
It’s a jade bottle cloud. Jojo hit the bottle cap and sniffed a strange fragrance. "What?"
Fang Ze said lightly that "Jiedu Pill can solve all kinds of poisons"
Wow, Yun Qiaoqiao poured it out and saw that there were ten of them. This is a good thing.
But she’s a little curious. What can I give her? They have met strangers twice.
"Give it to me? So what do you want? I can exchange whatever I want. "
There is no free lunch in the world!
Fang Ze’s eyes are unfathomable. "You can exchange messages with your mother."
Yun Qiaoqiao shook his head without thinking "refused to change another one"
Fang Ze slightly thoughtfully "owe me a favor, and I need you to pay it back someday"
Yun Qiaoqiao suspects that looking at him will not be a terrorist. "You won’t let me kill and set fire, will you?"
Fang Zeyu said, "You can’t do that with your little arms and legs. Don’t overestimate your ability."
How do you say this? Yun Qiaoqiao is a little upset. "You are not pleasing at all!"
Fang Ze gently her forehead is a little vertical and some nai "you naughty boy"
The food was sent, and the two kept the highest level of food and kept silent.
After eating, Fang Zegang wanted to say something, and suddenly he looked "I’m leaving"
Yunqiaoqiao is stunned. She still has something to ask. "Hey, are you leaving like this?"
Fang Ze commanding looked at her and smiled "what? Reluctant to me? "
The smile is so handsome. Yun Qiaoqiao is Yan Kong. I can’t help but look at my mouth but don’t lose.
"Uncle, you will be arrested for molesting underage girls like this."
Fang Ze was amused. "I didn’t think too much about the small appearance. I’m not interested in dwarfs."
Yun Qiaoqiao threw a supercilious look in the past. "Great, I was worried that you were a pervert who loved young teeth."
Fang Ze couldn’t help but pinch pinch her little face slippery feel very good.
Yun Qiaoqiao slapped him. "Hey, why are you pinching my face? If you say that you are not interested, are you saying that you don’t want health but honestly want bad guys? "
"…" Fang Ze all bad face wonderful all don’t know how to shape.
"Ha ha ha" demo fight with her!
Yunqiaoqiao bought a lot of things, and walked into Yunfu on the last ray of light.
She looked up at the corner of Yunfu plaque. Who was so prescient that she didn’t hang Chang ‘an Houfu plaque?
She had just walked a few steps when a middle-aged man appeared in front of her and gave her a salute. "The big lady asked you to see him as soon as you came back."
Yun Qiaoqiao glanced at her attitude, but her eyes looked contemptuous.
It’s also somebody else, but the main manager is more powerful than the seven county magistrate
She casually put something into the hand of the cattle manager, "Show me the way ahead."
Her condescending and patronizing attitude makes the cow manager angry enough.
Even my wife wouldn’t dare to talk to him like that. You know, he is the duke … not the closest confidant around my uncle.
YunQiaoQiao don’t care what he thinks Yang Yang exquisite ba "still walk not to walk? Don’t go, I’ll go back to rest. "
She doesn’t even give Yun Hao noodles, so she’s afraid of dog legs around him? Stop joking.
Manager Niu was annoyed but didn’t dare to say "Please come with me."
He walked in front with a big bag and a small bag, which was quite embarrassing. Yunqiaoqiao shook his little hand and followed slowly.
The front yard room Yunhao sat for an afternoon with a dull look and I don’t know what was going on.
"Here comes the master and the young lady."

Save your life

If I don’t kill you today, I have to beat you to death. If you dare to touch us, people in Abe are tired of living. Duan Lang’s hand is even more cruel
In a few minutes, Yim Ho completely collapsed to the ground like a dead dog, and Duan Lang kicked his leg and leg bones without feeling avenged.
Tao Yi struggled to climb from the bed, her face was pale, and her tears kept flowing. Wei Wei picked up the bedside lamp and threw it at Yim Ho, and her eyes were furious.
No, she wants to call the police and let the police catch this bad guy. If another woman is killed, she thinks so and does the same. But Duan Lang took it away just after turning over a word.
Almost being raped and angry made Tao Yi red-eyed, and the connection was shaking. Word by word, "Why didn’t I call the police?"
At the moment, Shenyang dinner continues.
It was Mo Jun’s cell phone that didn’t ring again at night. He was very calm and talked to the Shenyang family. Occasionally, he gave Azeri some dishes he liked.
Azeri’s eyes sparkled at an early age, and he looked at his father from time to time when he was eating.
Dad is abnormal today. Where is abnormal? He can’t say.
After a meal, the father and the mother politely bid farewell to Shen Xintong, touched Azeri’s head and personally sent the man back to the living room. Dad and brother were already waiting for her.
"Tong Tong Sit"
"Dad, if you want to tell me to give up Tsukiyomi ikuto, I don’t think I’ll sit here. I won’t give up on him anyway."
Shen Ling was angry for a moment and suppressed her anger. "What do you mean, you won’t give up on me? You eat and drink your best clothes at school. That’s how you talk to your father. I tell you that Mo Jun is not right at night. It’s very wrong."
"So what? I like others, not his position."
"Bullshit, a man has no status, and a ghost is even better."
"Dad?" Shen Xintong’s eyes are red.
"All right, stop arguing."
Shen Han suddenly got up and walked to her sister and slapped her hand on her shoulder for two times. "There is something really wrong with Mojun night today. I will send someone to check a father, too. You don’t doubt this."
"Brother, do you say so?" Shen Xintong’s instant face was full of sadness and tears slowly fell down.
Section 11
Since she was a child, she knew her identity and that it was impossible for her to choose her husband at will in such a family, but she really didn’t want to be a marriage tool.
Shen Han felt bad when he saw his loving sister sad. He nodded at Shen Ling and said, "I want to meet Mo Lian one day."
Shen Xintong’s eyes showed despair. Do they really want to give up Tsukiyomi ikuto and turn to support Mo Lian?
"Tong Tong, you should know that neither my father nor I will harm you." Shen Han took two turns on her shoulder again.
Shen Xintong just stood there, and his little hand slowly became a fist.
"Dad, I don’t like Grandpa Shen." Mo Tianze looked at Dad’s dark face in the car and suddenly said.
"Because those eyes are calculating dad, can’t you see that he has been staring at you? And they ask questions while you are away, like a policeman. "
Mo Tianze thought that although I am small, my observation is the strongest.
Mojun rubbed his little head at night. "In fact, I don’t like him very much."
If you don’t like it, good.
It is better to call such a person a grandfather than not to have a grandfather.
"Dad, you promised me that things should be done, right?" Mo Tianze blinked his bright little eyes.
"Why do you ask?" Mojun’s mouth is raised at night. The little guy is very clever and knows how to beat around the bush to test him.
It was as black as his son.
"Because you didn’t behave normally today!" Mo Tianze knew that his father was an old fox and confessed everything.
Mo Jun’s face was suddenly cold at night, and his eyes flashed with a tyrannical sneer. "There is indeed something that makes people angry, but this has nothing to do with my promise."
Mo Tianze’s age patted Dad’s leg to signal that you want to refuel!
"You go home first. Dad has some things to do."
"Is it time to find something?"
"Men don’t mind their own business," Mo Jun’s tone is very light at night, but his eyes are fierce. Now he has an impulse to kill.
Very strong
Tao Yi’s cold face made people afraid to bite their teeth and asked, "Why don’t I call the police?"
Duan Lang looked at her angry little face and smiled. She took off her coat and put it on her body.
"Generally, this kind of thing is a girl’s loss. Besides, those videos you made the other day, I don’t want you to be accused of being a good girl."
Very, very nice girl

A total of 27 bandits led one of them with their heads bald and surrounded the top of the slope. The atmosphere of the scene gradually became dignified, and the cold light and shiny weapons exuded a little bit of coldness! But Orca didn’t budge, just watching the bandits slowly approach.

