One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!

Long Qingyue’s confused eyes suddenly widened, and his black eyes flashed with anger, clearly reflecting the ferocious face and hatred eyes of men.
Who’s this guy? Have a grudge against’ her’? Or do you have a grudge against the general’s office?
Suddenly, Long Qingyue felt that a cool coat was faded to the shoulders, revealing a white, smooth neck and sweet shoulders. The male hand followed the clothes and …
Long Qingyue was shocked and angry in his heart, but his whole body was soft and unable to make a little resistance to his mercy.
Wu jiao jiao was in a good mood when I saw this and laughed coldly. "Long Qingyue didn’t think you would have today, did you? This is where you and I fight! I want you to be laughed at forever! "
Long Qingyue clenched her teeth and urged the body spirit to try to break through the ban.
"Oh, you don’t waste your energy. You are fascinated and obsequious." Wu Jiaojiao sat on a stool with her legs tilted and her elbows propped up. "Do you remember that plate of peony flowers in Qingyutang? The aroma root is not poisonous, but adding special ecstasy with this red soul sound will make you unable to control it no matter how hard you try. Isn’t this taste good? "
Long Qingyue turned pale with a bite and suddenly felt a red in the throat. The original sleepy head also immediately woke up for a few minutes.
And the white man didn’t seem to hear Long Qingyue talking to Wu Jiaojiao, tearing Long Qingyue’s clothes all the time.
"I’ll burn you, you two shameless people!" Quillfire rushed out, and his little body flew in the air. He directly opened his mouth and saw a flame shoot out.
It was shot because the flame was too small, like a tiny silver wire, and it didn’t seem to hurt much except for a hot wind.
The flame brushed the man’s face and the man turned his head slightly to look at Quillfire’s eyes and flashed a trace of anger and surprise at the talking bird?
Even Wu Jiaojiao is a shocked expression. She reacts and her eyes are flashing with passion.
Although Quillfire’s injury is not great, at least Long Qingyue has slowed down.
"Uh … I’ll throw up again!" Quillfire turned black and fluttered with little wings to continue spraying.
A tiny hokage spray out again to the white male hair.
The white man one leng immediately reaction to come over quickly back a few steps.
"I vomit, I vomit, I vomit again!" Quillfire was very happy to see that his flame had worked.
"I vomit vomit vomit …"
Road spirit arrow ling general hokage gushed out from its mouth.
The white man’s face turned livid, and the scar on half of his face became more and more ferocious and ugly. This was like irony in his ears.
Lying on the ground, Long Qingyue is very reluctant to turn her eyes and pout. This is her life contract beast … whoops … What a sad reminder!
"Looking for death!" The man in white exudes a rage, and his left hand hits a sharp palm wind and suddenly bursts out. Quillfire can’t avoid being bombed.’ Ow!’ A scream falls beside Long Qingyue and makes a pathetic roll. Looking at her voice is firmer than’ Xiaoyue, don’t be afraid that Zun will protect you!’
14 give him back (5)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
Look at the stubborn look in the fire plume. Long Qingyue’s heart is warm. "Come on, little gray!" I believe you! "
Quillfire’s heart rejoiced and flew again.
A hot and gorgeous flame came out of its mouth, and the temperature in the air suddenly rose several times. I don’t know if Quillfire was encouraged or angry by Long Qingyue. The flame that came out this time was much bigger than the secondary one, and it was still a big one.
Strong fire spirit will bake the whole painting boat like a small stove.
The white man was surprised to retreat and avoid being burned for most of his clothes. He quickly grabbed the table kettle and fell down, only to douse his body. The flame looked like a mess. The white man hated to look at Quillfire’s eyes and his legs flashed. He quickly rushed to Quillfire near, grabbed Quillfire in his hand, and then threw Quillfire out. Quillfire sobbed miserably and lay on the ground breathless.
"Xiaoyan!" Long Qingyue’s heart suddenly rose with anger, and that anger rushed up to Long Qingyue’s whole body. A shock of spirit turned out to be a little strength. She shook up and pulled out a dagger from her trouser leg, took a deep breath, and her eyes were red and her face was ferocious.
Hand up the sword and listen to "poof", a muffled dagger stabbed into the white man’s left arm, and the white man flew out with a furious palm.
A trace of bright red blood overflowed from the corners of the mouth. Long Qingyue felt that his bones were weak and seemed to be broken. Generally, he never got up again.
"I didn’t expect that the ecstasy powder I carefully developed among you could still get up, which really surprised me, but I forgot to tell you that the more crazy you are, the faster the medicinal properties will flow in your body and penetrate into your blood." The man sneered at the bloody wound on his left arm, but anger and hatred moved to Long Qingyue step by step
Wu jiaojiao see Quillfire silent hurriedly ran over there fingers to find out Quillfire and maneuver hurriedly quietly put Quillfire in his chest collar, but this is a bird that spits words for a while! The whole Qinglong kingdom and Tianyuan mainland can’t find a few! It seems that the harvest today is very good!
"Ah … woo … it stinks!" A tender sound came out from Wu Jiaojiao’s chest, and a small sparrow’s head poked out from its collar and then took a deep breath.
Wu Jiaojiao’s face turned white and saw Quillfire raise his head to reveal a fascinating sign, Que’s smile. "Your chest is too small to feel!"
