One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!

Long Qingyue’s confused eyes suddenly widened, and his black eyes flashed with anger, clearly reflecting the ferocious face and hatred eyes of men.
Who’s this guy? Have a grudge against’ her’? Or do you have a grudge against the general’s office?
Suddenly, Long Qingyue felt that a cool coat was faded to the shoulders, revealing a white, smooth neck and sweet shoulders. The male hand followed the clothes and …
Long Qingyue was shocked and angry in his heart, but his whole body was soft and unable to make a little resistance to his mercy.
Wu jiao jiao was in a good mood when I saw this and laughed coldly. "Long Qingyue didn’t think you would have today, did you? This is where you and I fight! I want you to be laughed at forever! "
Long Qingyue clenched her teeth and urged the body spirit to try to break through the ban.
"Oh, you don’t waste your energy. You are fascinated and obsequious." Wu Jiaojiao sat on a stool with her legs tilted and her elbows propped up. "Do you remember that plate of peony flowers in Qingyutang? The aroma root is not poisonous, but adding special ecstasy with this red soul sound will make you unable to control it no matter how hard you try. Isn’t this taste good? "
Long Qingyue turned pale with a bite and suddenly felt a red in the throat. The original sleepy head also immediately woke up for a few minutes.
And the white man didn’t seem to hear Long Qingyue talking to Wu Jiaojiao, tearing Long Qingyue’s clothes all the time.
"I’ll burn you, you two shameless people!" Quillfire rushed out, and his little body flew in the air. He directly opened his mouth and saw a flame shoot out.
It was shot because the flame was too small, like a tiny silver wire, and it didn’t seem to hurt much except for a hot wind.
The flame brushed the man’s face and the man turned his head slightly to look at Quillfire’s eyes and flashed a trace of anger and surprise at the talking bird?
Even Wu Jiaojiao is a shocked expression. She reacts and her eyes are flashing with passion.
Although Quillfire’s injury is not great, at least Long Qingyue has slowed down.
"Uh … I’ll throw up again!" Quillfire turned black and fluttered with little wings to continue spraying.
A tiny hokage spray out again to the white male hair.
The white man one leng immediately reaction to come over quickly back a few steps.
"I vomit, I vomit, I vomit again!" Quillfire was very happy to see that his flame had worked.
"I vomit vomit vomit …"
Road spirit arrow ling general hokage gushed out from its mouth.
The white man’s face turned livid, and the scar on half of his face became more and more ferocious and ugly. This was like irony in his ears.
Lying on the ground, Long Qingyue is very reluctant to turn her eyes and pout. This is her life contract beast … whoops … What a sad reminder!
"Looking for death!" The man in white exudes a rage, and his left hand hits a sharp palm wind and suddenly bursts out. Quillfire can’t avoid being bombed.’ Ow!’ A scream falls beside Long Qingyue and makes a pathetic roll. Looking at her voice is firmer than’ Xiaoyue, don’t be afraid that Zun will protect you!’
14 give him back (5)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
Look at the stubborn look in the fire plume. Long Qingyue’s heart is warm. "Come on, little gray!" I believe you! "
Quillfire’s heart rejoiced and flew again.
A hot and gorgeous flame came out of its mouth, and the temperature in the air suddenly rose several times. I don’t know if Quillfire was encouraged or angry by Long Qingyue. The flame that came out this time was much bigger than the secondary one, and it was still a big one.
Strong fire spirit will bake the whole painting boat like a small stove.
The white man was surprised to retreat and avoid being burned for most of his clothes. He quickly grabbed the table kettle and fell down, only to douse his body. The flame looked like a mess. The white man hated to look at Quillfire’s eyes and his legs flashed. He quickly rushed to Quillfire near, grabbed Quillfire in his hand, and then threw Quillfire out. Quillfire sobbed miserably and lay on the ground breathless.
"Xiaoyan!" Long Qingyue’s heart suddenly rose with anger, and that anger rushed up to Long Qingyue’s whole body. A shock of spirit turned out to be a little strength. She shook up and pulled out a dagger from her trouser leg, took a deep breath, and her eyes were red and her face was ferocious.
Hand up the sword and listen to "poof", a muffled dagger stabbed into the white man’s left arm, and the white man flew out with a furious palm.
A trace of bright red blood overflowed from the corners of the mouth. Long Qingyue felt that his bones were weak and seemed to be broken. Generally, he never got up again.
"I didn’t expect that the ecstasy powder I carefully developed among you could still get up, which really surprised me, but I forgot to tell you that the more crazy you are, the faster the medicinal properties will flow in your body and penetrate into your blood." The man sneered at the bloody wound on his left arm, but anger and hatred moved to Long Qingyue step by step
Wu jiaojiao see Quillfire silent hurriedly ran over there fingers to find out Quillfire and maneuver hurriedly quietly put Quillfire in his chest collar, but this is a bird that spits words for a while! The whole Qinglong kingdom and Tianyuan mainland can’t find a few! It seems that the harvest today is very good!
"Ah … woo … it stinks!" A tender sound came out from Wu Jiaojiao’s chest, and a small sparrow’s head poked out from its collar and then took a deep breath.
Wu Jiaojiao’s face turned white and saw Quillfire raise his head to reveal a fascinating sign, Que’s smile. "Your chest is too small to feel!"
Wu Jiaojiao was so ashamed and angry that there was no one else here, otherwise she would have to vomit blood with anger.
Quillfire fluttered his wings and sprayed a flame at Wu Jiaojiao and shouted, "Ugly monster, because you also want to seduce me, I vomit!"


