
### 品茗地点推荐

1. **意式风情区**:在这里,您可以漫步在充满意大利建筑风格的街道上,感受异国风情的同时,到访当地的茶馆,体验一杯地道的意大利咖啡或中国茶。

2. **古文化街**:这里是天津传统手工艺品的聚集地,您可以在品茶的同时,欣赏到茶艺表演,感受中国茶文化的博大精深。

3. **天津之眼**:在欣赏天津城市美景的同时,您可以选择在观景平台上享受一杯茶,俯瞰海河两岸,感受茶与城市的和谐交融。

4. **海河沿岸**:海河沿岸的茶馆,可以让您在品茶的同时,欣赏到天津的现代化城市风光,体验一种独特的城市茶生活。

### 品茗活动建议

1. **茶艺体验**:参加茶艺体验课程,学习泡茶技巧,了解茶文化,感受茶艺师的手艺和茶香四溢的氛围。

2. **品鉴会**:参加茶馆或酒店举办的茶艺品鉴会,品尝不同种类的茶叶,了解它们的产地、特点和冲泡方法。

3. **茶艺表演**:欣赏专业的茶艺表演,感受茶艺师在茶道中的艺术表现和禅意。

### 美食搭配


– **煎饼果子**:香脆的煎饼搭配鸡蛋、脆皮和酱料,是搭配茶的绝佳选择。
– **锅巴菜**:软糯的锅巴与清香的茶水相得益彰。
– **津味小吃**:如麻花、耳朵眼炸糕等,都是茶余饭后的好伴侣。

### 交通与住宿

– **交通**:天津地铁、公交、出租车和共享单车都十分方便,您可以根据自己的喜好选择出行方式。
– **住宿**:天津有众多星级酒店和特色民宿,您可以根据自己的预算和需求选择合适的住宿。





1. **空间布局**:茶馆式公寓的空间布局通常模仿传统茶馆,如大厅、包间等。大厅可以容纳多人聚会,包间则提供私密空间。在空间设计上,注重层次感和动静分区。

2. **装饰风格**:公寓的装饰风格追求古朴典雅,大量使用木质家具、竹制装饰和传统纹样,营造出浓郁的茶馆氛围。墙壁上常挂有字画、书法等艺术品,增添文化气息。

3. **茶艺体验**:公寓内设有茶室或茶艺角,提供各种茶叶供居住者品鉴。同时,公寓可能还会定期举办茶艺表演或茶文化讲座,让居住者深入了解茶道。

4. **休闲娱乐**:除了品茶,茶馆式公寓还可能提供其他休闲娱乐设施,如棋牌室、书吧、小型表演舞台等,满足居住者的多样化需求。

5. **社区文化**:茶馆式公寓强调社区文化,鼓励邻里互动。公寓内可能设有公共活动空间,举办各种文化活动,增强居住者的归属感。

6. **生活配套**:为了满足居住者的日常生活需求,茶馆式公寓通常配备完善的配套设施,如便利店、健身房、儿童游乐场等。








1. **品茗观展**:茶博会期间,市民和游客可以品尝到各种名茶,感受茶香四溢的魅力。同时,还可以参观茶艺表演,了解茶的制作过程。

2. **茶工艺制作**:许多茶企在茶博会上设置了茶工艺制作体验区,让参与者亲手制作茶叶,体验制茶的乐趣。

3. **茶文化讲座**:茶博会期间,还会邀请茶文化专家举办讲座,分享茶的历史、茶艺、茶道等知识。





1. **生活化与日常化**:在天津,喝茶不仅仅是消遣,更是一种生活态度。天津人讲究“一天三遍茶”,即早茶、午茶和晚茶。这种习惯体现了茶在天津人日常生活中的重要地位。无论是清晨起床后的洗漱,还是午后的休息时间,甚至是晚饭后,喝茶都是天津人生活中不可或缺的一部分。