Wu Jiaojiao was so ashamed and angry that there was no one else here, otherwise she would have to vomit blood with anger.
Quillfire fluttered his wings and sprayed a flame at Wu Jiaojiao and shouted, "Ugly monster, because you also want to seduce me, I vomit!"

"I won’t be able to fill it greatly." Daqi hung his tongue and his eyelids drooped. "I’ll lie down and deal with it yourself."

Say that finish Daqi directly "yum" and fell to the ground. Several guys hurriedly helped the old uncle with a wry smile. They dare not go to the wine field to help the drunkards. Now they will drink with people if they catch a Han.
Didn’t you see how many French Han people benoit brought directly to the party outside? How many of them are still yelling and practicing with several other Han people? Everyone is fighting to death, and they must want to compete.
Although they are drunk, their hands are still measured. If they even have this idea at ordinary times, it is not easy for them to make this request. The other party will consider their duties more even if they want to pass the hand with you. Unfortunately, they are all drunk at the moment, so Han is yelling at the stone road in the village.
"I also know about this family in benoit, and I can tell you that your choice is correct." The lean old man gently took a sip of his wine, and the strong man behind him remained silent.
At this time, other guests in this wing have already left benoit, this old man and this magnificent man.
Only to see that the old man didn’t have a knife and fork, but chopsticks gently picked up a piece of braised pork intestines and put it in his mouth, then squinted and chewed it carefully. "I haven’t eaten this taste for many years. After all, Chinese food in France is not very authentic, but I can’t come. This time I borrowed a Lisa wedding to come again."
Benoit respectfully poured white wine for the old man, but he saw the old man waving his hand. "You can’t drink more white wine. It’s good for me to be two cups older."
"Yes," benoit respectfully put the bottle and sat down beside him waiting for the old man to explain. He knew that the old man would definitely tell him something. Although benoit had a special status in the Legion, he couldn’t master many things.
Only the legion elders’ meeting, the regimental head and the deputy head knew about it.
"You don’t want to know more about this family and that tiger, but it won’t do you any good to know these things." The old man seemed to see what benoit was thinking and smiled and then said, "You need to know that they have been through many wars and several different dynasties for hundreds of years, but they are still in the limelight, which makes them lose their prestige. This is for a reason."
The old man squinted and whispered, "Unlike us and you, this family is accustomed to keeping a low profile, but they are also accustomed to helping many friends. I can tell you that they have many friends who have been benefited by them."
"Don’t look at them without saying a word and think that they are weaker than you, benoit. You agree that Lisa’s marriage to Hou’s family may be the most correct decision you made." The old man smiled and looked at benoit lightly. "Does no one else know about your physical condition?"
Benoit didn’t say anything. He knew that the secret was definitely not a secret in the legion. The doctor and the nurses who treated him couldn’t keep the secret. He was eager to find a good man for Lisa, marry her, and let the Silix family have an heir.
But I saw the old man get up slowly and hit the wing window with his hand behind his back. You can see a small pond at the back of the courtyard. There is a small pavilion by the pond. The water in the pond is running water, but I can hear the water flowing, which sets off the pastoral mountains behind him like a dusty landscape painting.
"Everyone is waiting for you to make a mistake, even we can’t give it to you," the old man said softly, squinting. "How long can you hold on when you make a mistake? Without the successor, the number of seats in Silix will be cancelled, and there will be an extra cake."
Benoit bowed his head and didn’t speak. It was obvious that he didn’t have much time. They couldn’t make moves against Silex because everyone had seen what the fools had done before, but they were able to keep silent and watch the Silex family decline.
Without a suitable heir, it will decline, and benoit himself knows the problem
Segmented reading 27
He thought about marrying Lisa to the right family, and then through marriage, Lisa’s daughter could legally inherit the Silex family heritage.
So when Lisa chose Hou Dasheng, he resolutely opposed an Asian face. He thought that the legion would not accept it, but he never imagined that the legion would accept it, and it seemed that there was no problem
"Don’t be surprised. According to our years of inference and prediction, the whole world pattern will undergo great and drastic changes in the next 30 to 50 years. In this change, China will develop at a high speed and many opportunities will be in China in the future."
Only to see the old man smiled and looked puzzled. benoit whispered, "Is johnross the Englishman?"
"Of course, I remember that many people in the academic circles criticized his paper as fallacies, alarmism and grandstanding." benoit smiled and said that it was all true. One year after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Englishman, who had never been to China, actually published a paper saying that China’s reform would succeed and Russia and Eastern Europe would fail.
At that time, it was completely contrary to the mainstream view of the academic circles. At present, 9 scholars in the academic circles all believe that Russia should adopt shock therapy to carry out economic consolidation. It is not enough for one scholar to believe that shock therapy should be adopted, and it is less than one economist to hold the same view with this Englishman.
It is believed that China’s reform will be successful and Russia’s shock therapy will bring disaster, and all of them are regarded as grandstanding monsters and idiots
"In fact, through years of observation and careful analysis, we found that his point of view was correct." But the old man turned around and said with a wry smile. "Although I find it hard to believe that an Englishman who has never even been to China should make such an accurate judgment."
Only to see the old man paused as if to calm his excitement, went to the table, raised his glass and poured himself a glass of wine, then gulped it down. "In recent years, his prediction has shown signs of a serious recession in Russia and the annual development rate of China is increasing by 1."