It’s a jade bottle cloud. Jojo hit the bottle cap and sniffed a strange fragrance. "What?"
Fang Ze said lightly that "Jiedu Pill can solve all kinds of poisons"
Wow, Yun Qiaoqiao poured it out and saw that there were ten of them. This is a good thing.
But she’s a little curious. What can I give her? They have met strangers twice.
"Give it to me? So what do you want? I can exchange whatever I want. "
There is no free lunch in the world!
Fang Ze’s eyes are unfathomable. "You can exchange messages with your mother."
Yun Qiaoqiao shook his head without thinking "refused to change another one"
Fang Ze slightly thoughtfully "owe me a favor, and I need you to pay it back someday"
Yun Qiaoqiao suspects that looking at him will not be a terrorist. "You won’t let me kill and set fire, will you?"
Fang Zeyu said, "You can’t do that with your little arms and legs. Don’t overestimate your ability."
How do you say this? Yun Qiaoqiao is a little upset. "You are not pleasing at all!"
Fang Ze gently her forehead is a little vertical and some nai "you naughty boy"
The food was sent, and the two kept the highest level of food and kept silent.
After eating, Fang Zegang wanted to say something, and suddenly he looked "I’m leaving"
Yunqiaoqiao is stunned. She still has something to ask. "Hey, are you leaving like this?"
Fang Ze commanding looked at her and smiled "what? Reluctant to me? "
The smile is so handsome. Yun Qiaoqiao is Yan Kong. I can’t help but look at my mouth but don’t lose.
"Uncle, you will be arrested for molesting underage girls like this."
Fang Ze was amused. "I didn’t think too much about the small appearance. I’m not interested in dwarfs."
Yun Qiaoqiao threw a supercilious look in the past. "Great, I was worried that you were a pervert who loved young teeth."
Fang Ze couldn’t help but pinch pinch her little face slippery feel very good.
Yun Qiaoqiao slapped him. "Hey, why are you pinching my face? If you say that you are not interested, are you saying that you don’t want health but honestly want bad guys? "
"…" Fang Ze all bad face wonderful all don’t know how to shape.
"Ha ha ha" demo fight with her!
Yunqiaoqiao bought a lot of things, and walked into Yunfu on the last ray of light.
She looked up at the corner of Yunfu plaque. Who was so prescient that she didn’t hang Chang ‘an Houfu plaque?
She had just walked a few steps when a middle-aged man appeared in front of her and gave her a salute. "The big lady asked you to see him as soon as you came back."
Yun Qiaoqiao glanced at her attitude, but her eyes looked contemptuous.
It’s also somebody else, but the main manager is more powerful than the seven county magistrate
She casually put something into the hand of the cattle manager, "Show me the way ahead."
Her condescending and patronizing attitude makes the cow manager angry enough.
Even my wife wouldn’t dare to talk to him like that. You know, he is the duke … not the closest confidant around my uncle.
YunQiaoQiao don’t care what he thinks Yang Yang exquisite ba "still walk not to walk? Don’t go, I’ll go back to rest. "
She doesn’t even give Yun Hao noodles, so she’s afraid of dog legs around him? Stop joking.
Manager Niu was annoyed but didn’t dare to say "Please come with me."
He walked in front with a big bag and a small bag, which was quite embarrassing. Yunqiaoqiao shook his little hand and followed slowly.
The front yard room Yunhao sat for an afternoon with a dull look and I don’t know what was going on.
"Here comes the master and the young lady."

"I won’t be able to fill it greatly." Daqi hung his tongue and his eyelids drooped. "I’ll lie down and deal with it yourself."