2. **茶馆文化**:天津的茶馆文化尤为发达。老天津卫们喜欢在茶馆里聚会,聊天,享受悠闲的时光。茶馆不仅是喝茶的地方,更是社交和娱乐的场所。

3. **茶的种类与饮法**:天津人饮茶讲究茶的色、香、味。早晨通常饮用热茶,午茶则喜欢酽茶,而晚饭后则喜欢搭配青萝卜来吃。天津的茶馆里,除了常见的绿茶、红茶等,还有二卤茶,即新沏的热茶喝罢,再续入热水继续泡饮的茶,这种茶称为“二历儿”,而茶味逐渐变淡后则称为“涮卤儿”或“茶根儿”。

4. **茶艺活动**:近年来,天津也在推广茶艺文化。例如,天津津南新城社区就曾举办过以茶习礼 弘扬传统文化为主题的茶道茶艺活动,通过茶艺讲师的现场讲解和居民们的实践操作,普及茶文化知识,提高居民的文化素养。

5. **专业培训**:天津还有专门的地方和机构提供茶艺培训,如言嘉文化就提供一对一的茶艺私教班,旨在教授茶艺基础、茶文化知识以及茶具使用等。

6. **茶与津门文化**:天津的茶文化也与津门文化紧密相连,如2023天津国际茶产业博览会就展示了茶与天津城市文化的融合,以及茶文化在天津的发展与创新。



1. **空港茶艺馆**:这里提供各种传统茶饮,如绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶等,环境优雅,可以一边品茶一边欣赏周围的美景。

2. **星巴克空港店**:位于空港购物中心内,星巴克不仅提供美味的咖啡,还有各种茶饮,是休闲放松的好去处。

3. **Costa Coffee空港店**:同样位于购物中心内,Costa以其英式茶饮和咖啡而闻名,是享受悠闲时光的好地方。

4. **茶颜悦色空港店**:这是一家主打创意茶饮的店铺,提供多种口味独特的茶饮,深受年轻人喜爱。

5. **汉拿山韩式餐厅空港店**:虽然主要是韩式料理,但这里也有提供韩式茶饮,如韩式奶茶、绿茶等,可以尝试不一样的风味。

6. **七彩云南昆明云南茶城空港店**:这里不仅提供各种云南特色茶叶,还有相应的茶饮,可以亲自体验泡茶乐趣。

7. **Manner Coffee空港店**:这是一家快速时尚的咖啡连锁店,提供多种咖啡和茶饮选择,适合快节奏的都市生活。

8. **特色甜品店**:空港地区也有一些特色甜品店,如提供港式奶茶、台湾珍珠奶茶等,是品尝当地特色饮品的好地方。



1. **在线搜索**:您可以通过搜索引擎搜索“天津 萍姐爱品茶”,查看是否有相关门店的信息。

2. **社交媒体**:在微博、抖音等社交媒体平台上搜索“萍姐爱品茶”,可能有人分享过相关门店的信息。

3. **地图服务**:使用百度地图、高德地图等地图服务软件,输入“萍姐爱品茶”进行搜索,查看是否有店铺信息。

4. **电话咨询**:如果以上方法都无法找到信息,您可以尝试拨打天津当地的客服电话进行咨询。



1. **古茗轩茶楼** – 位于和平区,这里的环境典雅,茶艺师技艺精湛,提供多种茶叶供顾客品鉴。

2. **天津老茶馆** – 这是一家充满老天津风情的茶馆,位于南开区,在这里可以品尝到正宗的天津茶文化。

3. **瑞德轩茶楼** – 位于河西区,这里的包间装修豪华,服务周到,提供各种名茶。

4. **盛源茶楼** – 位于和平区,这里环境幽雅,是品茶休闲的好去处。

5. **怡然茶楼** – 位于南开区,这里以提供高品质的茶叶和舒适的包间环境著称。


"Oh you stop that now! Shall we go into the hole? " The little doll grabbed it by the back of its neck and picked it up to look at the cave.