Chapter four hundred and fifteen The present continuous tense
"To put it simply, the Englishman named Rossi is right in his judgment because it has been confirmed." The old man looked at benoit and said, "Although Europe is developing now, there is a trend of development and better, but we will eventually encounter bottlenecks."
The old man slowly sat down and looked at benoit, saying, "The possible development of China will give us an opportunity to avoid risks."
Benoit didn’t speak, but nodded his head. The development of the Legion was completed step by step. That cleaning in France made the Legion weakened. It was also from that time that the Legion learned not to put eggs in a basket, and the Legion gradually recovered its vitality through various means.
Then the activities gradually became low-key, and at the same time, they dispersed their assets and moved their headquarters to a small principality like Monaco. The low-key infiltration made them stronger than before, but their actions were much milder. They finally learned their lesson after eating once.
The legion will be in charge of special areas such as the Silix family, and then these leaders will maintain cooperation and support each other in the legion. The new family must go through many tests before it can gradually enter the legion department.
However, if the old families fail to cultivate qualified successors, they will gradually be excluded from the core of the army. In this way, the army has maintained its fortune, but the army will not immediately cancel the position of the family that once supported the army in the army.
This is a gradual reduction process. If there are no suitable people for two or three generations in a row, it will become inevitable to leave the core layer.
In the early days, most of the benefits of the Legion were achieved through loans, land, donations, etc., but this brought great hidden dangers to the Legion, especially when the accumulated assets of the Legion were large enough to threaten the country, they were abandoned by the Vatican and purged by the French monarch at that time.
After that, the Legion learned well. After they recovered, the first thing they did was to investigate which companies and enterprises were worth investing, and then they tried their best to buy shares in these enterprises and companies, but these were not carried out in their own capacity.
In this way, the agent of the Silex family has become their tentacles, gradually infiltrating from finance to all walks of life, and then gradually having a certain influence in the agent country, and then affecting the House of Representatives.
With the distribution of agents in all aspects coordinated, they can rely on the Legion to complete it. benoit knows in his heart that they are definitely not the only ones supported in France. They belong to the highest level of the Legion’s agents. If there is a problem with the Silix family, there will definitely be other families subordinate to the second level to replace them.
"benoit, you know that the main assets of the Legion are now distributed in Europe and America. At present, these investments are all high-quality investments, but what about later?" The old man didn’t say, but benoit has already entered China.
Speaking of China and the Legion, we have to go back a long time. In fact, the Legion entered China a long time ago. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the Legion was forced to withdraw from China. For decades, it has been a white zone for the Legion.
"The Bianconeri want to return to China this time, and it doesn’t mean that they want to create the same influence as in Europe and America." The old man looked at benoit lightly. "We know very well that we don’t expect to affect this country. We are quiet and do business formally. Maybe we will make some investments and have a certain degree of cooperation with the authorities, but we won’t intervene in other issues."
Benoit smiled. This is the safest way and the smartest way. China is the same as the former Soviet Union, or they hate other people’s intervention more than the Soviet Union. If the legion dares to show this sign, then they will not have partners.
Moreover, benoit is better than others in dealing with China. You should know that the first western country to establish diplomatic relations with China was France. At that time, the country in charge of law was General Charles de Gaulle, and the first group of people who represented France in China had benoit’s father.
The fact is that for this reason, the problem of benoit’s coming to China was not too difficult. In those days, he met with his father, and some old people were still in China. In this matter, the Legion really couldn’t find a more suitable person to do it than benoit.
The noisy wedding soon ended, and the crowds who came to attend the wedding also dispersed. The difference was that a battalion leader arrived at the edge of Houjia Village. When he first arrived, he entered the village and respectfully called the old monitor to Hou Tiger.
Then, when I left the village, I started to work in the back hill of Houjia Village. A month later, a camp covering an area of about 30 acres with high walls, shooting range, playground and other equipment was set up. Later, Hou Dasheng was invited to go in early and return late.
There have been new and slow changes in the camp, and small buildings, bunkers, bunkers and trenches have appeared. Their styles and patterns are completely different, but there is no difference in appearance, but different buildings or villas have also been built after the completion of the structure.
I have to admit that the speed and quality of Chinese engineering troops are finished, and at the same time, batches of weapons and ammunition have been escorted here by the whole team of soldiers, and 10 kilometers from Houjiacun have been marked as a restricted area.
Hou Laohu is not surprised by this. He should hang his head and take the villagers to practice boxing. There is no difference between them on weekdays. Lisa is simpler. She and Hou Dasheng have discussed private kitchens in preparation.
Therefore, it is natural for her to choose a place where the decoration in benoit is good. Lisa was contracted without any effort. Of course, it was in the name of Hou Dacheng that the decoration and thorough transformation were taken. Lisa didn’t bring the guest house department, even if she was willing to do so.
She contracted a part of the back hill of the guest house and then built and renovated it herself. Adhering to the high-grade spirit, Lisa quickly found a professional designer to design the face building, and everything seemed to be going on in an orderly way.
Chapter four hundred and sixteen Army and police
"Here, the half-length target can be used without too much decoration." Hou Dasheng lit the architectural drawings in the construction site and sank one by one. "The target is not too good, just the steel plate is not too thick and can be replaced."