Step by step ~ ~ ~ the footsteps are getting closer and closer. Seeing that the three guys with homemade machetes have arrived halfway up the slope, suddenly Orca suddenly moved! Pull up the javelin, the ape’s arm is relaxed, the eagle’s eyes are locked in an instant, and the muscles are uplifted. Listen to the Oka explosion and drink "Go!" A black light swishes out like Changhong’s daily rapid blaster! Without waiting to see the result, Orca picked up the second heavy javelin and aimed at it again, throwing it out and breaking it. The whole thing was moving in one go!
Whew! The heavy javelin flying contains powerful kinetic energy, leaving a heart-rending scream in the middle. It’s too late for the bandits to react. It’s too late to listen to a few laughs. The two leftmost bandits were directly pierced by the javelin and passed through the chest with great inertia. They even took their bodies up and flew nearly ten feet away, and then the lance blade was inserted into the soil. Two lifeless bodies were just like that, with their limbs twisted and their heads tilted to the sky and supported by the gun poles!
"ah!" The sudden change made all the robbers pale with horror. Several robbers who walked in front were even more dull-faced. I remembered that I had just flown over the scream and saw two companions’ horrible death, so the scene was silent! A long time ago, a robber screamed and ran back as soon as he lost his weapon!
"whoosh!" It’s a pity that a broken long arrow flashed from behind and poof went straight into the back of the robber’s heart. The robber stumbled forward and threw himself down like a gourd and rolled the hill. Finally, he turned on his back and stopped. A pair of already gray eyes looked at the sky above his head absently.
Flint blink of an eye kung fu three bandits have been killed!
"Damn me, I will kill you!" However, the killing also aroused some people’s ferocity. Seeing the bald head, they roared angrily. Instead of retreating, they strode in, and behind them, two brave bandits also gritted their teeth and followed.
"kill!" Bald legs and anger quickly rushed to the crowd to see Orca still giving a look of calm, not angry and angry, unceremoniously raising a machete and drinking at Orca’s head!
"Looking for death!" Swish the blade and cut the air. Orca suddenly snorted his eyes. He lifted the shield and stepped forward. His left arm suddenly lifted and slammed. The sharp corner of the shield edge slammed on the bald wrist and made a muffled sound without looking at the expression distorted by severe pain. Orca calmly turned his body slightly and pushed his right foot out of the fragile part of the bald tibia! Once again, the bald head can’t help but cry out and kneel on one knee. At this moment, Orca has turned to his back, raised his dagger high, and then slammed a thick hilt and hit the bald head at the junction of the head and neck without any mistakes. Suddenly, the bald head fell down and fainted at the moment!
Everything happened in an instant, and when the two robbers arrived at the back, they were as strong as an ox. The bald head had been knocked unconscious by the height but just reached his chest, and they fell to the ground like a limp sack.
The huge visual shock made the two bandits unable to wait until they came to their senses. Orca had not given them this chance. The shield protected themselves and easily blocked the consciousness from stabbing. The sharp dagger of the right-hand center has been stabbed like a poisonous snake spitting letters. Poof, it was inserted into the heart without the hilt in blood sputtering! Another bandit was killed with one blow! It’s not over yet!
Piercing the dagger into the heart is an arc angle. Immediately after piercing, it is perfectly drawn close at hand along the angle. Another robber reacts. The machete in his hand is obliquely cut out. Orca sneers and shrinks his body. The dagger is placed in the rib. At the right moment, a short body leaps and swishes and flashes from the bottom of the knife. Without waiting for the robber’s reaction, Orca quickly gets up and puts down his shield. The dagger in his right hand flies lightly into his left hand. Then an elegant backhand rotates backstab bursts! The tip of the sword reveals sticky blood from the bandit’s throat and drops to the ground along the cold blade.
This time, although it was also a murder in a flash, everyone present could see clearly that there was no flashy movement of body, weapons and consciousness. Oka’s killing was like art, full of beauty. Seeking a blow will kill him. In the eyes of all bandits, Oka is already a terrible bloody death at this moment!
Section 3 Friends
Swish! While the killing was going on …
Just as Orca finished the artistic killing, Atas arrow also drew the final period in the first wave of attack, and never forced two long arrows to shoot. Only two robbers were shot into their chests by long arrows and fell to the ground as stiff as a stump.
A vicious bandit turned into a corpse lying on the ground when he was only a dozen years old!
On the hillside, the robber kept screaming and grinning, his eyes widened and he looked at the battlefields with different deaths with a dull face for a long time. On the hillside, Orca slowly pulled out his dagger and splashed out with hot blood, picked up the shield leisurely, turned around and walked to the unconscious bald head, squatted on his back and bent down. In this way, in the face of many bandits, he smiled and stabbed the dagger slowly into the back of the bald head, and the hot blood gurgled like a small fountain, causing the bald head to tremble violently, but Orca stepped on it and convulsed the last silence.
If Orca acted like a warrior with exquisite skills, then no one doubts that he is a terror fiend at the moment! His’ smile’ and that harsh bright red make a frightening picture!
At last, three or four bandits in the bandit group watched a boss carefully out of the corner of his eye. He found that he stood still and finally made up his mind to turn and run while no one was paying attention. The figure quickly disappeared into the dense forest, and sometimes it was very contagious. Several bandits escaped and made more bandits feel extremely uneasy and afraid, so someone approached his companions and whispered a few words. Finally, he glanced at the hillside and Orca turned and ran away in fear.
Finally, together with the bandit leader, there are 12 poor people left.
Seeing everything in the eye, Oka smiled with satisfaction. As expected, dealing with these bullying and vicious guys can make them afraid by terrorist means. Once they are afraid, these bandits who can bully others will instantly collapse and be annihilated.
"Ha, ha, ha, a group of Uzbek people" Oka is not satisfied with finishing a costume and walking down the slope with a shield. Sen’s cold eyes swept away the surplus bandits and snorted contemptuously.
"Bastard, I want to kill you! ! !” Constantly being attacked, a robber finally couldn’t help screaming hysterically and waving a machete, just like a cornered animal seeking mutual destruction!
"Stupid!" So street gangsters desperately posture Oka saw the direct pie pie and greeted it slowly. That guy was just about to take advantage of the pressure to chop the instantaneous shield, slammed it vertically, slammed the robber’s big face, and was directly and tragically hit by the corner of the hard shield with nosebleeds. People were also thrown out like a broken kite and knocked unconscious. Now there are 11 people left.
"Damn it! I must kill you today! " Finally, the bandits woke up and turned around to see that the planned robbery had become such a confidant. Suddenly, they were short of breath, turned black and angry, and waved a machete at the bandits’ head and shouted, "Give me a break! Form a circle and throw javelin at me! Then stick it at me. I don’t believe this guy can resist the siege from all sides even if he is heavily armored! "
This series of roars finally made Orca frown, but his ears moved slightly as if he had heard something. Orca soon regained his composure and retreated to the slope. His shield fell from time to time, and all the darts, stones and daggers thrown by the bandits were blocked out. At the same time, he was responsible for covering Artas’s bow and arrow attack again, but those bandits also learned to scamper back and forth quickly, and their sight was chaotic. The power of the bow and arrow was greatly weakened. Unfortunately, one robber was shot in the arm and withdrew from the siege.