Say that finish Daqi directly "yum" and fell to the ground. Several guys hurriedly helped the old uncle with a wry smile. They dare not go to the wine field to help the drunkards. Now they will drink with people if they catch a Han.
Didn’t you see how many French Han people benoit brought directly to the party outside? How many of them are still yelling and practicing with several other Han people? Everyone is fighting to death, and they must want to compete.
Although they are drunk, their hands are still measured. If they even have this idea at ordinary times, it is not easy for them to make this request. The other party will consider their duties more even if they want to pass the hand with you. Unfortunately, they are all drunk at the moment, so Han is yelling at the stone road in the village.
"I also know about this family in benoit, and I can tell you that your choice is correct." The lean old man gently took a sip of his wine, and the strong man behind him remained silent.
At this time, other guests in this wing have already left benoit, this old man and this magnificent man.
Only to see that the old man didn’t have a knife and fork, but chopsticks gently picked up a piece of braised pork intestines and put it in his mouth, then squinted and chewed it carefully. "I haven’t eaten this taste for many years. After all, Chinese food in France is not very authentic, but I can’t come. This time I borrowed a Lisa wedding to come again."
Benoit respectfully poured white wine for the old man, but he saw the old man waving his hand. "You can’t drink more white wine. It’s good for me to be two cups older."
"Yes," benoit respectfully put the bottle and sat down beside him waiting for the old man to explain. He knew that the old man would definitely tell him something. Although benoit had a special status in the Legion, he couldn’t master many things.
Only the legion elders’ meeting, the regimental head and the deputy head knew about it.
"You don’t want to know more about this family and that tiger, but it won’t do you any good to know these things." The old man seemed to see what benoit was thinking and smiled and then said, "You need to know that they have been through many wars and several different dynasties for hundreds of years, but they are still in the limelight, which makes them lose their prestige. This is for a reason."
The old man squinted and whispered, "Unlike us and you, this family is accustomed to keeping a low profile, but they are also accustomed to helping many friends. I can tell you that they have many friends who have been benefited by them."
"Don’t look at them without saying a word and think that they are weaker than you, benoit. You agree that Lisa’s marriage to Hou’s family may be the most correct decision you made." The old man smiled and looked at benoit lightly. "Does no one else know about your physical condition?"
Benoit didn’t say anything. He knew that the secret was definitely not a secret in the legion. The doctor and the nurses who treated him couldn’t keep the secret. He was eager to find a good man for Lisa, marry her, and let the Silix family have an heir.
But I saw the old man get up slowly and hit the wing window with his hand behind his back. You can see a small pond at the back of the courtyard. There is a small pavilion by the pond. The water in the pond is running water, but I can hear the water flowing, which sets off the pastoral mountains behind him like a dusty landscape painting.
"Everyone is waiting for you to make a mistake, even we can’t give it to you," the old man said softly, squinting. "How long can you hold on when you make a mistake? Without the successor, the number of seats in Silix will be cancelled, and there will be an extra cake."
Benoit bowed his head and didn’t speak. It was obvious that he didn’t have much time. They couldn’t make moves against Silex because everyone had seen what the fools had done before, but they were able to keep silent and watch the Silex family decline.
Without a suitable heir, it will decline, and benoit himself knows the problem
Segmented reading 27
He thought about marrying Lisa to the right family, and then through marriage, Lisa’s daughter could legally inherit the Silex family heritage.
So when Lisa chose Hou Dasheng, he resolutely opposed an Asian face. He thought that the legion would not accept it, but he never imagined that the legion would accept it, and it seemed that there was no problem
"Don’t be surprised. According to our years of inference and prediction, the whole world pattern will undergo great and drastic changes in the next 30 to 50 years. In this change, China will develop at a high speed and many opportunities will be in China in the future."
Only to see the old man smiled and looked puzzled. benoit whispered, "Is johnross the Englishman?"
"Of course, I remember that many people in the academic circles criticized his paper as fallacies, alarmism and grandstanding." benoit smiled and said that it was all true. One year after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Englishman, who had never been to China, actually published a paper saying that China’s reform would succeed and Russia and Eastern Europe would fail.
At that time, it was completely contrary to the mainstream view of the academic circles. At present, 9 scholars in the academic circles all believe that Russia should adopt shock therapy to carry out economic consolidation. It is not enough for one scholar to believe that shock therapy should be adopted, and it is less than one economist to hold the same view with this Englishman.
It is believed that China’s reform will be successful and Russia’s shock therapy will bring disaster, and all of them are regarded as grandstanding monsters and idiots
"In fact, through years of observation and careful analysis, we found that his point of view was correct." But the old man turned around and said with a wry smile. "Although I find it hard to believe that an Englishman who has never even been to China should make such an accurate judgment."
Only to see the old man paused as if to calm his excitement, went to the table, raised his glass and poured himself a glass of wine, then gulped it down. "In recent years, his prediction has shown signs of a serious recession in Russia and the annual development rate of China is increasing by 1."
Chapter four hundred and fifteen The present continuous tense
"To put it simply, the Englishman named Rossi is right in his judgment because it has been confirmed." The old man looked at benoit and said, "Although Europe is developing now, there is a trend of development and better, but we will eventually encounter bottlenecks."
The old man slowly sat down and looked at benoit, saying, "The possible development of China will give us an opportunity to avoid risks."
Benoit didn’t speak, but nodded his head. The development of the Legion was completed step by step. That cleaning in France made the Legion weakened. It was also from that time that the Legion learned not to put eggs in a basket, and the Legion gradually recovered its vitality through various means.
Then the activities gradually became low-key, and at the same time, they dispersed their assets and moved their headquarters to a small principality like Monaco. The low-key infiltration made them stronger than before, but their actions were much milder. They finally learned their lesson after eating once.
The legion will be in charge of special areas such as the Silix family, and then these leaders will maintain cooperation and support each other in the legion. The new family must go through many tests before it can gradually enter the legion department.
However, if the old families fail to cultivate qualified successors, they will gradually be excluded from the core of the army. In this way, the army has maintained its fortune, but the army will not immediately cancel the position of the family that once supported the army in the army.
This is a gradual reduction process. If there are no suitable people for two or three generations in a row, it will become inevitable to leave the core layer.
In the early days, most of the benefits of the Legion were achieved through loans, land, donations, etc., but this brought great hidden dangers to the Legion, especially when the accumulated assets of the Legion were large enough to threaten the country, they were abandoned by the Vatican and purged by the French monarch at that time.
After that, the Legion learned well. After they recovered, the first thing they did was to investigate which companies and enterprises were worth investing, and then they tried their best to buy shares in these enterprises and companies, but these were not carried out in their own capacity.
In this way, the agent of the Silex family has become their tentacles, gradually infiltrating from finance to all walks of life, and then gradually having a certain influence in the agent country, and then affecting the House of Representatives.
With the distribution of agents in all aspects coordinated, they can rely on the Legion to complete it. benoit knows in his heart that they are definitely not the only ones supported in France. They belong to the highest level of the Legion’s agents. If there is a problem with the Silix family, there will definitely be other families subordinate to the second level to replace them.
"benoit, you know that the main assets of the Legion are now distributed in Europe and America. At present, these investments are all high-quality investments, but what about later?" The old man didn’t say, but benoit has already entered China.
Speaking of China and the Legion, we have to go back a long time. In fact, the Legion entered China a long time ago. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the Legion was forced to withdraw from China. For decades, it has been a white zone for the Legion.
"The Bianconeri want to return to China this time, and it doesn’t mean that they want to create the same influence as in Europe and America." The old man looked at benoit lightly. "We know very well that we don’t expect to affect this country. We are quiet and do business formally. Maybe we will make some investments and have a certain degree of cooperation with the authorities, but we won’t intervene in other issues."
Benoit smiled. This is the safest way and the smartest way. China is the same as the former Soviet Union, or they hate other people’s intervention more than the Soviet Union. If the legion dares to show this sign, then they will not have partners.
Moreover, benoit is better than others in dealing with China. You should know that the first western country to establish diplomatic relations with China was France. At that time, the country in charge of law was General Charles de Gaulle, and the first group of people who represented France in China had benoit’s father.
The fact is that for this reason, the problem of benoit’s coming to China was not too difficult. In those days, he met with his father, and some old people were still in China. In this matter, the Legion really couldn’t find a more suitable person to do it than benoit.
The noisy wedding soon ended, and the crowds who came to attend the wedding also dispersed. The difference was that a battalion leader arrived at the edge of Houjia Village. When he first arrived, he entered the village and respectfully called the old monitor to Hou Tiger.
Then, when I left the village, I started to work in the back hill of Houjia Village. A month later, a camp covering an area of about 30 acres with high walls, shooting range, playground and other equipment was set up. Later, Hou Dasheng was invited to go in early and return late.
There have been new and slow changes in the camp, and small buildings, bunkers, bunkers and trenches have appeared. Their styles and patterns are completely different, but there is no difference in appearance, but different buildings or villas have also been built after the completion of the structure.
I have to admit that the speed and quality of Chinese engineering troops are finished, and at the same time, batches of weapons and ammunition have been escorted here by the whole team of soldiers, and 10 kilometers from Houjiacun have been marked as a restricted area.
Hou Laohu is not surprised by this. He should hang his head and take the villagers to practice boxing. There is no difference between them on weekdays. Lisa is simpler. She and Hou Dasheng have discussed private kitchens in preparation.
Therefore, it is natural for her to choose a place where the decoration in benoit is good. Lisa was contracted without any effort. Of course, it was in the name of Hou Dacheng that the decoration and thorough transformation were taken. Lisa didn’t bring the guest house department, even if she was willing to do so.
She contracted a part of the back hill of the guest house and then built and renovated it herself. Adhering to the high-grade spirit, Lisa quickly found a professional designer to design the face building, and everything seemed to be going on in an orderly way.
Chapter four hundred and sixteen Army and police
"Here, the half-length target can be used without too much decoration." Hou Dasheng lit the architectural drawings in the construction site and sank one by one. "The target is not too good, just the steel plate is not too thick and can be replaced."
The person in charge of building the engineering drawings nodded, and Hou Dasheng went on, "Here, the waste tires are stacked to make a simple bunker so that it will not be too high, and the filling foundation inside can achieve the covering effect, so just come out and make a shooting hole."
"Twenty-meter target and fifty-meter target are two kinds of targets here. It is important to fill the cement wall at the back of the target and then put the soil in the front of the waste tire pile." Hou Dasheng explained a little bit that he asked the engineer to record it little by little
It was not until half a day later that Hou Dacheng finished his requirements that he nodded and then put away his notes, rolled up the drawings and left. At this time, Yan Jian’ an leaned in and handed Hou Dacheng a cigarette. He smiled and took it over and lit a fire for him. "Dasheng, how do you shoot this target? Isn’t shooting accuracy required?"
At Yan Jian ‘an, Hou Dacheng smiled. "There will be some differences between military shooting and police shooting."
Yan Jian’ an couldn’t help wondering more when Hou Dacheng said this. He looked at Hou Dacheng puzzled and hoped to hear a reasonable answer. After all, he had never heard of this theory. In his concept or in many people’s concepts, the requirement of shooting accuracy of "destroying an enemy with one bullet" is very important.
"I know you accept the concept that we used to destroy an enemy with one bullet, but we were not poor at that time." Hou Dacheng walked over and looked at Yan Jianan. "It is very difficult to really destroy an enemy with one bullet unless you are an elite idiot in actual military warfare."