The person in charge of building the engineering drawings nodded, and Hou Dasheng went on, "Here, the waste tires are stacked to make a simple bunker so that it will not be too high, and the filling foundation inside can achieve the covering effect, so just come out and make a shooting hole."
"Twenty-meter target and fifty-meter target are two kinds of targets here. It is important to fill the cement wall at the back of the target and then put the soil in the front of the waste tire pile." Hou Dasheng explained a little bit that he asked the engineer to record it little by little
It was not until half a day later that Hou Dacheng finished his requirements that he nodded and then put away his notes, rolled up the drawings and left. At this time, Yan Jian’ an leaned in and handed Hou Dacheng a cigarette. He smiled and took it over and lit a fire for him. "Dasheng, how do you shoot this target? Isn’t shooting accuracy required?"
At Yan Jian ‘an, Hou Dacheng smiled. "There will be some differences between military shooting and police shooting."
Yan Jian’ an couldn’t help wondering more when Hou Dacheng said this. He looked at Hou Dacheng puzzled and hoped to hear a reasonable answer. After all, he had never heard of this theory. In his concept or in many people’s concepts, the requirement of shooting accuracy of "destroying an enemy with one bullet" is very important.
"I know you accept the concept that we used to destroy an enemy with one bullet, but we were not poor at that time." Hou Dacheng walked over and looked at Yan Jianan. "It is very difficult to really destroy an enemy with one bullet unless you are an elite idiot in actual military warfare."

Cai Jing thoughtfully said, "Cai Jiu, do you think this matter should be so good?"

Cai Jiu took a look at Cai Jing’s eye and trembled slightly. He immediately said, "My Lord’s East Factory and Imperial City Company have the duty to supervise the sky. This time, the birth class was robbed. My Lord didn’t ask the East Factory and Imperial City Company?"
Cai Jiu is an East Factory. Cai Jing immediately understood Cai Jiu’s ambiguity and handed it over to the East Factory for handling.
Everyone knows that Cai Jing and Chu Yi don’t deal with it, but it is because they don’t deal with it that they have to hand it over to Chu Yi.
It’s all right if the East Factory can find the birth program, but if it can’t find the birth program, he can join Chu Yiyi before the day.
Strolling his beard, Cai Jing nodded slightly and said, "I want to go into the palace to meet the official!"
Zhao Ji, who is a romantic, is now a pen-wielding maniac. I have to say that although Zhao Ji is a little worse, his artistic attainments are few and far between, and he can only go down in history with his thin gold handwriting.
To serve one side, Yang Jian saw Zhao Ji collect the pen and hurriedly took the towel from Huang Men’s hand and took the brush from Zhao Ji’s hand while serving the towel.
While standing next to Liang Shicheng, seeing Yang Jian wait on Zhao Ji properly, he did not compete for it. Instead, he carefully helped Zhao Ji to tidy up the silk paper with a look of admiration. "The pursuit of pen power is getting more and more diligent, even if it is not worse than that of St. Wang Xilai."
Although I said that I was very confident about my own method, I heard that Liang Shicheng praised myself so much. Zhao Ji was still extremely modest. "My method is not bad, but it is worse than Wang Xi …"
Just talking, I heard a burst of laughter. A few people looked up and saw Cai Jing striding over.
Cai Jing gave Zhao Ji a gift in the previous step and Liang Shicheng took Cai Jing’s way when he saw Cai Jing coming. "Cai Xiang, come and see if you can’t compare with Wang Xi in this method?"
Cai Jing smoothed her beard and stared at Zhao Ji’s method for a long time before looking reserved. The look in her eyes was changeable.
Seeing that Cai Jing is so solemn, even Zhao Ji, who is not at ease, can’t help but be attracted by Cai Jing and look forward to Cai Jing’s evaluation.
Spit out a sigh of relief. It is a gift for Cai Jing to turn around and blunt Zhao Ji. Then he said, "The pursuit of law is unique and unique, even if it is not worse than Wang Xi, it will surely go down in history and be praised by future generations!"
Cai Jing’s words are not exaggerating. Zhao Ji is indeed famous in history, but it is more because the fatuous way ruined the great mountains and rivers of the Northern Song Dynasty.
Being praised by Cai Jing, Zhao Ji is naturally in a very good mood. After washing, Zhao Ji took the tea and said to Cai Jing, "Is it urgent for Cai Qing to enter the palace to see me at this moment?"
Don’t look at Zhao Ji’s letting go of the benefits to Cai Jing and others in the palace, but this doesn’t mean that Zhao Ji knows anything about the DPRK.
Knowing that Zhao Ji is willing to talk about China’s affairs, as far as Zhao Wei knows, Zhao Ji never worries about being beaten by officials.
Cai Jing smell speech hurriedly toward Zhao Ji, "the minister’s birthday is close to the minister’s son-in-law, Liang Zhong, and he prepared some birthday gifts. As a result, he was robbed by a group of thieves on his way to the capital."
Hear Cai Jing say so Zhao Ji is not surprised. "What should have such a bold thief? If I remember correctly, isn’t it my governor’s name in Liang Zhong? From Daming Mansion to Jingshi, which is the heart of my Great Song Dynasty, there will be thieves looting places? "
Cai Jing primly said, "That’s what I think. The birthday present is nothing, but the name mansion is so important that it’s my Dasong key place. It’s absolutely impossible to have any problems. However, there are thieves and robbers. I dare not be careless. I’ve come to ask you to deploy the East Factory people to investigate this matter."