"Kill him! Kill him! " The bandit leader kept growling and waving his arms in the safety zone to let his men attack, but he was terrified. The bandits always wandered outside the defensive circle formed by packhorses, and no one wanted to be the first to try the cold blade. So the two sides confronted each other, and the long-range weapon harassment passed away from time to time.
Suddenly! A dense horseshoe tramples in the distance!
In a state of madness, the bandit’s head was full of a tingle, and he suddenly looked back to detain a white and bloodless complexion! I saw a team wearing leather armor, holding a long round shield and a pike, and the red coat fluttered with the wind. The Roman patrol was roaring!
"Roman patrol? How could they? " The bandit mumbled something to himself, and suddenly he seemed to think of something. He turned his head to look down the hillside and stared at the figure standing proudly at the gap, his face full of despair.
"Brothers, run! The Roman patrol is here! ! !” When I tore my voice and shouted, all the bandits were startled to look back. When I saw dozens of rides coming not far away, all the bandits’ hopes were dashed. Everyone threw away all the burdens and burdens and ran into the Woods with an open hand, otherwise they would be arrested and sent to the town square for public beheading!
The robber’s first cry also shocked the patrol. Obviously, they were surprised to find this wandering around the town, constantly killing people and stealing goods, but cunning than the robber. Soon, the cavalry came in and shouted, and the swift cavalry flew into a sector again and roared close.
The bandits ran desperately down the hill, ignoring the sharp arrows from time to time behind them, but after all, two legs could not compete with four legs. When they finally panted and were about to run to the foot of the mountain, the bandit head had already stepped into hell before them!
Flying red coat cold light dazzling pike A knight wearing a typical centurion horizontal brush helmet crossed his robe and slammed his horse’s belly. The poor bandit’s head came and turned around, raised his weapon and blocked his chest. There was a bang, and the Mercedes-Benz horse slammed his body high like an armored chariot. A large piece of blood foam was mixed with dirty debris and sprayed wildly. Before he fell behind, he continued to sweep the bandit’s head and trampled on it. The real dead body disappeared in a cloud of dust!
In this way, I just looked at the cavalry that swept by and slowly turned their horses’ heads and dispersed to surround the whole hill. Fortunately, the bandits lost their weapons in a daze and fell to their knees.
shade of a tree
"You are the message card? Quirinas? I’m a little surprised at your age! " Holding a helmet, a handsome middle-aged knight with blond hair smiled at Orca.
"Dear Sir Pavilion, I’m from Aining Oka? Quirinas is very grateful to Ge for leading troops to destroy these bandits. "Oka bowed his head slightly to show respect for the knight.
Orca’s attitude made the knight feel humble and polite, and Orca’s angular features made the knight feel more satisfied. He said with a smile, "Although my little fellow is a Roman warrior, I have to admire your courage, but I still want to wake you up kindly. These bandits have been wandering around this area for four months, and the town has organized our guards to strangle many times, but every time because of their strange and cunning whereabouts, the result is futile. They keep attacking passing business travelers and pedestrians to rob property. The rape of women and the killing of koo have had a very bad influence. Your plan is a genius to lure snakes out of the hole. Although you risk your life, "Speaking of this knight, his eyes suddenly become a little weird. He looks over Orca and throws them behind him. The soldiers are converging the body, but they quickly take it back. The face is full of curiosity." But great risk means great reward. Orca? Quirinas, I am honored to inform you that you helped the escort destroy the Tribune Pavilion and personally put out a warrant for the bandits. Now you are an imperial hero! Of course, there is Gusa! "
Hearing the knight’s cry, a knight immediately trotted over and took out a bulging purse from his pocket. A lot of metal kept bumping and crunching, which was the most beautiful music in the world to the businessman.
The knight centurion took the purse and threw it to Oka, saying, "Here’s a wanted order for the young man. It says that there will be a reward of 3 solidolo, a considerable reward, right?"
Oka looked a little stunned when he got the purse. He looked at the purse and then at the centurion Oka. He smiled and put it away. "Respect for the centurion pavilion, your due diligence and bravery also made me deeply admire. I hope we can make friends. I wonder if you would mind?"
"Oh friend! Haha, why not? Although it seems that I can be your father! But who would refuse to make friends with a young hero? My name is Edward Alleyn?
Bordeaux? Aitred! "The knight immediately smiled and patted Orca’s shoulder, then untied his waist and handed it to Orca with a scabbard." I heard that you are going to the 13th Corps? Doing a good job, little guy, joining the border guards means a crisis at any time, but for people like you, it’s equivalent to a life opportunity. This dagger gives you it to cut the enemy’s head and hopes that one day you can wear it to become a general. "
Oka was extremely obsessed with cold weapons in his previous life. It is even more eye-catching to come to this era. I have seen a lot of killing weapons more than 17 years ago, but it is the first time today to get such a gorgeous but sharp officer. Wearing a dagger, he gently groped for the scabbard embossed pattern. Oka looked up and smiled. "Thank you for the dagger, Edward Alleyn. Sooner or later, I will become a general. I don’t want to be a general. It’s not a good soldier, is it?"
The fourth quarter legion
The most important military fortress in regensburg’s Reian Province is located around the intersection of the Regent River on the Danube. The stone castle is surrounded by green mountains and green waters, covered with vines, which set off mottled traces and has a vicissitudes of life.
At the same time, like all the imperial border cities, regensburg looks like a military station, far better than military or military buildings such as stables, forage depots, armory depots, iron shops, armor shops, brothels, trebuchets and barracks castle halls in residential areas, which almost occupy three-quarters of the castle area. Walking into the narrow stone path of the city gate, you can see at most soldiers of the deputy armed corps, equipped with mercenaries with colorful doors or trying to find some living adventurers in chaotic areas.
There seems to be less frequent population movement here. In Oka’s view, the soldiers and passers-by look familiar with each other. Another reason is that when Oka and his servants entered the castle, all the pedestrians gave them a curious and critical look. Men note that Oka is well-equipped and coquettish prostitutes note that he is well-proportioned, handsome and rich in money.
For these people, Oka directly chose to look at him with interest and never let go of every detail. At the bottom of his heart, he consciously compared everything he saw with the streets of China, which he knew from his contemporaries. Finally, he realized with some pride that there were few beautiful cities and population density, and the streets were much more lively than those in the Eastern Jin Dynasty in different times. However, it is a border town after all. If you go to Rome or ravenna and see it, it may be another scene.
With all kinds of strange ideas in my heart, Oka and his party wandered around the street in this way until Munger carefully woke up and said whether to find a place to settle down in Oka, only to realize that he had completely forgotten about coming here.
"Let’s go and find a hotel to settle down." After returning to the gods, Oka called for a purposeful look for the roadside facade, and soon a hotel appeared in the field of vision. The lintel of the store had a cloth flag on it, and a room sign was simply painted. Once an adventurer, Mong immediately recognized the sign, but it was really simple and eye-catching. In Oka’s view, it was the same as inserting a pig’s head flag at the door of selling meat.
"Arthas, please take care of the packhorses first. I’ll let Monger and Randall do it for you later. I’m a little worried about the security here." Orca walked to the door of the hotel and thought about it. Arthas ordered me to unload the luggage.
"Good master, I won’t leave the packhorse." Arthas bent down and nodded at once.