"Don’t you think so?" The trees looked at him with their heads tilted. They were brother and sister, but they were just outsiders. Emotionally, it was understandable that he thought that.

Besides, white master and old lady Cong Baisong can think that they must have thought of it, but they haven’t questioned her yet. Is it because she hasn’t donated bone marrow to Bai Song? What do you have to endure?
"Since I got sick, I’ve learned a lot. Everything happens for a reason. It’s because Wan Ting did something sorry for you first. Now she deserves it. Although the punishment is heavier, besides, it’s because of you, but the result is not caused by you. It’s also the person behind the fault."
"I’m glad you think so. I’m not partial to Bai Wanting just because she is your sister."
"In fact, I have long regarded you as my sister in my heart." Bai Song blurted out and felt embarrassed to bow his head. He didn’t know anything. Since he first saw the forest, he heard her talk about her serious expression as a charity worker and told him that he would get better. He thought she was a different girl.
"It’s grandparents, parents, who abandoned you first. I’m sorry for you first. You should have complained to them earlier."
"Since you treat me like a sister, I’m welcome. I have a request for you."
Bai Song was stunned. I didn’t expect her to be so direct. She just said that she was a sister and she came to ask for it. It’s really impolite.
"You said I could do it."
"When you get well, you have to help me catch the murderer behind the scenes, whether it’s Bai Wanting or me."
Bai Song smiled. "I will." Originally, I was afraid that there would be a burden on my surgery someday, so I gave him an excuse and responsibility to live well.
"I will also go to the charity to help."
"Well, Bai Wanting, remember to tell me what’s going on." Trees took up their backpacks and walked away.
When I went out, I saw White Pearl standing outside the door. Are the others there? Is this because I’m afraid of what she will do to her son? She always felt that she looked at her with some kind of hatred.
She doesn’t talk to the trees, and the trees choose to ignore them.
"Hey, why did the beauty just come and leave and chat with my brother?" It turned out that Xiao Pang was still so enthusiastic.
The forest glared at him. "Watch your mouth. If my husband hears you, watch your legs."
"Who is your husband? Threaten me, don’t you? "
The forest was too lazy to pay attention to him. "Why haven’t you recovered from a broken cold?"
"Didn’t we say we were waiting for you?"
"Chatting" The trees turned to the ladder, and Xiao Pang also chased after them specially. White Pearl sneered and scolded "fox"
Xiao pang insisted on following her into the ladder and chattering around her. The trees heard a headache. "You are so rich that you won’t hire a nanny to talk with you?"
Section 237
"It’s boring to talk to them. I found it feels good to talk to you. How about I hire you? Three hundred dollars a day. "
The forest rolled its eyes. "Do you talk to everyone like you?"
"How to chat? You earn money with me. You still have meaning and social value. "
"I mean, you talk," the tree said to him word for word.
Xiao pang touched his face. "Don’t talk so close to me. It sprayed water on my face. Although I don’t dislike you, I’m not beautiful because of freckles."
The face of the trees is black and I can’t wait to swear.
It’s hard to get to the first floor, and Xiao pang is still following her. Do you know how annoying it is to keep talking about trees? She called the medical staff. "He can’t afford the medicine and wants to run away secretly."
There is not a single medical staff in this hospital who doesn’t know him. He has pulled him over and talked to him. When he heard the words from the trees, he calmly said, "It’s okay. His medicine has been settled until yesterday."
I’ve never seen such chatter. The whole hospital is so busy that he has time to talk with him. Besides, he has recovered from his cold and has to live here. If he hadn’t paid so much money a day in vip, he would have driven people away.
He is also very proud. "Thank you, Nurse Li, for explaining it to me."
Nurse Li smiled. "Don’t come to our room after you’re welcome. It’s a reward for me."
"How do you say this?"
"You see, you’ve become a hospital, everyone hates rats, and you don’t have any consciousness."
"I just like being sarcastic. What am I saying?"
The five senses of the trees are all wrinkled together. There are many people in the world.
"Mommy, Mommy, I’m coming to pick you up." The gentry saw her coming out at the hospital gate, ran out of the car and ran to her side.
"Why are the gentry here?" Trees are most interested in seeing children.
"I’m coming with my dad, and he’s worried about you. He’s afraid you’ll be bullied and he’ll come and pick you up." The gentry glanced at Xiao Pang next to him. "Mommy, who is he?"
You didn’t just drive dad away from peach blossom. Mommy wants peach blossom again, did you? Oh, what a trouble.
"Mommy doesn’t know us. Let’s go find Dad." The forest took the gentry’s hand and walked out.
Xiao Pang was shocked and touched Ba Dao. "Do you really have a child?" Looking at the trees ran past "hey, how do you say you don’t know me? I want to talk to you about it … "


