zhao and Bibidong suddenly left, which made the Red King feel stupid and forced him to be punished by the Lord, but the owner suddenly let him go, which made him a little confused.
Chapter 56 Changes
For example, Doucheng today is much more prosperous than before, and it is also a little different from Wusou City.
After all, here is the capital of Destiny Empire. Destiny Empire has ruled all the territories of Xingluo Empire and Tiandou Empire. These days, Zhu Zhuyun has directly swept all the affiliated principalities and kingdoms left by the original two empires with the help of Angel Yan and Yun Yun.
Although these countries are affiliated to the two empires, they also have their own masters, but these countries are now swept away.
After that, there was a country in Douro mainland, which was the destiny empire.
Nowadays, the appeal of the Destiny Empire in the soul division is not much weaker than that of the Soul Hall, but Ye Zhao doesn’t compare with others. What’s the difference between the Soul Hall and the Destiny Empire?
"It’s quite like your destiny empire." Bibidong looked at Tiandou City and said that everything could not help but be somewhat.
"That’s natural. Don’t look at who built you. Will men be bad?" Zhao smiled and took Bibidong’s soft waist.
"You are beautiful" than Bidong didn’t good the spirit white Zhao one eye, but it has all kinds of amorous feelings.
"What are you going to do about the Hall of the Soul?" Bibidong is facing Zhao Wendao. Although she is the Pope of the Hall of the Soul, she must ask clearly at this moment if Zhao wants to dissolve the Hall of the Soul, she is not willing.
She used to hate Chihiro and even wanted to start a war to destroy the Hall of the Soul, but now she’s over it. She finds that she still has a lot of feelings for the Hall of the Soul. How can a girl stay there all her life without any feelings?
"The Hall of the Soul is still the Hall of the Soul of you and Cher. I won’t intervene, but I want the Hall of the Soul to become an imperial state, similar to those churches, and the Pope will become an imperial Buddhist auxiliary empire." Zhao rubbed his head and made a long hair than Dong. He had this plan long ago.
If so, the Hall of the Soul is equivalent to an institution of the whole Ministry of Destiny Empire, but its status is higher.
Anyway, the Destiny Empire is now managed by Zhuyun, Bibidon and Cher, both of whom are in charge of their own interests, such as distribution.
Anyway, they all sleep together, and nothing else matters. He will take sides with whoever takes care of him. Hey, hey
"It’s up to you," said Bibidong lightly. She was a little tired and didn’t want to worry about those things. It turned out that she still had the ambition to unify the country, but now this idea is gone.
The Wu Soul Hall was completely unified when it was merged into the Destiny Empire.
Is it just Zhao who owns this day, or does she have no need to distinguish it too clearly now? Even if she is such an asshole, what do you care?
Zhao and Bibidong returned to Tiandou City together, and in a short time, Kung Fu attracted the attention of several forces.
Ning Fengzhi Yuyuanzhen and other forces are unbelievable.
Shouldn’t the Hall of the Soul and the Empire of Destiny be like fire and water? It’s only been a few days since Bebitong sent someone to attack and kill Zhao.
Besides, Bibidong is a talented woman. She is more ambitious than a man. What does it mean that she appears in Tiandou City with Zhao now?
Is the Hall of the Soul willing to submit to the empire?

At first light the next day, Li She gently pulled her arms out of the head of the bride, and then put her arms around her neck. She quietly covered her arms for fear of waking the sleeping beauty.

Dressed neatly, I finally took a look at the path. "Coco, don’t worry, I will definitely send Sun Jian’s head to you!"
Outside Tianmen town, there are already banners covering the sky, and the murderous foot soldiers are already ready.
The first one is to put an animal skin leopard without armor. A tall horse with red hair is holding a peerless bow in its hand. It is Li Zhuang who doesn’t want to wear armor. Li Zhuang brought ten well-trained pro-guards, which means that these ten pro-guards are first-class foot soldiers. Their main purpose is to protect Li She ‘an.