Some people who know Liuzhuang Lotus feel aggrieved that Ruan Xianshu and Huo Qianqian show disdain for their initiative.

What’s the occasion today? It’s the Wu family’s birthday party. People are rich or expensive. What does the Wu family mean? I haven’t heard of Wu Muchen’s divorce. What’s this about?
And some people change their wives for the Wu family with a theatre attitude, or Wu Muchen cheated on them in public. What’s the matter with them? It’s just another drama in which giants abandon their wives.
I don’t know whether this Huo Qianqian is a mistress or a narcissist. After all, Wu Muchen is not divorced.
Huoshan saw his daughter’s deep and dark eyes at the door in the corner, but she couldn’t see his real thoughts. Instead, Yao Lijing was worried about what Qian Qian was doing and knew what she was doing.
At this time, Huo’s parents did not know that Huo Qianqian was pregnant when she was playing.
Huo Sipeng looked at Wu Muchen’s Fujian among the two women and didn’t feel uncomfortable. Instead, he didn’t understand what Wu Muchen was doing when he wanted to stop Huo Qianqian from looking for trouble in Liuzhuang.
Did something happen that you didn’t know about?
"Bang" touched a glass and scared Huo Sipeng, almost spilling the wine in the glass.
When I saw it was Wu Muting, some nai hid from her tonight, but Wu Muting could find him no matter where he hid.
"Brother Si Peng, what are you looking at?" Wu Muting pouted with some dissatisfaction. Does she feel that Huo Sipeng is avoiding her tonight?
But no matter where he fled, she would find him.
"Nothing" HuoSiPeng back eyes looked at Wu Muting thoughtfully, sipping his wine.
Wu Muting’s face was a little red by him, and her red ceremony was like a red apple.
"Brother Si Peng"
"Qian Qian and your brother"
"Qian Qian is pregnant with my brother and child" said Wu Muting, blushing and breathless, as if Huo Qianqian was not a fake pregnancy but really pregnant.
"What" Huo Sipeng was taken aback and blurted out "Is it that night?"
"Brother Si Peng, you also know what happened that night." Wu Muting thought that she gave her brother medicine. She was embarrassed to glance at Huo Sipeng. She was a good woman, but she found a friend to bring it back from abroad. She was afraid that the effect was not good.
No wonder Huo Qianqian will see Fujian at the door, but Wu Jiazhen’s wealthy family has disappeared.
Looked at Wu Muting HuoSiPeng eyes complex.
Ye Wei looked at the door and smiled like a flower. Huo Qianqian was so angry that her stomach was bloated and uncomfortable, but there was no way to think that Liuzhuang Lotus was in the hiding room at this time, and she was distressed.
After all the guests had left, Ruan Xianshu rubbed her shoulders and complained, "It’s really old. Today, this matter makes my back ache."
"Aunt Ruan, you are so young that you are old." Huoqianqian held her arm before and looked pleased.
Ruan Xianshu seems to think of something busy, holding Huo Qianqian’s hand and sitting on the sofa, saying, "You are really tired today. Are you pregnant? Do you have any discomfort? Why don’t I call a family doctor to examine you so that I can rest assured?"
When Huo Qianqian heard that she wanted a family doctor to examine her, she waved her hand and stammered, "Aunt Ruan can’t. I’m fine. I’m fine."
"Let me know if there is anything wrong with that line. This is our first child in the Wu family. We must be healthy and healthy." Ruan Xianshu patted Huo Qianqian’s hand and told him.
"Bang" Ye Wei’s glass fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.
She couldn’t believe that Huo Qianqian was pregnant with Wu Muchen’s child.
No wonder this old hag wants to put Liuzhuang in the hiding room. That’s her real purpose, isn’t it? Pulling Huo Qianqian to see Fujian at the door is telling the public.
The glass fell to the ground and attracted everyone’s attention. Ruan Xianshu looked at this unknown woman and frowned. "Who are you? Why are you still here?" If it is a man or a woman, shouldn’t they all be gone?
"Who am I? If I leave, how can I hear such an exciting thing? I didn’t expect the famous Wu family in Xijing to do such a nasty thing." Ye Wei looked at Ruan Xianshu without fear before leaving.
"I remember that you are a friend of Liuzhuang Lotus. What kind of people make friends is just as uneducated." Ruan Xianshu doesn’t care about Ye Wei’s words at all. A famous pawn is just not afraid of what she says. Who will believe it?
Ye Wei was trembling with anger. Like mother, like daughter, their contemptuous eyes and tone of voice were the same.
Wu Muchen saw Ye Wei walk up to her after seeing off the last guest and said, "It’s getting late for Miss Ye. I’ll have you sent home."
"The Wu finally has a person who can speak human words." Ye Wei looked at Ruan Xianshu and Huo Qianqian and wished to slap them before to bully Liu Zhuanghe like this.
"Pa" Wu Muting slapped Ye Wei’s face before they reacted. What actually dared to say such things in the Wu family?
Ye Wei burying his face in one leng reached out to backhand and slapped Wu Muting.
Clear finger prints on Wu Muting’s face soon swelled up.
Ye Wei’s slap has taken a lot of effort to vent her anger tonight, her love for Liuzhuang Lotus and her own nai.

Ziziphus jujuba knelt in front of her couch and stared at her unblinkingly. When she opened her eyes, she immediately exclaimed, "Miss, you finally woke up!"

Shu Lele gave her a blank look. "It’s better not to wake up when you scare her!"
Honey jujube son blinked unjustly and pursed her lips. "I told the handmaiden to watch you, and the handmaiden is not allowed to doze off."
Master Shi? In hindsight, Shu Lele remembered the tragic scene last night. He felt chilly and looked around and asked, "He’s not here?"
"The Lord has gone to the Summer Lotus Garden." The eyes of Zizyphus jujuba blinked and immediately lowered his head.
9 double conventions
That’s good! Shu Lele breathed a sigh of relief.
That uber-like man had better never appear in front of her again, although he is said to be very eye-catching but stinging.
No! Xiaheyuan, isn’t that the place where Yingying and Xiaosan stay? Although she has no name and no score now, Ning Yichen has allocated a hospital for her to live in. Ning Yichen went there early this morning, especially for morning exercises, didn’t she?
Thought of here Shu Lele deeply despised him.
After ordering candied dates to wait on themselves to change clothes and freshen up, Shu Lele suddenly remembered that she was injured last night. Why didn’t she feel anything?
Busy lifting the cuffs to check that the body is still as white as jade and intact, and there is no trace of injury at all.
That’s strange!
Finally, her eyes stayed on her wrist. It used to hurt like a needle. After coming back last night, she didn’t care to check it. Now, when I look closely, I can see a faint reddish color in my skin.
What the hell? Ning Yichen poisoned her?
Shu Lele frowned and fidgeted and called Ziziphus jujuba. "Why don’t you go out and ask Ziziphus jujuba?"
Honey jujube said, "Miss Sister sent a message last night saying that she was on her way back to Beijing and would arrive at the latest."
Okay, just wait!
In the early morning of the next day, Ziziphus jujuba finally came back, because she had been waiting on Shu Lele since she was a child and Shu Lele had specifically told her to bring it to Wangfu, and she stopped her and entered Ning Wangfu.
When Shu Lele saw her happy face, she immediately asked quietly, "How are things going?"
Ziziphus jujuba smiled slyly. "Everything went well. This time, the young lady earned a lot of money and brought a letter for Shuanggong!"
"Haha, so we have successfully opened the branch in Yilan and waited for the gold and silver to roll in!"
"That’s what it means!"
"good! Ziziphus jujuba has worked hard for you! "
Really worthy of being her first housekeeper and agent!
Shu Lele spread out that fragrant let.
A white jade pearl flower and a snowflake note fluttered into her palm.
"The moon is like a hook after dusk."
While the dragon and the phoenix dance, a few Chinese characters are written on white paper like blossoming peach blossoms.
Such a unique invitation and such an elegant technique can come from the first public hand in Beijing!
Shu Lele smiled and put the stationery in her sleeve, holding the flower representing the double male beads lightly. "How many?"
"Nineteen flowers"
A letter and a bead flower Xiao Ni is becoming more and more arty.
When you have collected a hundred pearls, you will wear a pair of jewelry and marry her!
"Miss, where are you going to meet again?"
"Xiyue Building!"
The moon is as picturesque as a hook, and the place is so poetic!
Shu Lele took the beaded hair and gave it to Ziziphus jujuba to "pick up a beautiful woman in my month."
"But will Master Shi find out?" Ziziphus jujuba was found to be bigger after calculation.
Shu Lele Qiao face a mafia "he and his little three inseparable where to manage me? Besides, aren’t you back now? You can handle it. "
1 Jingcheng Ergong
At dusk, several lanterns were lit up on the west lake, and the water and sky were like the sunrise out of Pinghu.
Su Lele jade white gown jade crown ribbon shook the peach blossom fan and danced
As early as a small greeting, it was "Mo Gong and my family have been waiting for a long time!"
"ah? What is she doing here so early? Miss me? "
Shu Lele gathered the peach blossom fan and rushed to the floor to run to the elegant room. A handsome and graceful figure was looking through the aperture.
A glimpse of the lake and the night outside the window, but occasionally a few silk bamboos sound far away, but the spirit has only increased a little sadness for a long time.
"Talking alone is like a hook on the moon."
Shuanggong suddenly has a deep voice, a little magnetism and a thrilling beauty.
This fake has come out to confuse people again! Su Lele slightly zheng corners of the mouth naturally across a smile.
"Double male world double every time we meet always export into a poem is really an elegant person! Pei! Pei! "
"No! If we two stinky businessmen don’t be arty again, I’m afraid the gold stinkers everywhere will dare to know you! "
Double male carefree turned delicate with something of heroic spirit handsome Yan Mei such as ink picture if peach petals a pair of long and narrow peach eyes with eyes Gherardini.
The breeze blows over a head of ink hair and dances with the wind.
Su Lele looked slightly sluggish and blinked, slightly teasing in his tone.
"How much are you worth by double gold?"
"Mo Gong is worth a few pairs of public toilets!"
"Ha ha ha ….." Two people laugh at the same time.
Laugh freely and wildly.
It is well known that Shuanggong and Mogong are the first wealthy businessmen in Beijing, and they have joined forces to control the economic lifeline of the whole capital.
And the real identity of the two people learned that it is more difficult to imagine that Mo Gong is the daughter of the Prime Minister’s family, Shu Lele
Su Lele metamorphoses, open the folding fan in double male head a beat "said! What did you invite me here for today? Where did your four maids, Mei Lan Zhu Ju, go to make mischief again? "
The double-puss-head wry smile was elegant and free and easy, and the wild attitude turned into a cry.
"Su Lele you a big girl can be reserved? Can you afford to break my head every time? "
"Ha ha ….. it’s almost like a watermelon ……"
Su Lele messed up her hair and burst into laughter. It’s really lucky to say that watermelon can be compared with the extremely intelligent head.
Double corners of the mouth straight smoke is known as a heartthrob, saying that Shuanggong was actually demoted to watermelon head by her!