Chapter 172 Disparity
"Miss Su, you are fighting for your life." Gu Qian smiled like jade. "I think you should have exhausted your strength just now. Now you are at your wit’s end."
Su Wei smiled peacefully, but her heart stirred up waves.
Sticky sweat dripped from the palm of your hand.
Damn it, is this guy guessing or is he really seeing the clue?
Smart as Su Wei also has some doubts at this time.
"Joke, Mr. Gu, you might as well try whether I’m a donkey or a tiger." Su Wei deliberately drawled and pretended to be calm and put on a fighting posture.
Su Chenran, if you don’t come back, you really have to help me collect the body.
Gu Qian stepped forward and pulled out a silver dagger from nowhere.
Su Wei gasped. Where did this guy get so many daggers? It seems that she is very close to death this time.
However, Gu Qian’s dagger did not stab Su Wei’s heart as it did for the first time, but her wrist stabbed her elbow
Su Wei hurriedly dodged, but Gu Qian was faster than her. One second before she escaped, the tip of the knife had pierced her flesh, and it was slightly painful like a poisonous insect bite.
Su Wei is surprised that he raised his arm consciously, but who knows that the original tiny wound has been expanding like crazy, and the color has turned terrible black and purple.
"You poison" Su Wei opened her eyes and was furious.
It would be better to solve it by himself if he tortured him to death.
However, Su Wei felt a tingle on the tip of her tongue before her teeth broke, and then her body suddenly weakened and her brain went into chaos.
Damn it, why doesn’t she even have the strength to kill herself?
Zhou Haixuan looked at this sharp situation, and the fear in his eyes gradually turned into pride and was finally replaced by madness and pleasure.
Ha, ha, ha, this, this Suwei is dead.
It’s absolutely him.
"Drag her away and don’t leave any other traces." Gu Qian patted her body and stood proudly with dust.
Well, he has never been unable to get what he wants.
Zhou Haixuan didn’t pay attention to Gu Qian’s commanding smile, so he picked up the sack and prepared to put Su Wei into it and take it away.
"Zhou Haixuan, you are so sad." Su Wei gave her one last sarcastic look, and her head sank and her eyes closed.
"What did you say?" Zhou Haixuan angrily threw sacks and grabbed Su Wei’s shoulder and shook it wildly. "You are pathetic. I don’t need your pity. You are the saddest woman in the world."
How can Zhou Haixuan go crazy and shout that Su Wei can’t hear it?
The last trace of sobriety was also taken away by toxicity.
Twenty minutes
"Did Sue’s little girl leave?" Su Chenran knocked the door open regardless of her image, dumped her shoes and walked barefoot into the room.
It’s strange that no one is here.
It’s not taken away by Gu Jue, is it?
Su Chenran immediately denied this answer, and Gu never knew that Su Wei’s injury could not take her away by herself.
Where did that girl Sue go?
Su Chenran looked at a room puzzled and scratched the back of his head, but soon he saw a palm-sized note at the dining table in the living room. Mr. Su, I have something to do and I don’t have to worry about Su Wei.
Sue is out of town.
But after thinking for a long time, Su Chenran’s eyes suddenly darkened, and soon the paper in his hand was kneaded into a ball and thrown into the garbage basket.
No, this is not Su Weiliu.
Although the handwriting is very similar, the tone in the word is so that it can’t be imitated.
Soon Su Chenran’s sharp-eyed eyes found a small pig iron fragment on the floor, and the surface was stained with blood.
Su Chenran picked up the debris and put it on the tip of his nose. His look was instantaneous and serious.
Damn it, this must be Su Wei’s blood.
He smell his medicine in that blood.
Chapter 173 Su Wei was caught

There is no one in the stone room at this time.