This hole is located on both sides of the mountainside, and there is a way to climb even if the cliff is still toxic.
Fox struggled to get rid of the little doll with a jerk. He looked around and looked up at the little doll, suspicious, but he had to find a way to escape the poison first.
Squeak a few times, and you’re going into the cave. The ancient cave in Long Mai is no ordinary poison.
When it was young, this Long Mai was still a palace soaring into the sky, and the monarch lived at the highest place, but it was convenient to protect the left and right, that is, the seven demons and seven evil spirits.
At that time, the magic road ruled the whole continent, and the names of the countries were divided into several levels, while the inferno was the most noble one. It was the magic statue’s wedding day, but I didn’t know what happened. From its good days, the whole palace became rigid, and finally it became a mountain and the whole continent was rigid
The magic temple empire disappeared overnight, and this continent became a wasteland until a few years later, a group of foreigners crossed the mountains to expand this wasteland and establish a new country.
No one knows what happened. It knows that it fled quickly and was kindly taken to heaven by an ugly and stupid goshawk. Otherwise, it has become a fossil now.
That stupid goshawk doesn’t know if he’s here now or if he remembers something more than 500 years ago!
The blood fox went in, and the little doll followed without thinking.
In a short time, all the poisons were collected at the mouth of the cave, but they didn’t chase them in. Instead, they gave a low hum and scattered.
The ancient cave in Long Mai is guarded by the mountain spirit, not to mention the poison, but the general monster beast is afraid to go in easily.
Is the mountain charm a thing after all? !
"Mountain charm?"
"How do you know?"
"When my father asked someone to draw a map of this ten thousand major mountains, it sounded that I didn’t know whether it was true or not, so this mountain was called Long Mai Mountain."
A tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, Lingsi Night and Tang Meng, just arrived, just watched the little doll and the blood fox enter the cave.
"Is it an ancient monster like Feng Xiao Eagle?" Tang Meng asked inexplicably that Ling Si Night had been calling Feng Xiao Eagle for several days, but he still didn’t see the beast’s shadow. What happened?
"I think so. There are different opinions about this mountain charm, but no one has really seen it. I don’t know how to deal with it!" Ling Siye answered truthfully that he always felt that this place was familiar and it was very strange.
"How many things do you know!" Tang Meng muttered something unpleasant. This guy’s understanding of this forest seems to be beyond her expectation.
It is even more strange that this forest said that he knew that there were many ways out before crossing with her!
More and more confused.
Which dynasty is she in? The magic temple has a history of more than 1000 years, and she knows which period of history is the magic temple history?
In which generation did the story of the Magic Monarch and Princess Thirteen take place? ?
"It’s all said, but according to the present situation, it seems that this is true!" Ling siye answered
"What else to say? In addition to the magic road! " Tang Meng is obviously anxious.
"It’s all this magic road. It says that everything with this ten thousand major mountains revolves around the magic road. Hehe, you say it’s too bad to be an orphan!" Ling Si night is a joke.
"That’s not necessarily true. At least 70% of what Sister Gui said is true. Your mother princess may be a Taoist priest of Bai Di!" Tang Meng, this is no joke. She is serious.
Ling Si looked at her at night with a trace of complexity in her eyes and asked, "How much do you know about this mountain forest and how much history do you know?"
Tang Meng hesitated and didn’t know if the answer was good.
"What’s the matter? Maybe … "Ling Si night gently took her and asked with a little smile.
This feeling is really bad. She is from the future and knows everything he doesn’t know. It is very possible to know his fate.
"Don’t worry, I know that history must have affirmed your dynasty in China." Tang Meng comforted himself instead of giving him comfort. Maybe everything was her confusion. Guess that the magic brake may not have arrived yet? Everything is just a coincidence.
"Do you know the seven evil spirits besides the seven evil spirits?" Lingsi Night asked again that there seems to be no plan to stop this topic.
"Seven evil spirits! ?” Tang Meng suddenly frightened.
Seven evil spirits
What is it? She has never heard of it.
"Well, the seven evil spirits magic road has seven evil spirits, seven evil spirits, seven evil spirits and seven evil spirits. The Hunger assisted the magic statue together. The magic road was in its heyday and I don’t know why, so it declined." Ling Si got serious at night. These news were all received by spies from Bai Di not long ago.
"I know that this mountain forest of Mosha Empire is the site of Mosha Empire. The Mosha Emperor has seven demons: blood, poison, flowers, water, fire, paper and beast! The Magic Temple Emperor had a love affair with Princess XIII, but the first one was wrong. Princess XIII mysteriously disappeared. The second one, she died in the hands of her lover, and the third one was conferred the title of Princess XIII. "
Ling Si night is frowning. He has never heard of these. How can this be?
"As far as I know, there is nothing in Princess XIII’s magic brake. There are not only seven demons but also seven evil spirits. Now it should be lin xi II as you said! What is Tang Ying’s identity? "
It is not difficult to infer that lin xi was Tang Ying who introduced the magic way to this world to suck blood for a living.
Died at the hands of a lover. What about this?
There is a Tang Ying who can kill her in this world. How can Tang Ying The Hunger be the Magic Brake Emperor? !
Ling Si looked at Tang Meng at night, locked his handsome brow, and left his heart all tangled and puzzled. Is this discussing the history of the magic temple with Tang Meng or the future?
Suddenly, both of them are frightened!
What seems to be instantaneous white.
Look at each other with complicated eyes.
History or future!
He knew it was the first 500 years of history!
And what she knows is the fate of the next 500 years!