"Nothing, hit me as hard as I can, arry. Don’t forget that the happy game is our end!" Lin Zhengzheng said

"hmm!" Four people nodded in unison.
The cyan team department is really very harmonious.
Win team atmosphere is not with them.
"Fortunately, Brother Zhan is here, or I’ll really collapse in the wild!" Ayang bought equipment and said.
Lu Zhan’s killing of the blind monk is equivalent to getting the blind monk’s double buff, which will take the blind monk time to clear the field, and it will also give Ayang Olaf development.
I was depressed when I was caught playing wild in advance, and now I feel very upset when I was told by Lu Zhan’s trip.
Su Yueran also peeked at Lu Zhan and saw Lu Zhan’s determined eyes. She smiled and said, "There is no problem with Lu Zhan."
In recent games, win players are used to making mistakes. No matter whether you are a wave or a fool, there will always be a teammate who will come out to help you clean up the mess, which will not lose a pleasure.
Although Lu Zhan didn’t speak, his heart was warm, and his teammates were sure to be truly sure. It was really good to feel dependent on his teammates.
King-level wilderness? Let me meet you! No matter how strong the opponent is, he can’t stop me!
Fighting spirit burns in his heart.
Chapter 156 The strongest wild outbursts
The ratio of head to head is 2: 2. The blue team is fighting wild blind monks to get the head, but win is getting the barrel, so now the best field development is the barrel.
Lu Zhan came home with a small holy grail after playing this wave, while Ayang took advantage of the fact that Lu Zhan was not online to control Olaf’s route to make up for the lack of previous grades and experience
When the barrel comes to Ayang and returns to the wild area, now he is only at level 2. He needs to fight more wild monsters. It is estimated that it will be difficult for gank to succeed if it is less than level 6.
Xiao Chengqiang Dao Mei also came out with the equipment. He put an eye in the river to prevent being gank. When he walked to the line, the other party Pan Sen had just arrived.
Pan Sen, a hero, was disgusting in the early stage. He often harassed Dao Mei and Dao Mei from a long distance with Q skills. He was bored when Q arrived at two.
"Shit, if I wander, I will be afraid of you!" Xiao Sheng Qiang Nai said that maybe he can have dozens of ways to beat Pan Sen to death in Riven, but he is not very familiar with Dao Mei, and there is really no way to do it except recklessly.
But recklessly, he is a little afraid that the other party will fight wild singles. Sometimes it depends on whether he can support him as quickly as possible before he fights wild singles. Now Ayang is clearing the field. It is obviously unwise for him to choose this time to fight, so it can be a trivial recruitment.
One of the soldiers in the new line is chariots chariots, who has a lot of money. Xiao Shengqiang doesn’t want to give up, so he plans to wait for a good opportunity to make up his Q skills.
In addition to being able to dash, Dao Mei Q has another feature, that is, once the target is killed by her Q, the Q skill D will be refreshed.
In other words, if you can limit the kill, you can limit the jump, but it is not possible to limit the blue amount and the opponent’s blood volume.
Xiao Shengjiang waited for chariots’s blood to seize the opportunity and immediately played a Q skill.
His blood volume calculation was very accurate. This Q directly killed chariots, but to his surprise, at the moment of his Q, a blind monk in cloth suddenly appeared next to him.
It’s a blind monk The blind monk is obviously Li W’s touch of Batman. As soon as he landed, he kicked a foot and sent a white light. That’s his Q skill hitting Dao Mei.
It turns out that the blind monk doesn’t know when he has been hiding here, waiting for Dao Mei’s action.
"Not have eyes? How did he get around? " Xiao Shengjiang was surprised, but not only did he react quickly, but he immediately continued to shift Q skills to another soldier.
However, the blind monk Q still hit him, so that when the blind monk pressed the Q skill again, the blind monk followed him like a flying fairy.
E skills are broken! Hitting Dao Mei triggered E skill again, which slowed him down.
This deceleration Pan Sen sometimes followed the two men who came to pick up the holy shield to fight dizziness, and once they made efforts together, they crippled Dao Mei.
Both Pan Sen and the blind monk are heroes who have done a lot of damage in the early stage, especially when the target health is less than 15%.
Without flashing, Dao Mei soon died in the enemy butcher’s knife.
"The sleeping trough is always aimed at me!" Xiaoshengqiang language this kind of situation is really can’t run away.
But he is more concerned that he has eyes. Where did the blind monk come from?
He didn’t see it, but the audience saw that the blind monk came to the wild area after his death and resurrection, cleared his red buff, and then went straight to the road. He seemed to be able to predict Dao Mei’s eye position, and he stopped at the farthest distance in Dao Mei’s eye.
When Dao Mei stepped in to fill the soldiers, he went straight ahead and then met W Touch Xiaobing, which narrowed the distance through two displacements.
It seems that he foresaw that Dao Mei would take risks to make up for this chariots in order to react so freely.
Q After arriving in Dao Mei, most blind monks can do it, but it takes a lot of experience to accurately judge each other’s eye position and judge each other’s psychology of recruiting soldiers.
"Wow, this blind monk brother is so bright!" Moderator Xiao Yu praised
"Yes, I just don’t know where he chooses to be the middle road or the road?"

Xu qi behind two people, took out a book of life and death while walking, and then check the information of Wang Haibo …

Name: Wang Haibo.
Gender: male
Status: Normal
life span
Merit value: 271
Sin value: 42.1
"This person is not bad, normal human, healthy, can be admitted to the university, presumably not stupid, regardless of family background, if he really loves Min Min, he is a good brother-in-law candidate." Xu Qi andao.
Xu Qi finished looking at Wang Haibo’s information and looked up. Now Min Xu has got on her red Fit, while Wang Haibo is knocking on the window and making the final explanation, but Min Xu’s reaction is to move the car …
Wang Haibo looked at the slowly driving car, waved his arms like a drain, and said angrily, "Ah! ! ! Damn it, how come no one believes me! I didn’t send anyone to Chen Feng! I’m just a little savage, but I’m also a gentle man! "
"…" Xu Qi finally took a pity look at Wang Haibo, and then spread his wings to catch up with Min Xu’s car …
Min Xu, in Room 403 of the First Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, put the fruit basket on the table and sat next to the hospital bed …
"Chen Feng, you can do it. I usually look at you, but I didn’t expect to fight again." Min Xu didn’t good the spirit said.
"Hey hey, I hit somebody else, the rest is beaten …" Chen Feng lying in bed, a face of wry smile said.
"If you can’t fight, don’t fight. If you can’t fight, run. How stupid!" Min Xu poked Chen Feng’s stomach with his right index finger, and said like a reprimand.
"Hey, it hurts, don’t poke." Chen Feng "eat pain" moaned.
"ah? Did I hurt you? How to hurt so badly … "Min Xu hurriedly take away your hand, and then said with a face of concern.
"Nothing, nothing, nothing serious, but you just stabbed the wound …" Chen Feng said with a smile.
At the moment, Xu Qizheng is standing at the end of Chen Feng’s bed, raising his right hand to make a threatening gesture, but Chen Fengzheng enjoys smiling like a rose on the warm face of beauty visiting the sick, and the threat to Xu Qi is simply turning a blind eye.
Xu Qi looked at Min Xu’s love and care for Chen Feng, his eyes suddenly started to get angry, and he slandered from his heart: "This fellow is so loaded! I strangled him with a chain for half a day, and this fellow just gnashed his teeth and didn’t say a word. Min Min poked him gently, and this bastard cried out with the strength of nursing, damn it! The means of hitting on women is very clever, definitely not a rookie, and I don’t know how many girls I have cheated! "
A moment later, Min Xu left the hospital and returned to school. Because Min Xu had classes in the afternoon, he couldn’t stay in the hospital for a long time. At the moment when Min Xu left the ward, Xu Qi and Chen Feng’s eyes met again …
"Eldest brother, you see, Min Xu has me in his heart, otherwise he wouldn’t come to see me!" Chen Feng said guiltily.
"There is a hair! This is just visiting the sick! Your boy smiled brightly just now! Dare to ignore me! " Xu Qi gnashing said, his hands moving wrist and phalanx, step by step to Chen Feng move …