Ma Qingpu walked on along the passage.
The wall of the passage is inlaid with oil lamps, and it is not dim.
Soon there was a light in front, and through it was a small platform, and the platform
At this time, a woman is sitting on the platform stone and looking up at the sky.
"Saint" Ma Qingpu gently walked behind the woman and was very respectful with a fuels.
The woman didn’t look back or get up. She raised her hand and made a move. "Sit down. Look, the clouds are beautiful today."
At this time, it was the former saint of the scenic area, Meng Meng sapphire, that is, Nanyichen’s biological mother
Ma Qingpu sat down beside the stone.
"Is it like outside?" "It’s not easy to be an emperor."
"Saint is very powerful" Ma Qingpu couldn’t help but hook a corner of his mouth when he remembered the news. "He chose the queen and was also very powerful in Nantang …"
Chapter four hundred and forty-four Saint
In fact, Ma Qingpu said that many things happened a few months ago, but at this time, communication is very slow, and it may take a lot of manpower and material resources to solve the problem in the future. The information is delayed for several months or even years.
Especially in the scenic area, it is even stronger to want to deliver the message back here in the mountains and forests.
But Meng Meng sapphire listened with relish. That’s her son. She was born unable to be with him, but she wanted to know that he got married bit by bit. Her mother-in-law didn’t even prepare a gift for her daughter-in-law.
"Saint …"
"Qingpu, I am no longer a saint." Mengfu sapphire suddenly interrupted each other’s words. "The Saint in Scenic Area died more than twenty years ago, and now I am just an ordinary woman."
"But you will always be the most holy saint in my heart."
Meng Chi sapphire smiled a "thank you"
"Saint, if I hadn’t had you in those days, I would have died long ago. I don’t need to say thank you because … I didn’t say thank you to you in those days." Ma Qingpu said that her eyes turned red.
Meng Meng sapphire reached out and patted each other’s arm. "Then I said thank you."
Ma Qingpu smiled tearfully. "Do you want to talk to San Lian? Now he … "
"I haven’t been with him for so many years. How can I go to him now?"
"That’s not because you also hurt what lost your memory …"
"Even so, I’m sorry for him. I’m his mother, but I’m not with him when he needs me most. You don’t understand this guilt … and now he’s been flying for nine days and the real dragon is the overlord. He doesn’t need me anymore …"
Ma Qingpu couldn’t help but open his mouth, but after all, he didn’t say anything. He would give conditional support to what the saint said.
"What about the palace?"
"Well, rattan has been under house arrest for so many years, and his power is not underestimated." Ma Qingpu sighed. "Now, anyone who shows a little disbelief in his field is full of tricks …"
Mengfu sapphire nodded. "Then it can wait."
She used her own protective method to protect the little Nanyichen, but Ma Yin technique stopped her. Fortunately, people around her faithfully sent her out of the palace, and then Ma Qingpu found her.
But she was physically and mentally damaged. Although she saved her life later, she was like a baby who couldn’t remember anything.
It was not until … Ma Popo was killed by Yin technique that she gradually regained consciousness, but her body was very weak. If Ma Qingpu hadn’t inherited the position of patriarch and then had the opportunity to practice Yin technique to help her recover and recuperate, I’m afraid she would have difficulty in bed now.
Now that she is well, her son will be fine.
At that time, she asked people to inquire about the situation in Nantang, knowing that she had suffered in recent years and knew more about the means of those people, but her son was really great and finally came alive and won the land that was left to him …
She is so proud.
When she really dies in the future, she can also tell the man who loves her that their son has lived up to their expectations.
Therefore, she should live well and see her as this God!
"What else can I do for the Saint?" Ma Qingpu knows that Mengfu sapphire wants to restore its power, and other roots can’t help it in material convenience.
"Help me prepare a medicine. I want to recover as soon as possible." Meng Chi’s eyes flashed a bit resolutely. The scenic palace became like this because of her, and the eldest brother was imprisoned because of her. Several nephews also died because of her. Now that she is alive, she must find a way to remedy all this. At least the scenic area can’t be handed over to the rattan.
"Good" Ma Qingpu remembered the name of the requirement of Meng Chi’s sapphire, then bowed down and left the cave.
Meng Qin sapphire got up and returned to the stone room. As soon as a machine wall was pressed, a small door appeared. After entering, there was another small stone room.
And put a few boxes in the stone room.
Went over and hit one of the boxes, which was full of gold, silver and jewelry, and one of them was priceless.
However, Meng Meng sapphire didn’t look at it. She picked it up and put it on the surface. Inside it was a crystal butterfly the size of a thumb, but it was beautifully carved.
Meng Jie smiled, and then found the silk thread. Fingers flexibly knitted a lanyard and passed through the butterfly hole so that it could be hung around the neck.
When the son is married, she will give her daughter-in-law a gift, but how to give it?
Ma Qingpu had no sooner returned to the village than he saw Ma Ayao sending Mao to let Jiu Yue leave.
Two people saw Ma Qingpu and quickly stopped to say hello and salute.
"Don’t go back when it’s too late for Jiuyue." Ma Qingpu smiled and patted Jiuyue on the shoulder. "I’m going to go to Dongmiao together, and I’ll go to Shaoyou to show me the way."
"Line" bases for nine more simple and honest nodded with a smile.

Save your life

If I don’t kill you today, I have to beat you to death. If you dare to touch us, people in Abe are tired of living. Duan Lang’s hand is even more cruel
In a few minutes, Yim Ho completely collapsed to the ground like a dead dog, and Duan Lang kicked his leg and leg bones without feeling avenged.
Tao Yi struggled to climb from the bed, her face was pale, and her tears kept flowing. Wei Wei picked up the bedside lamp and threw it at Yim Ho, and her eyes were furious.
No, she wants to call the police and let the police catch this bad guy. If another woman is killed, she thinks so and does the same. But Duan Lang took it away just after turning over a word.
Almost being raped and angry made Tao Yi red-eyed, and the connection was shaking. Word by word, "Why didn’t I call the police?"
At the moment, Shenyang dinner continues.
It was Mo Jun’s cell phone that didn’t ring again at night. He was very calm and talked to the Shenyang family. Occasionally, he gave Azeri some dishes he liked.
Azeri’s eyes sparkled at an early age, and he looked at his father from time to time when he was eating.
Dad is abnormal today. Where is abnormal? He can’t say.
After a meal, the father and the mother politely bid farewell to Shen Xintong, touched Azeri’s head and personally sent the man back to the living room. Dad and brother were already waiting for her.
"Tong Tong Sit"
"Dad, if you want to tell me to give up Tsukiyomi ikuto, I don’t think I’ll sit here. I won’t give up on him anyway."
Shen Ling was angry for a moment and suppressed her anger. "What do you mean, you won’t give up on me? You eat and drink your best clothes at school. That’s how you talk to your father. I tell you that Mo Jun is not right at night. It’s very wrong."
"So what? I like others, not his position."
"Bullshit, a man has no status, and a ghost is even better."
"Dad?" Shen Xintong’s eyes are red.
"All right, stop arguing."
Shen Han suddenly got up and walked to her sister and slapped her hand on her shoulder for two times. "There is something really wrong with Mojun night today. I will send someone to check a father, too. You don’t doubt this."
"Brother, do you say so?" Shen Xintong’s instant face was full of sadness and tears slowly fell down.
Section 11
Since she was a child, she knew her identity and that it was impossible for her to choose her husband at will in such a family, but she really didn’t want to be a marriage tool.
Shen Han felt bad when he saw his loving sister sad. He nodded at Shen Ling and said, "I want to meet Mo Lian one day."
Shen Xintong’s eyes showed despair. Do they really want to give up Tsukiyomi ikuto and turn to support Mo Lian?
"Tong Tong, you should know that neither my father nor I will harm you." Shen Han took two turns on her shoulder again.
Shen Xintong just stood there, and his little hand slowly became a fist.
"Dad, I don’t like Grandpa Shen." Mo Tianze looked at Dad’s dark face in the car and suddenly said.
"Because those eyes are calculating dad, can’t you see that he has been staring at you? And they ask questions while you are away, like a policeman. "
Mo Tianze thought that although I am small, my observation is the strongest.
Mojun rubbed his little head at night. "In fact, I don’t like him very much."
If you don’t like it, good.
It is better to call such a person a grandfather than not to have a grandfather.
"Dad, you promised me that things should be done, right?" Mo Tianze blinked his bright little eyes.
"Why do you ask?" Mojun’s mouth is raised at night. The little guy is very clever and knows how to beat around the bush to test him.
It was as black as his son.
"Because you didn’t behave normally today!" Mo Tianze knew that his father was an old fox and confessed everything.
Mo Jun’s face was suddenly cold at night, and his eyes flashed with a tyrannical sneer. "There is indeed something that makes people angry, but this has nothing to do with my promise."
Mo Tianze’s age patted Dad’s leg to signal that you want to refuel!
"You go home first. Dad has some things to do."
"Is it time to find something?"
"Men don’t mind their own business," Mo Jun’s tone is very light at night, but his eyes are fierce. Now he has an impulse to kill.
Very strong
Tao Yi’s cold face made people afraid to bite their teeth and asked, "Why don’t I call the police?"
Duan Lang looked at her angry little face and smiled. She took off her coat and put it on her body.
"Generally, this kind of thing is a girl’s loss. Besides, those videos you made the other day, I don’t want you to be accused of being a good girl."
Very, very nice girl