Looking back, a man in the right rear of Li Zhuang, with his armor all alone and without a helmet, drifted freely with black hair, and the fierce horse kept neighing. The pike in his hand reflected the cold light from time to time, which made him look full of fighting spirit. It was the gun king in the north who said that Zhang Xiu and Zhang Xiu made great contributions to the world war I with their own Xiliang fighters in Tianmen Town.
While a general in the left rear of Li Zhuang is dressed strangely, wearing a brocade robe and flowery clothes, with a dazzling silver bell hanging around his neck and a few unknown bird feathers stuck in his head, which are gorgeous and beautiful as flowers. What’s even more strange is that this one is still holding a green bristlegrass in his neckline and putting his hands behind his head, so he looks at Li She defiantly.
Who else can this strange dress look like if it’s not Gan Ning? Gan Ning also tries his best to bring his soldiers. A total of 240 people belong to the special arms "Jin Fan Thief". The other special arms have a very abnormal ability to see the strength of military commanders and protect their swords from the flesh.
In addition, there is also a teenager Huang Xu who follows instead of Zhou Cang as a guard.
Not far away, the people are watching the military commanders off, and they are envious of these military commanders who can go to war. It’s like just coming from Zhou Jiacun to Zhou Cang, and they are annoyed, "Alas, how can I get hurt every time and let Huang Xu get that little diamond?"
Zhou Cang’s side was naturally full of excitement. Cai Yan planned to run happily and was immediately stopped by Zhou Cang. "This kind of occasion can’t be ridiculous!"
"Oh" CAI wenji uncomfortable nodded and continued to happily shouted ""xianggong "! Xianggong! "
Wen-chi shouted naturally attracted Li, who smiled at Wen-chi, and then turned his head and walked towards the two men coming this way.
"How can" xianggong "ignore me!" CAI wenji muttered some unhappy mouth.
Zhou Cang explained, "How can your master care about his children’s affair now? Please forgive me."
"Forget it, who let him be my" xianggong "?I can hardly forgive him." Cai Yan amused herself and said that this performance was not far away. Bian Shi Zhang Ning asked Zhang Ning, "Who is this woman?" What do you call Li Shexianggong? "
Because Cai Yan met Bian Shi when she returned to her territory, she went to Zhoujia Village with Zhou Cang, saying that she was looking for inspiration and wanted to walk around-so Zhang Ning had never seen Cai Yan.
Bian Shi laughed. "Do you still say that? Our sister, of course. Come on, I’ll take you to meet your sister. "
Li She has no energy to worry about in the backyard. At this time, she is greeted by two people, one is Guo Jia and the other is Kuai Liang.
Kuai Liang laughed. "The Duke is really a warrior. You can’t taste such prestige even if you travel all over the world!"
"I’m flattered, sir. Please ask Mr. Ma and we can start." Li She didn’t want to say much, but she couldn’t wait to fly to meet Liu Biao and kill Jiangdong directly.
Kuai Liang also don’t want to delay "obey the duke’s order".
The three of them turned over together. Ma Li was about to reach the departure order, but Guo Jia shouted, "Raise the banner!"
Immediately, one leng, a foot soldier came carrying a standard, and the flag fluttered with a big plum character, in which the golden thread of the plum character was woven to look like gold, and HongLing danced around the corner of the general flag to show a sense of luxury.
"This is?" Li asked in doubt.
"The flag is the flag that unites the morale of the army, but it is even more important to be angry. Otherwise, it is a battlefield." Guo Jiayi explained that Li She was suddenly enlightened.
In ancient times, when fighting, fierce generals who were eager to make meritorious deeds liked to kill each other’s flags. Sometimes, in the chaotic battlefield, they cut down each other’s flags and shouted, "The enemy will be dead and we will not surrender!"
Although the enemy generals are not dead, it is likely that some enemies will surrender on their knees with their hands down, because the flags have been cut, which proves that they are definitely not the other side.
Li She nodded and shouted "Let’s go!"
The horseshoe lightly steps on Li She and finally takes one look at Bian Shi and others, who resolutely step on the journey. In their hearts, they say, "Everything is mine. My loved ones will no longer be hurt. Whoever wants to hurt them, I will pay them back!"!
Liu Biao, a newcomer, intends to set the place of governance in Nanjun, but there is an unstable force involved in Li in Nanjun, so it is good to set the place of governance in Xiangyang.