Chapter 21 Strong split margin
"I’m sorry, sir, I don’t know what you are going to do to my son?"
Xu Qi was about to commit violence against Chen Feng, but when the ward door suddenly opened, a tall, thin middle-aged man came in, squinting his eyes and giving out cold eyes through his glasses. The tone was of course quite cold, and it contained a strong murderous look!
Xu Qi turned to look at the middle-aged man who had just entered the door, and then turned to look at Chen Feng again. "It’s really like … it’s rare that father and son are so alike," he said.
"Dad, why are you here?" Chen Feng asked.
"Your tutor called me and you were injured and went to the hospital. Of course, I will come and have a look, and by the way, I will ask who dares to beat my son!" Chen Fu said.
"Dad, I’m fine. It’s just a scratch." At Xu Qi, Chen Feng was embarrassed. After all, Xu Qi was Min Xu’s brother, so he didn’t want to offend, and he knew Xu Qi’s strength. Although he knew his father was also very strong, he didn’t want the two sides to fight.
"It’s really some bruises, and I gave them to him, but now I feel that he hasn’t learned enough, so I’m going to add a little weight to him!" Xu Qi suddenly jack said.
The temperature in the room changes instantly. If it was just a warm spring, it has now turned into a cold winter, and Xu Fu slowly turns his body, takes off the gloves on his hands, and a pair of white jade hands are exposed …
"oh? Then I can thank you very much. I haven’t asked your name yet, Chen Lihai. Forget it. It’s no harm to know your name. After all, it’s a pity that it’s all over once and for all! " As Chen Fu Chen Lihai spoke, he approached Xu Qi step by step and locked Xu Qi’s body with cold murderous look …
"Dad, misunderstanding, don’t start work!" Chen Feng exclaimed.
Li-hai Chen Chen Feng words, body subconsciously paused, after all, didn’t understand the situation, he is not good to recklessly …
Chen Lihai didn’t start work, but Xu Qi was not prepared to let the father and son go. After all, Xu Qi was youthful and didn’t know how to bear it. When he met something unpleasant, he immediately thought of using force to solve it. Even if Xu Qi was lying in the hospital bed for four years, his personality was slightly stable, but he still maintained the complex of youthful blood.
"Misunderstand a bird! Like father, like son, father and son are so crazy! I’m upset, Chen Lihai, right? Since you have come to the hospital, stay in the hospital tonight! There are many beds here! " Xu Qi casually said, his left arm suddenly shook, and the ghost lock was divided into five roots, which were wrapped around Chen Lihai’s neck and limbs …
Chen Lihai didn’t expect Xu Qi to suddenly start work, and suddenly he was caught off guard. However, Chen Lihai’s fighting consciousness, responsiveness, fighting skills and physical fitness were far better than his son Chen Feng, so Xu Qi’s attack didn’t get what he wanted.
Ding-ding! Ding!
I don’t know when there was an ice gun between Chen Lihai’s hands, and he stabbed five times at a very fast speed. The tip of each gun accurately hit the chain, "easily" fended off the chain, and then approached Xu Qi, but when he took a step, the number of chains that had been fended off by him suddenly exploded, instantly differentiating from five to ten, and then forming a trend of encirclement and suppression …
When Chen Lihai saw this situation, he had to return to his original position. The ice pike in his hand changed into two short guns, each holding a short gun, and his arms fanned in the encirclement of the chain like butterfly wings. Clouds of ice crystal guns bloomed in the encirclement, repelling the offensive of the chain again and again.
In fact, with Xu Qi’s current situation, we can completely adopt a conservative approach to fight, relying on the encirclement and suppression offensive of chains to consume Chen Lihai’s physical strength. When Chen Lihai has no physical strength, Xu Qi can naturally capture it easily, but it will take a lot of time. If the time is too long, it will inevitably disturb others in the hospital, which is not in line with the principle of Xu Qi …
Xu Qi is a ghost. He won’t be seen by ordinary people, but Xu Qi is also an official with a ghost. According to the miscellaneous notes, once the ghost interferes with secular things, it will be deducted from merit and increase the evil value. If the disturbance of the secular world is caused by the interference of the ghost, the evil value increased by the ghost is not a minority, and it may even lead to LeiJie!
Also for this reason, Xu Qi did not dare to be presumptuous in the secular world. It was only a matter of deducting some merits from a person at most, but it was not cost-effective to cause riots, so Xu Qi was now eager to stop Chen Lihai …
Xu Qijiu can’t attack, and his brow can’t help but wrinkle up. He was surprised by the fact that he met someone who could fend off the ghost lock for the first time. He couldn’t help being cautious, but also worried because of the noise of the two men fighting. In order to solve the battle as soon as possible, the ghost lock suddenly cancelled the siege, but turned into a huge chain network and buckled it to Chen Lihai …
Li-hai Chen just after explosive defensive counterattack, the body some breathing, then came to see the giant network, suddenly feel tough, although he didn’t want to cause too much noise, but at this time at a disadvantage, had to prepare for a powerful lighter to crack the giant network …
"Stop it! Brother Xu! I give up Min Xu! Please stop! "
Chen Feng’s shouts were out of tune, his body trembled slightly, his face turned purple, and even his breathing became unstable, but the cause of Chen Feng’s physical changes was unknown and angry? Shame? Or for other reasons …
Xu Qi stopped, tied the ghost lock back in the sleeve instantly, stared at Chen Feng for a moment and said, "Although I don’t know how much you like my sister, if you really love her, you should give her up! You are not an ordinary person, destined to be extraordinary, and my sister is just an ordinary girl. You should not disturb her quiet life. "
Chen Feng kept his head down and didn’t speak again. He felt that his heart was about to burst, full of anger, humiliation and unwillingness. At this moment, faced with a choice, he had to struggle to make a painful decision: "You … go, I won’t be near Min Xu again …"
Chen Lihai was puzzled by this sudden battle, but he understood it. He was very dissatisfied with the unfair treatment his son Chen Feng received, so he said, "Although I don’t know the specific situation, it is not a good habit for this gentleman to decide others’ feelings without authorization. What’s more, on what basis do you judge that your sister will not be happy with my son? It is completely nonsense! "
"Ha ha, I’m sorry, no matter whether my decision is correct, right or wrong, there is no denying that you do contain extremely serious unstable factors. Since your son Chen Feng has decided not to go near my sister, let’s forget about it. Take care." After Xu Qi finished, he stopped staying, so he went straight through the window and flew away with open wings …
Chen Lihai watched Xu Qi fly away, walked to the window, looked at the crowd flowing downstairs and said softly, "Xiaofeng, is it painful?"
Chen Feng put his right hand on his chest and said in a hoarse voice, "Dad, I’m so sad … so sad …"
Chen Lihai took out his cigarette case from his pocket, but produced a cigarette. After lighting it, he took two sips, closed his eyes and enjoyed the smell of tobacco. After a while, he said, "Since it is so painful, then don’t give up! Xiaofeng, you are my son and an excellent person. You have the right to choose your own lover, try to hold the girl’s hands, and then love her all your life! Tell that bastard with facts that his sister married my son, which is the greatest happiness in life! "

Xiang looked at the dull crowd, and it was a matter of human life. He didn’t recognize anything wrong with being so high-profile reprimanded before, even though he had nothing to do with the moonlit black cat group before.