Zhao Ji couldn’t help but look at Cai Jing, while Cai Jing looked at Zhao Ji with a positive face. It seems that he has no selfish thoughts.
Take a deep breath and Zhao Ji nodded slightly. "It’s better for me to give Chu Yi a chance to take people to find out what this group of thieves came from."
Cai Jing immediately service road "with Chu Yi to bring people close to the minister can be at ease."
Zhao Ji pointed to Cai Jing and shook his head with a smile. "You ah you ah …"
However, for Cai Jing’s infighting with Chu Yi, Zhao Ji is not going to stop it, but he is happy. If Chu Yi and Cai Jing really don’t fight, Zhao Ji will worry.
If two people want to fight, then he can adjust high and center, and take everything in his hands without worrying about being United to form a puppet day.
Seeing this, Yang Jian opened his mouth, but in the end he didn’t say anything. It was Cai Jing who designed Chu Yi, but God knows it, but it didn’t stop him. This means that even his mouth can’t change his mind.
Yang Jian, a favorite around the day, naturally knows when to say something. Since it is impossible, everything will conform to the sky. At most, when the time comes, he will tell Chu Yi everything and let Chu Yi be careful.
The speed of the imperial court is still quite fast, and the decision was made here, and soon the eunuch gave the will to the East Factory.
Chu Yi in the East Factory looked at the imperial edict being put aside with a smile in his eyes.
Chu Yi was really surprised that Cai Jing would push this matter to the East Factory.
Of course, Cai Jingyi Chu Yi is clear. He just wants to make trouble for the East Factory.
Lin Chong and Yang Zhi looked at Chu Yi’s face with anger.
Although these things are also under the jurisdiction of their East Factory, to be honest, it should be the responsibility of the local government to arrest thieves, and only when the local government tries to arrest them will the Imperial City Company or the East Factory hand over the case.
But now the local government did not transfer the case to Cai Jing, so it directly crossed the procedure and handed such a case over to their East Factory for detection.
Whether the East Factory can solve this case or not, Cai Jing’s intention against the East Factory is obvious.
Although it is not the first time to be targeted by Cai Jing, everyone is psychologically prepared, but when the imperial edict was received, everyone was still very atmosphere.
Whether it is victory or Xu Ning, or Lin Chong, Yang Zhi and Hu Yanzhuo, these people are loyal to Dasong, but it is precisely because they are exposed to too much news in the East Factory that these people can see through the fatuous face of today’s bureaucrats better than many people.
On whether to favor Cai Jing as a traitor or to harm the land in the south of the Yangtze River, it can be said that since Zhao Ji succeeded to the throne, the situation in Dasong has gone from bad to worse.

"I don’t promise." I won’t agree to Lin Yuran’s request for anything.

"You are not qualified to promise or not, because this is my business. I want to save my daughter. Give me my mobile phone. I’ll talk to him." Yan Jiaxin is going to take my mobile phone, and I won’t give it to her for anything.
I pressed the words directly, and Yan Jiaxin slapped me directly, which made us both silent.
She said to me in a complicated way, "I didn’t mean to."
I touched my head and was soaked with sweat. My fist hit the wall again. I felt that my fist seemed to shake the whole balcony.
I’ve been in a bad state recently, and I’m not satisfied with writing a lot of things. I find that the more I get to the end, the more quiet my heart becomes. Sometimes I can’t control how to write it. It’s uncomfortable for Calvin. When I want to give up, I still bite my teeth and tell myself that even if the writing is bad, I have to finish it, otherwise you don’t deserve to be a person. Since I have given these characters souls, I must give them the ending they deserve. This is the real responsibility.
Chapter 41 Twenty million
"Now is not the emotional time to call the words in the past, can you?" Yan Jiaxin walked beside me and said softly to me.
I asked her, "Can you consider my feelings before thinking about that question?"
She stood staring at me with a sigh, then took out her mobile phone and dialed it up again. Soon the words were connected again. Lin Yuran said to me sarcastically, "Director Lei, it seems that your side is not so accommodating."
I bit my teeth at Lin Yuran and said, "Lin Yuran, don’t you just want money? 150 thousand."
"It’s really atmospheric to shoot, Director Lei. It seems that the total value of 50,000 yuan in your heart is too high."
I yelled at him "Don’t push your luck"
He finally got angry with me. "Put away your arrogance. Now you are begging me. You are begging me."
My Adam’s apple wriggled at him and said again, "Tell me how much you really want."
"20 million, not a penny less. I’ll cut your daughter’s face. By the way, your daughter’s head injury doesn’t seem to be healed. If I sprinkle a little more salt and then put some water."
The more Lin Yuran said, the more I felt that he was mentally and physically abnormal. I really dared not imagine what would happen to Xiao Yu around him. I replied directly to him, "I will give you 20 million for 20 million, and I will not miss a penny. If anything happens to my daughter, I will definitely not let you go."
"It’s you who said that Director Lei specifically how to trade and where to trade. I will send the message to your mobile phone one day. You’d better not think about calling the police. Of course, you dare not call the police. You may not catch me, but you don’t know what will happen to your baby daughter."