Mu Bei’s face smiled and immediately directed Qiao Huan to call Qiao Yuner.

Qiao Huan eyes tightly staring at the development.
The police persuaded the crowd to leave their roots and ignored them. The roads were blocked. Several nearby roads were paralyzed and vehicles were blocked. The media kept reporting this story. The led display screens in various cities were rolling with this news, and a message popped up from time to time by mobile phones to tell people to try their best to bypass the congested roads.
Things have come to this point, and some departments have finally sent someone.
A little man wears glasses. He negotiates with Linda, but Linda ignores him. He is talking loudly with a megaphone, and he also interacts with the surrounding people from time to time.
Well, the scene is really lively
Glasses man is so anxious that his head is sweating, and he wipes his forehead from time to time.
Qiao Huan called Qiao Yuner.
"Allow son noticed Linda men around you? Talk to him that we should get the results early in the day, and in addition, we should re-test the fairness and fairness of the sample video. "
"Rest assured and resolutely guarantee the completion" Qiao Yuner said excitedly and then hung up.
Qiao Huan saw Qiao Yuner squeezing into Linda’s side and talking to the glasses man, who kept nodding.
Qiao Huan knew that the other party had agreed to his conditions and slowly gave me a smile.
Things are going according to her idea. If she expects it to be good, the quality inspection will give the results and the project will be ready in the afternoon.
Of course, it’s the last step to prevent anyone from going to the construction site to tamper with it. Qiao Huan called Lin Zhenyuan again and asked him to send more people to guard the construction site, and everyone was not allowed to leave on time.
Qiao Huan would like to see what tricks those who want to see Qiao’s fall have now.
"Qiao Huan, I find that I love you more and more now." Mubei looked at Qiao Huan with a bright eye.
He was really impressed with her.
"If you give up buying Joe’s now, it will come." Qiao Huan glanced at Mu Bei and said flatly.
"I can’t wait to be your opponent" MuBei laughed.
"Then wipe your eyes!" Qiao Huan said slowly, word by word
Muleshan called Munan to the company and looked at Munan with a gloomy face.
Muna’s face doesn’t look good either. He looks at Muleshan coldly.
"This is beyond my control."
Mu Nan said coldly with an expression, "The development of things is beyond everyone’s expectation. Who knew that Qiao’s regiment would do such extreme measures?"
"What shall we do now?" Muleshan sink a way
"What can I do if things are like this? No one can suppress "Muna slightly mocking tone.
Now I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at this tuyere in Yuncheng, and it’s stupid to tamper with it.
Muleshan kept a gloomy face and didn’t speak. He watched the news today, and he was very disdainful of this kind of approach, but he had to admit that it was the most direct and effective way to break up all their plans.
"Have you hidden that worker?" Muleshan asked coldly
"hmm!" Munan should be a low.
"Don’t give me any trouble this time." Muleshan frowned tightly.
Munan lips without saying a word.
"Who do you think is behind this?" Muleshan asked Muna his face was puzzled.
Qiao Zhen that brain is absolutely can’t figure out this trick is someone behind his back? If that’s the case, they have to be careful
Munan wanted to think, there are two candidates in his heart.
"If I guess right, it’s either Qiao Huan or Mu Bei," Munan said with no facial expression.
"Mubei?" Muleshan leng one.
"You are not as simple as you think," Muna said coldly and got up to leave.
"Where did you go last night?" Muleshan sound coming from behind is also cold.
"Drink too much" Muna steps paused and looked back at Muleshan.
"There will be a wedding in two days. I don’t care whether you like it or not. You agreed to it. Now that Lu Xiaoya has your child in her belly, you must marry her."
Muleshan said sternly
Munan’s face was obviously resistant. "I’m an adult. I know what I’m doing. Don’t lecture me like a child, right? "
Impatiently throw a word Munan slam the door away.
He’s really bored enough.
Back in the office, Muna shook her mobile phone with her fingers in her hand for several times, and somehow she remembered Lin Yuchen and Lu Xiaoya in her mind.
One is tender as water, the other is crazy.

Just heard from Fu Jingxiao that he was going on a blind date, and he figured it out.