Now he is over 50 years old, and although he is thin, he looks quite healthy, speaks moderately, is gentle and deserves to be "Jun"
At this time, Liu Biao was sitting high in the discussion hall of Jingzhou Pastoral Mansion of Xiangyang Army, waiting for news.
There are many discussions about the gathering of talents from the left and right.
Suddenly, a foot soldier came to report that "Master Bo has returned"
"quick! Please come in! " Liu table nasty said
Kuai Liang led two people to stay in front of the door and bent down to ask two people behind him to be advanced. These two people came to Li She and Li Zhuang after half a month of dusty.
Li She did go in, but Li Zhuang was stopped and said, "No fierce soldiers are allowed to enter. Please give us your weapons."
"Farting is always a treasure bow. How can I give it to you!" Li Zhuang is unwilling
The foot soldiers were about to get angry, and Liu Biao said hastily, "How dare you cut the guest!"
"Ah?" Not only the foot soldiers froze, but even Li Zhuang froze.
The foot soldiers quickly reacted and knelt down to beg for mercy. "My Lord, I was wrong. Please let me go."
"Say more that the axe-wielder is pulling and chopping for me!" Liu Biao shows no mercy
Li Zhuang took a ugly look at Li She and lost his life because of himself. Li Zhuang felt that some of it was not worth Li She’s knowing visit. "In Hou Li’s visit to Jingzhou Pastoral, this foot soldier was just too upset and asked Jingzhou Pastoral to let this person go."
Liu Biao shouted, "Thank you, Duke!"
"Thank you for your intercession, the duke …"
"Go and change your mind!" Liu Biao fumed and then looked at Li She came straight from the high seat with a big smile. She took Li She’s hand and said, "Why did the Duke come in and sit down at the door?"
"Thanks for Jingzhou Pastoral"
Liu Biao took Li She to the high seat and left the right position to Li She. Li She didn’t refuse to sit down and Li Zhuang also stood quietly behind Li She.

Someone broke the silence, and others began to get active again.

But the little girl kept staring at her father.
She saw a strange look in her father’s eyes.
Only when she grew up did she understand that feeling was called disappointment.
Three years later.
"Dad! I finally feel angry! "
A small figure rushed into the courtyard with great efforts.
It’s Xiao Huang
Unfortunately, it was too short and the threshold was too high, so I tripped and fell down without paying attention.
Xiao Huang quickly got up and patted the dirt, but suddenly he felt burning pain in his elbow.
Raised his arm and looked at it. It turned out that there was a piece of skin that stung and stung.
But Xiao Huang didn’t care about wiping her clothes and walked into the room.
"Dad, I can officially practice!"
She entered the room and shouted
At this time, my father came out of the hall, holding a picture scroll that looked like a long time ago.
Xiao Huang knows that the picture shows a beautiful woman.
I was told that it was my mother.
"Dad, look!"
Xiao Huang put his arm behind his back and stretched out his other hand. A small flame suddenly burned at his fingertips, trembling and flickering.
The man squatted down to wipe the stain off her face and laughed. "Keep trying, Dad, I’m sure you can."
Chapter 116 Retreat
"What’s wrong with me?"
Ye Huang looked at Ye Xiaoxiao doubtfully. She frowned and got Mifeng’s suicide blood, and then suddenly she didn’t know anything.
What is this place? Why is Ye Xiaoxiao here?
Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t speak. She took two steps forward and suddenly fell to the ground.
"Oh, my old waist!"
Ye Huang hurriedly lifted her up before.
"I’m so sorry. I really don’t know what just happened." Ye Huang was apologetic.
"I know"
Ye Xiaoxiao sighed and said, "You were possessed just now."
Ye Huang leng leng
seems to be
She never wanted Mi Feng to die, but the fact is that she forced him to death alive because of her obsession.
She is too eager to prove that she is someone.
She didn’t want to let disappointment appear in her father’s eyes again.
"You can’t take what children say seriously"
Ye Xiaoxiao said, "At that time, they didn’t understand anything. Maybe they thought it was nothing, but they inadvertently hurt you."