Say that finish Lin Yuran directly to hang up the words, I hold a mobile phone to suppress my mood at the moment than heavy makes me want to smoke a cigarette at this time, but looking at Yan Jiaxin anxious at the moment, I finally said to her, "Did you hear the words just now?"
"Twenty million, right?"
I nodded my head, and now I can come up with 20 million yuan in this situation. It is suspected that Yan Jiaxin did not say anything, but turned around and went out from the room.
I went up to her and pulled her and said, "Where are you going this big night?"
"to raise money"
I pointed to the sky outside and said to her, "Do you think anyone will be awake at this point?"
I took a breath and said, "I’ll find a way to get the money, so don’t go to war again. You’re not in the right situation for you to mobilize any more funds in this situation."
"I will do whatever it takes to have a child. Do you think you can afford such a high amount of money alone?"
"Even if I get everything, I will try to get the money."
Yan Jia Xin closed his eyes and said to me, "Twenty million with this twenty million Lin Yuran can make a comeback again."
I always feel that something is wrong. My intuition tells me that it is not that simple.
"If he really gets this money, he will definitely not stay in China."
Yan Jiaxin finally opened his eyes and looked at me and said, "He will go abroad."
"It is very likely that since he will do such a thing, he will definitely not risk staying in China again. Since he has torn all his faces with us, how can he still be silly and take the money to continue to reset in China? He will go abroad and wait for everything to come back, and then he will return to China to deal a blow to us, causing incalculable harm."
Yan Jiaxin immediately understood the meaning of my saying this passage and explained, "You mean to give this 20 million and you can’t let him take this 20 million."
"I can’t imagine that this man has become mentally and physically abnormal. What else will he do? This time, we can rely on ourselves to settle him down. Maybe we can take a chance like this."
I let Yan Jiaxin loose and then said wearily, "Let’s take a rest first, okay? Don’t toss around until we hear from him. Now it’s no use thinking too much."
I pointed to the light rain room. "You go there. It’s light rain. This time, even if I fight for my life, I will save the child."
I patted Yan Jiaxin on the shoulder, then walked into my room. I took off my shoes and clothes and finally lay down in bed. As Yan Jiaxin said, as soon as she closed her eyes, Xiao Yu was crying for help.
And I closed my eyes and felt the light rain in my mind. I was afraid that Lin Yuran would do anything to her again. I didn’t want this child to be hurt physically and mentally. She was a koo.
I can’t remember when I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was still slightly bright outside. I took it and put it aside. It was just 6 o’clock when I looked at the yellow light overhead. I was sleepy, but my eyes were still open.

When Emperor Qiming was buried, Shangjing, which served the national mourning, immediately resumed its prosperity. Pedestrians jostle shoulder to shoulder in the long street, shops are full of signs, and hawking is one after another, which is very lively.

The fifth volume Xian Tan Lou Chapter IV Revenge (on)
The fifth volume Xian Tan Lou Chapter IV Revenge (on)
Walking through the hustle and bustle of people, Xin Tong suddenly remembered the piece of Yu Pei that Shi Lao thief asked him to "take", and he felt a big head. Do you really want to "take"? It seems that this is the only way to go. Pretending not to see that piece of Yu Pei and leaving Nanhande, with Xin Tong’s temper, this kind of thing can’t be done anyway. It’s just that Yu Pei hangs on the little emperor’s body, and he stays with him day and night. How can he "take it"?
Xin Tong, whose skin color was changed by Bi Youxian Tanlu, changed from black to white, and looked like a crown jade against the background of Sun Damo, who was black at the bottom of the pot beside him! When walking, the black hair fluttered and the robes fluttered. In addition, the figure was huge and imposing. Compared with those pedestrians who were at least a head shorter than him, it was tantamount to standing out from the crowd.
There is no girl who has lived without being firmly absorbed by him and unconsciously stopping to watch; If it is swept by his slightly confused eyes, it can’t help but spread peach blossoms on the ground.
It’s just that Xin Tong’s mind is focused on how to "get" Yu Pei unnoticed. Although he is in the downtown area, he turns a blind eye to everything and wandered around with Sun Damo.
Walking through a crossroads, there was a sudden silence in the crowded long street, and then countless people burst out with a light shout full of surprise at the same time.
From the noisy pole to the quiet pole and then to the noisy pole, such a huge contrast finally woke up Xin Tong, who was wandering outside.
What appeared in Xin Tong’s sight was an eight-lift soft sedan chair with an extremely luxurious appearance. Xin Tong was shocked and surprised after only one look.
The bearers of that soft sedan chair turned out to be eight young women of similar height!
What is even more amazing is that. These eight women are all beautiful, or rich, or slim, or pure, or charming, with bright eyes like stars and eyes like water, but all of them are extremely rare human beauty!
More than that, on both sides of the soft sedan chair, there were two stunning girls who were better than eight sedan chair women in appearance and temperament, even compared with Qin Yuhan and Grass!
These four stunning girls hold jade flutes that are green and dripping. Play while walking. White clothes are like snow, people are as pale as chrysanthemums, jade hands hold bixiao, and crimson lips start fairy sounds. Only this scene is enough to fascinate people, not to mention the euphemistic sound of the flute, which is like whispering in the ear, making people feel like they are in a fairyland.