Now how a little don’t understand this situation?
Thank you, "Sugar Sugar Sweet Girl" for your lovely monthly ticket ~
Chapter three hundred and nineteen Want to eat sugar
"I told you you don’t understand" Fu Jingxiao shrugged his shoulders.
Some things may not be solved in the end, but drinking can temporarily change some things.
Xia Lu loves to be noisy, and the more they drink, the more energetic they are. Xu Jin inkstone also joined in, and lives of three women played here.
On the contrary, the To Hoai whale was "still drinking" by Fu Jingxiao’s direct thugs
"They can all drink what I can’t drink. I brought this wine. I can’t be the master." To Hoai whale was bullied again with a face of injustice
Fu Jingxiao took a look at "Who will give her if you are drunk?"
"Drinking can’t drive"
"You won’t call a driver."
To Hoai whale frowned. "I think you just don’t want her to stay and bother you."
"Not too stupid"
"You are so insidious."
"Isn’t it good to arrange it for you in vain?" Fu Jingxiao died every time he assisted him. It was because he was too incompetent to handle affairs in To Hoai. "I don’t know how those women came before you."
To Hoai whale touched the tip of his nose. "Don’t give me a hat. It was a fling before me."
"Who are you kidding to send people to obstetrics and gynecology?" Xia Lu poked at the To Hoai whale and said.
To Hoai whales stare big eyes. What kind of thing is this?
Doesn’t she know?
"Deer deer, you’re drunk. Don’t talk nonsense."
"Is what I do? How could I not know?" Xia Lu muttered, "You men are like this. You just don’t want women to have fun. And you, Fu Jingxiao, you, too …"
Fu Jingxiao, who was suddenly named, looked blank. "I can’t go to the obstetrics and gynecology department."
"You just almost …" After Xia Lu finished, he fell down on the table.
Xu Jinyan shook his head. "Hush, deer, deer, secrets can’t be told to others."
"What are you talking about?" Did the To Hoai whale understand?
Fu Jingxiao’s eyes sank slightly to Xia Lu. What does this mean?
What is the secret of Xu Jin’s inkstone?
"Men are not good things." Fu Jingyun wandered around with her fingers and saw that there was no wine in her glass. She picked up the bottle, shook it and poured it directly into her mouth.
Fu Jingxiao glanced at the To Hoai whale "and sent it to Lao Zhou for him to lead people."
"Didn’t you say he went on a blind date? Maybe you cheated your sister yourself?" To Hoai whales are puzzled.
Fu Jingxiao killed his eyes in the past. "Don’t talk nonsense when you send it. He can still work as a brother-in-law."
"It was selling my sister for glory."
"But it’s good for me to have another niece." To Hoai Whale sent a video like this
After he gloated, Zhou Yu dialect was killed.
The To Hoai whale knows what Fu Jingxiao didn’t send him to do this good thing himself because his ear was bombed and he was accused of avoiding meeting. After that, he taught the To Hoai whale to choose to escape.
Of course, I resisted Xia Lu.
This is the fourth time he has seen Xia Lu get drunk. Why does she like drinking so much and always get drunk easily? What would she do without him?
"What’s wrong with me? Why can’t you forgive me?" To Hoai whale asked her drunk.
Xia Lu hummed "You kneel"
"Ah?" He is one leng.
"If the princess tells you not to kneel, drag it out to jail." Xia Lu shouted forcefully with a stretch of his hand.
She’s really drunk and still in her dreams, spy.
It’s really a loss not to sign him. A few years ago, he might actually sign her and let her debut.
No, no, no, it’s better not to debut. It’s a debut. Too many people see that she’s getting better, so how can he share it?
Here comes the bus.
To Hoai whale carried her car and left the community.
No sooner had they left Zhou Shiyu’s car than they came in.
"Take her to the apartment inside."
Zhou Shiyu saw Fu Jingyun leaning on the table when he entered the door. "Your sister, you don’t care about this."
"Do you think my girlfriend can’t control me? She’s in a bad mood tonight because you’re going on a blind date." Fu Jingxiao emphasized that "my sister is tough on the surface but a coward in her heart."
Zhou Shiyu lowered his eyes. "Maybe I’m taking a risk."
"Go ahead and support you." Fu Jingxiao hurriedly cleaned all these people out.
One by one, they all disturb their two worlds.
Zhou Shiyu held Fu Jingyun and carried her on her back. Fu Jingyun muttered, "Am I dazzled? I saw him coming."

Sasuke became nervous.

Once again, I thought of the blood moon that night in my mind.
What he saw that night was his Nissan.
The one he hates most is also the one he wants to surpass most.
His eyes make him have nightmares every night.
Chu Yun’s "sharingan is an evolvable normal evolution from one hook to three hooks".
"Under normal circumstances, sharingan will evolve into a higher form because of danger at the moment of life and death."
Chu Yun "commonly known as the eye, but I think the situation of sharingan’s enlightenment is the process of solving the limitation of the brain domain … If Sasuke can enlighten the first door, there should be a certain chance to evolve into Sangouyu."
Yakushi Kabuto was shocked and growled. Doesn’t this guy understand this world?
After the Uchihiro family was exterminated, all the documents in Konoha have been sealed. How can this guy know so clearly?
So this guy is talking nonsense?
But it doesn’t sound like anything.
It’s really … incredible.
Well … if he knew that Chu Yun had a wife who was Uchihiro, he wouldn’t think so.
At the same time, there was a servant, but then the servant defected.
What a sad story
Chu Yun went to see Hiruko this time, and naturally he also asked about the other two people who were arrested with Kaka.
Sasuke "I will definitely open the door first!"
Bells "promise …"
The original high-spirited oath was drenched with a large basin of cold water by Bell.
It’s a little weak to make a declaration in front of four people who can be casually.
Sasuke Jun flamed out and retreated to his own corner.
Chu Yun "Dou continues to say"
Miss Ueda’s defense is very strong. If the key is right, it will save the whole team from life and death. At the same time, as Ning Tsensen said, if you don’t know how to release your strength, it will be counterproductive to attack the enemy.
Dou is very clever in choosing the same name as Sasuke.
Chu Yun nodded his head. "Well … it would be nice to have as many floors as Rashomon. I will study one."
Good casual declaration
It is suffocating to reveal strong confidence at will.
Chu Yun: "Okay, it’s time to farm. Tell me what you think."
Yukita: "I … I’m really too weak. I can’t do anything except soft boxing … I can’t do anything well … I can’t do anything well …"
The more you talk about it, the sadder it gets. If you talk about it again, people don’t doubt that this girl will cry on the spot.
Chu Yun hurriedly stopped. "Let’s talk about others first, um … You wait for things and finally say that I believe I will have a solution."
Ueda "Oh …"
Everyone talks from Xiao Li, so I’ll talk from Xiao Li, too
Young Tian: "Xiao Li is strong even if he doesn’t have a door. He will never give up. He is much stronger than me. I want to learn from him."
Chu Yun "Well, the strength of the heart will rise, and this really needs to be strengthened."
Ueda "has a bright mind every day, and I can see through any problems I encounter. I will copy them and need to learn from her."
Chu Yun "IQ … I consider one"
Consider? Does Nissan need to consider such a clever person?
It seems that my IQ is hopeless …
Chutian was even more lost in his heart.
Ueda: "Sai works very seriously and doesn’t know what is worthwhile. He will remember it if I turn my head and forget it. I need to learn from him."
I have to say that Ueda said that the direction was not noticed by everyone.
But it’s more like
More thorough
Maybe even Ueda didn’t find himself really accurate in judging people.