Being a strong avant-garde, he knows all the disadvantages and speaks the most, which is ridiculous. Fortunately, he does not have an excellent quality of avant-garde. In other words, avant-garde is lucky to have all the disadvantages, and he is not responsible for himself or the whole team. Speaking of it, what he said before was quite polite. It is really enough to make her cry.
However, an outsider’s attitude is hard to offend the moonlit black cat group. Since it’s all over, he just left. Anyway, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with the moonlit black cat group.
Now he is not the one who sits in front of his head and expects to meet the characters in the cartoon personally.
Send to Tong Ren to add Friend Request, and then Xiang directly turns around and leaves.
"Please wait a moment"
Tongren was attracted by this Friend Request. At the same time, Kai Tai saw Xiang leaving and hurriedly left. Are you kidding? It’s rare to see the players in the Raiders Group. Anyway, you should keep them, even if you can’t let the other side give short guidance, you should add a friend, so that it will be much more convenient to join the Raiders Group in the future.
Xiang Wenwen stopped and looked sideways at Kai Tai. Speaking of the black cat group on the moonlit night, he admired Kai Tai’s president most. He always thought of the people in the guild. The most important thing is that even though he is still weak, he has the great goal of joining the Raiders Group.
Anyone who is in the Raiders group is admirable because they are fighting for their own lives and getting closer to hope.
Mrs. Kai suddenly bowed deeply to Xiang and asked, "Our guild really lacks a qualified avant-garde. Although I know this request is very presumptuous, we have always dreamed of joining the Raiders Group and asking you to guide me to become a qualified avant-garde."
President, he realized that he was not fit to be an avant-garde, so he was lucky to be an avant-garde. Now there are so many avant-garde in Xiang’s eyes, and he wants to try his best to win a guidance opportunity and then become an avant-garde himself.
“ ` ` w w w 8
Every word is sincerely touched, and my heart is suddenly touched. Now it is still leisure. When I take some time out, I will guide Kai Tai, and then let the moonlit black cat group have a qualified avant-garde. Maybe it will become a new force in the Raiders Group in the future.
Tongren looked at Qitai’s mouth and smiled bitterly. He was the attack position. He didn’t understand the avant-garde as deeply as Xiang. In his mind, Xiang may be the only one who can be evenly matched with Heathcliff’s shield sword. If he can guide him …
Thought of here, Tongren also asked Xiang, "Please promise Kai Tai."
Xiang accidentally glanced at Tong Ren’s silence for a moment, and when he came, he saw Tong Ren also help to speak, that is, he nodded, "I promise you that I am very free at this time."
Kai Taiwen suddenly straightened up with a face of excitement, and the other people in the black cat group on a moonlit night could not help cheering out that their attitude towards Xiang changed from dissatisfaction to admiration and worship after knowing his identity.
Fortunately, there is water mist in her eyes, and she has been resisting the position of avant-garde. Because she doesn’t want to refute her friends’ decision to add sex and weakness, she has never opposed it. Now she can get rid of the avant-garde bondage and almost burst into tears.
Back to the town, Lu Xiang and Tongren deliberately fell behind.
"I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to join the guild." I learned that Tongren took the initiative to join the black cat Tuanxiang on a moonlit night and couldn’t help teasing him in a teasing tone.
To be honest, although he had warned Tongren, he actually hoped that Tongren would not join the moonlit black cat group, but he did.
Tongren smiled shyly. He looked at several people walking in front of him, and they looked a little erratic and solitary. One day, he would join the black cat group on a moonlit night with a family atmosphere because of loneliness.
"People are group animals after all," he sighed with emotion.
"Really …"
Xiang sighed for Tongren’s regrets. He thought of Yuxi, the cute girl with big eyes. Although she tried to get her to join the blood alliance and secretly asked the equipment department to take the initiative to contact her, she still changed her loneliness.
A stranger’s cold posture seems to be closed in a world accessible to people, so lonely and lonely.
Even if he doesn’t come to the equipment department, those people will take the initiative to contact Yuxi when they see her so cute. Unfortunately, even if she is wolf-like, they will be patient with Yuxi’s strangers.
"Why?" Tong people noticed something strange about Xiang.
Xiang recovered, shook his head and looked at the backs of those people in front of him and asked, "Did you tell them that you are a cheater?"
Tongren eyes slightly dark sigh a way "no"
Xiang patted him on the shoulder and said with relief, "Say it when you find the right opportunity. I can see that some of them are very good, otherwise they will not attract famous loners."
"Don’t make fun of my fame …" Tongren squinted at Xiang Hua with a wry smile and suddenly asked as if he remembered something. "I’m curious why you are on the third floor."
Xiang withdrew his hand and face, smiled slightly, and unconsciously emerged a little chill in his eyes. It was difficult for people to notice that he was almost joking and said, "Come and kill people …"
But Tong Ren didn’t think it was a joke because he didn’t hesitate when he saw Xiang kill people with his own eyes.
He thought that this was not a joke. His shoulders suddenly shook and his dark eyes widened.
Xiang is not afraid to deepen the misunderstanding of Tong people, and continues to joke that "six people have been killed so far, and the results are good, but even Argo doesn’t know the news."
Tongren saw that although he was joking, he said it seriously, and his eyes were also open to the maximum.
"Is it a famous player …" He said with great difficulty.
"Of course!"
Xiang put away the joke and said firmly.
Chapter 36
"What … to do this?"
Tongren felt it was very difficult to breathe for an instant. After digesting the news that Xiang had killed six famous players, he couldn’t help but question the tone and say this sentence.
At the end of the day, Xiang left a strong impression on him that night. When he killed someone, he hesitated and didn’t have a gesture. It seemed like a cold-blooded butcher, and now he heard that he had killed six players. As soon as he heard the news, his senses blurred and he doubted Xiang’s true face.
Xiang Wen-wen was slightly calm and Zheng. He looked at him calmly and said, "To tell you the truth, I have no psychological burden to kill that kind of person."