What kind of characters are so ostentatious?
Pedestrians who heard the sound gathered in this long street from all directions, and the soft sedan chair carried by four stunning beauties and eight beautiful girls only walked for dozens of feet. Both sides of the strip have been filled with people of all colors. After the initial surprise and shock, the curiosity of ordinary people emerged irrepressibly, and they speculated in low voices with familiar people.
The low words of countless people have become a huge noisy sound, but strangely enough, the low flute sound has not been drowned by this huge sound, and it is still so clear in Xin Tonger, which is hundreds of feet away from the soft sedan chair.
"Maids are so beautiful, the woman in the sedan chair must be ten times more beautiful than a fairy!" Sun Damo stared at the soft sedan chair and said it with great certainty.
Xin Tong cast a glance at the soft sedan chair. Asked: "No matter how sharp your eyesight is, even if you can penetrate the clouds, you still can’t see through the thin curtain. How do you know that there must be a beautiful woman in the sedan chair?"
"What’s the difficulty?" Sun Damo opened his mouth wide and said, "Those eight girls are thin and weak, and they are so beautiful. As long as men don’t have the heart to let them do the rough work of carrying sedan chairs! This is one of them, which means that it must be a woman in the sedan chair! Secondly, if a woman is ugly, she will definitely not find someone more beautiful than her as a maid, which will make her look even uglier. This is human nature. Those twelve girls are so beautiful, how can their owners be ugly? Only look better! "
Regardless of whether the conclusion is correct or not, it has already made Xin Tong sit up and take notice of him that Sun Dahun can say such clear words. Moreover, his inference is very reasonable, and Xin Tong also thinks that the people in the sedan chair must look better than the gods. So I didn’t leave. Standing at the crossroads with Sun Damo, looking forward to seeing the peerless beauty in the sedan chair.
The soft sedan chair, carried by eight young beauties and followed by four stunning people, gradually reached the crowd in the expectation of two people.
I don’t know why. In Xin Tong and Sun Damo standing around, Zhang Xu was empty, and they looked directly at the soft sedan chair, without any obstacles.
Xin Tong, who is standing there with a negative hand, is no longer the original sunspot. His black hair dances in the oncoming wind, and his ink-thick lying silkworm eyebrow adds three points of heroic spirit to his Zhang Guanyu-like face. His eyes, which seem to have thunder and lightning dancing in them, and his massive body make him look like an insurmountable towering mountain.
Such a character can’t attract people’s attention. Under the gaze of Xin Tong, four girls in front of the soft car and four girls on both sides of the soft car, more than half of them got red in the face. As the distance between the two sides narrowed, the girls’ jade face became more and more hongxia, and the original three girls looked more calm and gradually showed a little panic.
The girls carrying soft cars stopped in front of Xin Tong.
Looking at these red-faced beauties with low eyebrows and shy faces, it is beyond words to describe the coolness of Xin Tongxin’s head at this moment! "White face is good! Haha, it seems that I can say goodbye to the boy chicken soon! Ha ha ha! "
As soon as the curtain was lifted, a face stuck out of the car window.
Looking at the face in front of him, Xin Tong’s joy vanished. After remembering the anticipation just now, a word suddenly floated to his mind.
Reality is always cruel and very, very merciless!
What he expected was a man’s face! And … it’s …
This face is narrow at the bottom and sharp at the top, but it is surprisingly wide in the middle. Two sparse eight-character eyebrows, a pair of puffy fish-bubble eyes, but a blood basin mouth was born under the nose of the eagle hook-what a blood basin mouth, the left corner of the mouth was pulled to the left ear, and the right corner of the mouth was pulled to the right ear. It’s really a cross-thing.
On this head, the only thing that can be barely contacted with the peerless fairy is the shiny black hair. As for the appearance of this face, it is an ugly word even in men.
Such a huge gap, even if the heart is strong and strong as Xin Tong, I can’t stand it. My legs are soft and I almost sit on the ground. Sun Daheita beside him opened his mouth wide. Pointing at the man, he kept talking. But he couldn’t speak.
The ugly man looked at Xin Tong for a moment, and the two fish’s eyes became brighter and brighter. Suddenly, he said, "Get off the sedan chair." Although this man looks a bit ugly, his voice is quite rich and comfortable to hear.
Eight sedan chair beauties dropped the soft sedan chair, and the man got off the sedan chair and went straight to the front of Xin Tong, making a deep bow. Tao: "I’m a handsome young man, and the cursive word is romantic …" The man said, picking up his forehead hair with his hand, and then holding his head up, saying: "Most people who know me well call me a handsome young man … May I ask your name?"
Xin Tongqiang braced himself and returned the gift, saying, "My last name is Xin, and there is no difference in cursive characters." Heart way: "grow into this virtue is handsome? I think it’s almost the same to call a failed man … Hey hey, a failed man … "Eyes swept the stunning women who were fat and thin and had different temperament behind the failed man, and they were greatly indignant. "This boy is already ugly on this dunghill, but there are so many beauties!" the tunnel replied. Lao Tzu is powerful and fierce, and now he is white and handsome, but he is still a shameful young chicken … Many flowers are inserted in such a pile of cow dung, grandma, is this justified? " Error-free novel network does not skip words.

However, considering the image of Brother Leng, Mad Dog Dragon still endured it.