That sound source is in his body, and his head is lowered.

Sarcoma has grown to the size of a fist before you know it.
Jumping is extremely ferocious and terrible.
LeiYing stare big eyes, eyes full of incredible.
Chu Yun continued to bow and shoot arrows.
Pull the bow and shoot!
The wind attribute arrow disappears in the string moment and comes to the thunder shadow.
This arrow is aimed at the head.
Although Lei Ying was in shock, many years of combat experience made him react to avoid the attack.
Lei Ying "I’ll solve you when I solve this sarcoma!" "
Lei Ying intends to leave.
But my body suddenly sank.
It seems to be caught by a pair of big hands and pulled back to the ground
Swift kaleidoscope sharingan thick soil!
An arrow flies to avoid the thunder shadow foot hanging in the semi-positive direction at this time.
The wind attribute chakra impact is intertwined in the thunder shadow body and the thunder shadow body Lei Guang.
Without piercing, the arrow shattered.
Thundershadow defense is tough and inhuman.
But Chu Yun’s goal has been achieved.
See an unremarkable coin rolling in the room with scarlet light.
Summon the array to start
A group of pregnant undead sent bad bugs to Lei Ying.
Swift evacuation
The undead sent bad bugs out of chakra Lei Ying’s chest spider sarcoma, which swelled to the size of a human head in the blink of an eye.
But it didn’t explode
Chakra is not enough?
Yes, Lei Ying’s body is so abnormal that it is obviously not normal to detonate this body.
Sarcoma of the human head makes the scalp numb at a glance and it jumps.
Vaguely accompanied by heart rhythm
Lei Ying "Stop! Let’s talk. "
Chakra dispersed. At this time, Lei Ying has found that the body worm grows by devouring his chakra.
If you call again, he may suddenly explode like his hands
Chu Yun bows into a full moon "What to talk about?"
Lei Ying stared at Chu Yun with two big eyes. "What do you want?"
Chu Yun "I want your life"
LeiYing choked by this sentence.
But in order to survive, I still patiently asked, "Do you have any enemies with me? If you want money, you say the number. "
Lei Ying doesn’t remember his sin. A ninja like Chu Yun can fly in a suit of bone armor.
Such a remarkable feature, if it is Yunren Village or his enemy, he must remember it.
In his opinion, Chu Yun is mostly a mercenary for money.
Just like those mysterious apes.
Chu Yun "has a grudge."
With that, Chu Yun’s facial bone armor faded and leaked out, and Chu Yun’s real appearance also leaked out his eyes.
Chu Yun: "What have you done in Konoha for 51 years?"
White eyes?
What is Lei Ying going to say?
But as soon as the earth waves under his feet turned over, a group of dark insects crawled on his body.
This group of worms are the same as those who climbed up to him before.
Thunder shadow can no longer be calm.
There were dozens of sarcomas in his chest that grew to the size of his head, and now there are hundreds of them coming from the ground. If he comes again, he will die.

"I can’t go to the boss." I consciously refused to go back. She looked down at the sleeping child’s tone and gradually lightened. "It should be no big deal to have Brother Hua accompany my child to take an injection and take medicine."