Sand month nodded and said "words are so said, but why do I suddenly feel …

When the day comes, things will become such a situation that you two openly show your love. "
Pang Xia burst out laughing at the words of Sha Yue.
And the world of mortals also chuckled, and soon the three men laughed like crazy on the balcony.
Pang Xia three people stayed on the balcony for a long time. When they arrived, the world of mortals and Sha Yue leaned on Pang Xia’s shoulder and fell asleep slowly.
Seeing this, Pang Xia picked them up one after another and put them in his room and put them on the bed.
Then Pang Xia planned to take a bath and make a floor for one night.
Being close to reality or root is another real game.
Players will also have dust and sweat on their bodies, which will make their bodies smell less good.
In the game, almost everyone will wash things like reality often.
Pang Xia has taken off his equipment and changed into a very light modern short-sleeved shorts at home.
Just as I was about to enter the bathroom, there was a knock at the door.
Pang Xia heard the light knocking at the door, and the data in his eyes flashed by.
He directly saw the identity of the knocker outside the door through the data vision!
Wanted to think PangXia directly hit the door and went out.
At the door, the handsome eyes of Monty instantly swept inside and immediately saw the world of mortals and sand moon sleeping in bed.
This discovery makes the whole monty handsome heart suddenly have a kind of feeling of finally knowing how to hook up with a woman.
Pang Xia looked at the handsome face of the whole monty, which was close to the expression that the loving father found his little secret and felt gratified.
Suddenly I felt a burst of bad cold and took a step back inadvertently.
Chapter 97 title
Over monty handsome looking at PangXia move suddenly hey hey smile away face expression.
Then he looked at Pang Xia and said softly, "Let’s go with me to Tiantai Tianying Magic will surely shoot you."
I want to talk to you about all the things and see how strong you are at the data level now. "
When the words are finished, Monty Shuai instantly turns a stream of water along the center of his head and drills in.
See this PangXia eyebrows slightly pick wanted to think, then walk the ladder towards the top rooftop.
When Pang Xia kicked the Tiantai lock and walked to the Tiantai.
The whole monty handsome has been on the edge of the rooftop looking at feet almost like ants-sized vehicles.
"Hey, I’m here. You said you wanted to talk about things now.
I also want to find a place to sleep. I always play games in my sleep. My mental state is a little poor. "
Talking PangXia yawned and rubbed his head quite tired.
Turned to punish monty handsome turned supercilious look and said, "although it will be a little tired to play sleep games for a long time."
But I will never be so tired as you. If you want to sleep with Xiaohong and Shayue, just say so.
It’s really not like your character to say it so tactfully, and no one will believe your story at a glance. "
Pang Xia’s face turned red when listening to the handsome words of the whole monty, and he rarely showed his embarrassment.
Then the embarrassment turned into anger, saying that it was at this time that Pang Xia was in a state of anger
The corners of the mouth twitched slightly. Pang Xia looked at the whole monty handsome and said, "Oh, I see. Do you want to see my strength first?"
It’s simple. We’ve known each other for so long and so close. How can I not satisfy you?
Now, if you want to have the source data of Deep Blue Emperor, your strength must be extraordinary! "
Talking, Pang Xia’s black data gathered quickly at the waist, and four long black tails slowly stretched out from the waist.
It looks like it grew out of Pang Xia’s lower back instantly.
Four long black tails with a faint metallic luster shimmered in the moonlight slowly stretched and swung behind Pang Xia.
Looking at Pang Xia’s four black long tails behind him, Monty’s handsome eyebrows were slightly picked up and a lot of black data poured out.
But I saw a stream of black data pouring out from the shoulder blade behind the handsome Monty and slowly turned into a huge black arm.
This black arm palm slowly unfolds into a huge claw, emitting a deep light.
"You have four black long tails, and I have this troll. Let’s see who is better!"
Voice down a moment over monty handsome directly rushed to the PangXia.
At the same time, the black claw behind the whole monty handsome directly turned into a phantom and caught it towards Pang Xia.
Two of the four black long tails behind Pang Xia stretched out and intertwined to resist the attack of the handsome claws of the whole monty.
And the other two black long tails like two sharp spears went straight to the handsome chest of the whole monty.
But just as the two black long tails watched pierce the handsome chest of the whole monty.
The whole monty handsome hands instantly changed into two black claws and caught the two black long tails.
At that time, Pang Xia and Zhu Monty Shuai were deadlocked, wrestling with each other and not giving up.
When the two men were deadlocked for a while, Pang Xia revealed a snicker at the corner of his mouth.
See behind PangXia black data instantaneous burst in addition to the first four black long tail.
There are five black long tails stretching from the back of the waist and instantly piercing the handsome body of the whole monty
The whole monty handsome eyes stare at PangXia in disbelief.
"How is that possible? When will you break through the quantity limit?
Four black data structures with such high density are already an extremely high number.
How can you raise the number to nine in such a short time! "
Listening to the handsome words of the whole monty, Pang Xia smiled and said, "You should also know that my ability is to steal and devour."
I can grasp the characteristics of any target data that I steal and then devour in a short time.
As it happens, I recently received a hand. Her name is the nine-tailed fox.
A few days ago, I had a whim to find the tail part of the nine-tailed fox.
As a result, to my surprise, this part of the data enabled me to successfully break through the tail number limit.
I think you should be very honored to be the first one who was raped by me. "
The whole monty handsome heard PangXia explanation suddenly nodded.

"Everybody out of the way."

Tang Luoling scooped up a bowl of water and went to the black dress person’s side to pour a bowl directly.
This move is really clever. The black man really woke up slowly. Although he was lying on the ground, the first move was to reach behind his neck and touch the place where Yunsu hit him. His brow frowned as if it still hurt. Chapter 168 Interrogation
"Come on, don’t pretend!"
Tang Luoling kicked in front of him, and the black dress person looked like he was in his thirties and forties.
Men in black were suddenly surprised to find these people in front of them, and then they recalled in their minds how they were caught.
"You …"
The black dress person sat up and his eyes were vacant.
"Do you still know me?"
Tang Luoling in situ sat in front of him jokingly quipped.
Although the man in black didn’t know her, he was startled at the sound. Isn’t this the voice talking to himself in the cave?
Why is it that it’s a woman?
I was shocked, because the black cloth on his face had already been torn off, so his expression appeared in everyone’s line of sight.
"Don’t be afraid of wealth like you. Will the dead be afraid?"
Tang Luoling stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder like talking to an old friend. "As far as I know, people like you are not afraid of death. If a person is not afraid of death, what is there to be afraid of?" Don’t you think? "
Men in black this just calm to "yes! Now that you know, you can’t get news from me. "
"You seem to have misunderstood."
Tang Luoling’s face was relaxed and proud, even mixed with contempt. "We never thought about getting news from you, and you couldn’t get news. You said that knowing that we all know is not a treasure." So mysterious? "
"Then why did you arrest me?"
"Look at what you can catch when you say this. Don’t you stay with us?"
Tang Luoling hand ponder patted him on the cheek "look at your age should be a wife and son? I don’t know what you people are thinking. Is money really that important? But I don’t even care about my wife and children. "
Tang Luoling said, his eyes never leaving the black dress person’s face.
People, including Yun Lietian, are not so. They know that there is little hope of getting news from the people in black. If there is no hope, they will find their hearts from his expression. No matter how strong they are, they will show it when they reach their loved ones.
Men in black really showed a strange look when they heard the word wife and children.
But it was a flash, and his identity was slightly superior to that of ordinary men in black. He didn’t want the enemy to see his weakness.
"Don’t disguise yourself anymore. People’s hearts are full of meat. No matter how much you disguise yourself, you can’t change your responsibilities as a father."
On a cloudy day, he came to him with a strange psychology and casually said, "In fact, we didn’t catch you to get any news from you but to save you."
"Save me?"
The man in black looked even more puzzled. Can the word "rescue" be credible when it comes to the other side? He obviously doesn’t believe it.
"You can’t help it if you don’t believe it, but we will prove it by facts."
Yun Lie suddenly became serious. "If you still refuse to talk about anything, you can go now, but not to your master, but to your wife and children, because even if you go back to your master, there is a dead end in front of you. A man who has been captured will not leave you alive. You should be very clear about this. Chapter 169 Lanshide 1.
"You still kill me!"
The black dress person’s expression became dim as if he had lost hope of survival.
"We have saved you from the den and will never kill you. Every life has its value, and it can’t be solved by death. What if we kill you, your wife and children? If one day your son grows up and knows that we killed you and come to seek revenge from us, will you be able to die in Jiuquan if you are killed by us? If he kills me, will my descendants also collect debts from him? Do you think it’s interesting to kill like this? "
Tang Luoling smiled and continued to be kind to men in black.
"But I have no way out."
When the man in black spoke, his teeth clenched as if he were very angry. His eyes fell to the ground and he didn’t know who the so-called hatred was aimed at.
"If you leave the wasteland, you will have a way."
Yunlie day saw that he had been gradually persuaded by himself and decided to go further.
"No, no! Master won’t I live "
Men in black shook their heads gently, revealing desperate eyes.
Although Tang Luoling is a woman, she is a little impatient to see such a mother-in-law scene. "Well, it means that we don’t want to get information from you. You don’t have to leave. Let’s protect you, right?"
The men in black first Zheng seems to have never thought that these two words would come from each other’s mouths.
I didn’t expect myself to be the object of their protection, and then I gave a wry smile as if to say, how is this possible? Can you protect me?
"That’s right! If you like, you can live in my fierce peak, and even your family can live there. It will never be unkind to you. "
"Fierce Spirit Peak?"