Rejecting him has become a habit. I don’t know if Jiang Xuanxuan dares to accept his kindness. It may be because she has been cheated too many times. It may be because she just doesn’t believe that he will treat herself kindly. It may also be because she is afraid of leadership …
There are too many factors for Jiang Xuanxuan to sum up, but she just refused …
"Why do you come back now?" While Hua Hongan didn’t listen to it, he shouted directly, "People don’t know where to go when they need you! Now that everything has been handled almost, you said that you would come back with Monday morning quarterback! "
Provocative and full of scolding abroad, followed by Gu Chen hearing Jiang Xuanxuan complaining about Hua Hongan and urgently coaxing him "Hua Ge! What are you talking about? Boss Hua Ge blather, don’t worry … "
"Who’s talking nonsense? I’m absolutely right. Your boss is so rich that he won’t hire you a nanny or leave you a driver. A villa as big as this is very kind to you with you alone." Hua Hongan lost his temper and deliberately shouted to let Gu Chen hear the words over there.
And Gu Chen did hear clearly that Jiang Xuanxuan had cut off the words "DuDu …" before the more malicious words were heard.
Overseas Chinese stopped holding the words, and Gu Chen’s face was as deep as iron.
After Jiang Xuanxuan stopped crying in the infusion hall, Hua Hongan complained and attracted a lot of people’s attention. He didn’t know that Jiang Xuanxuan was afraid to hang up, and his mouth was still shouting, "I am so rich! His wife can’t even afford children’s medicine! So how many square meters do the big villa buildings add up to? There are no servants! Won’t you be afraid if he is on a business trip and you live alone? "
"Brother Hua …" Jiang Xuanxuan poked him with his elbow.
"Things are processed to come back! It’ s bullshit! " Hua Hong Anyi is telling the truth in words, "Even if you have no feelings, but you have given birth to his child, it is necessary for him to give you the most basic letter, even if he doesn’t give money, he will squeeze you!" How can rich people be like this now! "
Section 52
"Brother Hua …" Jiang Xuanxuan noticed that he was pulling his sleeve from all sides.
"Divorce!" Hua Hongan continued to export "must divorce! You won’t be happy in this life without a divorce! You tell your boss that you quit! "
"Brother Hua …"
"Don’t stop me, just ask him when he will come back! If he comes back, he will give you a good vent! " Hua Hongan rolled up his sleeves and looked eager to fight.
After waiting for his side head, I found that she was holding a black screen mobile phone and looking at him with embarrassment …
"Hang up?" Hua Hongan raises eyebrows.
Jiang Xuanxuan nodded and put his forefinger on his mouth to make a "shh" gesture. "Please be a little quieter when the baby sleeps."
At that time, he didn’t want to be angry, but he said indignantly, "I must talk to your boss when he comes back!" "
"Shh-"Jiang Xuanxuan woke up.
When the children’s infusion room was heated up by the two of them, it slowly passed the dawn unconsciously …
After the intravenous drip, the baby was tired and slept, and the body temperature was re-measured within the normal range, but the doctor told me that it was due to drug control, and we need to continue observation in the next 24 hours.
After a sleepless night, Jiang Xuanxuan went home and fell asleep next to the child.
On weekends, Hua Hongan will stay in the big villa to take care of Jiang Xuanxuan and her children, and enjoy the life of the rich.
Hua Hongan took root in Gu Jia Villa this weekend and never left Jiang Xuanxuan. He wanted to take the opportunity to have a good talk with Gu Chen, but Gu Chen didn’t come back all weekend …
Uncle Wang came back on Sunday night, and Hua Hong ‘an was also on Sunday night. It was not until Sunday night that the baby got better that Jiang Xuanxuan had to relax for a moment, but the number of night noises did not decrease, and Jiang Xuanxuan still failed to sleep well.
It’s another round on Monday. Jiang Xuanxuan is wearing a thick black eye, and the finance department welcomes a semi-annual market check. She is extremely busy …
In those days, whether to work overtime during the day or overtime …
Take the baby with you or take the baby with you in those nights …
Busy Jiang Xuanxuan forgot to note how long the boss was on a business trip.
It is said that the business negotiation in France was not smooth this time, and the high-level officials who went abroad together hung their heads and came back. When Yu Xi came back, he made a big fire in his department and scolded all the employees.
Jiang Xuanxuan is worried that Gu Chen has not come back because everyone has come back. She regrets that she gave him trouble when she returned the baby at the weekend.
"Who can explain how many stars have entertained artists this time! No one has found out anything about such a big mistake! " However, Jiang Xuanxuan should be more worried about her own work.
There are always mistakes in chaos. At the end of the month, the inventory and liquidation department checked the finance department and made the biggest mistake at the busiest time.
"Yesterday, the bank has allocated funds for who settled this account in the past! Come out for me! " The finance section chief blushed and struck the table in the middle of the office with anger.
"I signed the star entertainer’s account" Ding Yuan got up trembling and turned pale "but the liquidation check was Jiang Xuanxuan and Zhao Ling"
Horse owner’s line of sight is fixed on Jiang Xuanxuan.
Because she has been listless for two weeks, because she can fall asleep anytime and anywhere, and because she is really in a bad state these days …
"Jiang Xuan!" The finance section chief is furious.
"Not me …" She looked nervous in a trance.
Let the storm come more violently! Ok! Ok!
____ _w_w_w____ ___o_m
Wonderful day-Xuan was framed by the big boss and returned strongly! La la la … I said it would be wonderful in these days, and the baby should pay attention at any time in these days!
Thank you for 1595271632 baby diamond! And two fat flowers! Thank you!
3, take the blame!
Even if the finance department blows up the pot, even if wrong account talks about it …
Jiang Xuanxuan and other people were called into the office, and the section chief flew into a rage. A remittance bill was smashed on the huamu desktop, and the atmosphere was new.
"That’s a third-line network red! Take a few short publicity videos for our group occasionally, but the hard photos will last 300 thousand! The result is this 3 million remittance document! The bank also showed that the transfer was successful! Do you know what a gap is! " The section chief’s finger "knocks" on the desktop, and it hits everyone’s heart.
Ding Yuan Zhao Ling and Jiang Xuanxuan hung their heads at their desks and dared not go out in the atmosphere.
"The section chief’s inventory and liquidation and the spot check department are crowded together during this period. Every day, I can work overtime until nine o’clock in the evening. When Jiang Xuanxuan signed it for me, I signed it at the end of the past, and I checked all the bills for the section chief again before remittance …" Ding Yuan buried her head and gave half of the responsibility to the section chief in a simple sentence.
A department is a body, and the whole department is responsible for such a big mistake.
However, even the same group must also picket key crimes. At this time, all the goals of the Finance Department are about the same in Qi Xin-Jiang Xuanxuan
"Busy is not a reason for carelessness!" The section chief’s eyes are red and bloodshot, and the most stinging eyes of the first three people are Jiang Xuanxuan. "Jiang Xuanxuan, please give me a good explanation!"
"I remember that my final accounting amount was 300,000 yuan …" Jiang Xuanxuan bowed her head in injustice and was anxious and afraid that the blame would fall on her.
Recently, she’s really in a bad state of mind, and she’s really sleepy every day, but she’d rather work overtime slowly than figure out how every account could have such a big mistake …
"No, the amount you gave me was 3 million." Zhao Ling confidently refuted Jiang Xuanxuan. "It’s always Jiang Xuanxuan who calculated it first and then calculated it for me. When I calculated 3 million this time, I still felt strange. I especially called the phase department and asked for a reply over there, saying that the value of star entertainers had gone up, and the remuneration for signing the contract had also gone up. I only confirmed this amount."
"I didn’t give you 3 million accounting data." Jiang Xuanxuan couldn’t help but retort, "I figured out that 300,000 documents are still in my mind."
"You say three hundred thousand now? Who knows if the section chief just said that you should change it yourself! " The tit-for-tat tone Zhao Ling quarreled fiercely. "I just don’t believe that your recent state has paid special attention to your handling and posting. I don’t care how tired you are when you are busy with your children, but if you miss work, you will get everyone involved. People who can sit for ten minutes and yawn ten times dare to say that their eyes can’t be spent?"
"I really didn’t …"
"Jiang Xuan!" The section chief continued to be angry and picked up the desktop file, so he casually smashed Jiang Xuanxuan’s face.