"Well, old uncle, you say less!" I missed you for a second and waved with a smile. "How many years have you been doing those things? Today, the old guys are reunited and don’t say those things. "
She proved to be a prestigious vice president, so it’s not good for her brother-in-law to shout anything and sit on the sofa.
"Cucumber brother Lengfeng, is he okay now?" A beautiful woman with pure temperament and long skirt asked that the id on her head was "North Snow Chu Qing"
According to the description of the cold front, Beixue Chu Qing is also an old friend. It used to be good, but later, as she left to get married, everyone went further and further.
Mad dog dragon replied, "Brother Leng is fine in exile."
Naturally, he refused to say that the cold front is now a top assassin in the Jianghu. It is better to keep a low profile for fear of scaring everyone.
"Feng eldest brother now engaged in what line of work? He used to be very good at fighting. Is it a senior combat profession now? " Asked this is Xiaomi, a clever little beauty, Lengfeng used to take care of her, but like Beixue Chu Qing, she married Xiaomi and Lengfeng left, and everyone reconnected.
Mad dog dragon dozen ha ha "this ….. cold elder brother now very few activities are irregular to do"
"It is estimated that the talent of cold front has long been famous in exile." A male Shen said that the id on the top of his head is "Seconds Immortality", but he used to have little contact with cold front, but he knows a lot about cold front.
"Is there?" Old uncle gave him a white look. "Aren’t you a poor man?"
Seconds don’t die, but I know his bad habit. I’m too lazy to argue with him about drinking tea cups.
Then the members chatted, which was also an interesting story of the past. Mad Dog Dragon was not the party concerned, but after chatting for a while, he also heard the general clue.
The first member who left in those years was Beixue Chu Qing, who married the vice president of the Guild of "Shock with Shock" in the Twisted Jungle, which ranked 29th in the mainland at that time, which was an absolute giant.
Her departure greatly stimulated her brother-in-law’s departure. Obsidian made a fortune by virtue of his excellent business mind. After accumulating the resources, he also realized his wish, that is, to make more money every day and get beautiful women.
My brother-in-law has established his own powerful business group in Obsidian. Now he is not just selling Obsidian, but developing in diversified industries. His business is measured by dragon coin units.
This party is rich, my uncle not only came all the way from Obsidian, but also took charge of all the parties, but Mad Dog Dragon really didn’t like him at all. Although he also likes money, he doesn’t like to show off in a stinking way.
I don’t know what kind of cold front left when my old uncle left, and the strangest thing about the cold front is that it left in exile. In the words of everyone, Mad Dog Dragon still heard it. Once, the cold front was very poor and often ate steamed bread because he knew nothing about business, and he would be addicted to martial arts practice. For people of grade one and several, this was simply a novice life.
However, Lengfeng has a strong personality and never accepts sympathy and charity from others. He only reluctantly accepts it after missing you and secretly helping him for a second.
Mad dog dragon also listened to secretly sigh that every top player had a hard time before becoming famous, and the reputation of cold front was made little by little in such a painful day.
As soon as Leng Feng left, the team went to the Justice League to practice alone, Xiaomi married the genius hall to be her happy little woman, and the two bosses Ned dissolved the guild and finally there was a gladiolus …
Huh? Wait, this gladiolus has never arrived and no one has appeared.
Mad dog Kong Lung missed you for a second and then said, "Lan Lan hasn’t come yet?"
Golden dream way "should be here at the moment? She has been in Ranger Warrior City for seven years, and she must be familiar with it. "
As soon as the words were finished, Xiaomi cheered, "Here comes Sister Lan Lan."
Looking down her eyes, I saw that the glass door was slowly pushed in by a beautiful figure.
The first impression Gladiolus gave Mad Dog Dragon was that this woman and Brother Leng could never be simple!
If it is possible, she is the same type as the cold front. Don’t be so sure because this gladiolus is too cold.
This kind of indifference is different from the noble Leng Yan, whose expression is very natural, but her body releases a cold that is hard to get close to. When you see this person, you will feel that she is unsociable and withdrawn, not like an iceberg, but a wild flower in the humble corner of the grassland.
But it was not until she came near you that she immediately felt an aggressive breath, which brought the same pressure to people.
Gladiolus dress is very simple, which is a kind of ordinary style, white clothes and black pants. It can be seen that she is not a rich player, and at the same time, she doesn’t wear makeup, which makes her look beautiful. She is not beautiful, but she is very attractive. The more you look at her, the more attractive she will be.
Gladiolus is slowly nodded to see all even a greeting.
However, after sweeping the coffee table, she still hesitated, "Cold Front … didn’t come?"
Golden dream immediately smiled and explained, "Xiao Leng is said to have lost his health, so he entrusted his friend, the cucumber brother, to greet everyone."
Gladiolus glanced at Mad Dog Dragon without saying anything, and then went straight to the balcony to sit alone.
But it’s this look that makes Mad Dog Dragon’s mood calm. Brother Leng and this woman can’t say for sure, but one thing is certain: Brother Leng didn’t want to see this woman before entrusting himself to come.
And brother leng wants to help this woman by himself. It must be to end a feud, but now it seems that he should have nothing to do with himself. This errand should be successfully completed.
Obviously, he is all wet.
Is it possible that a person at the level of Lengfeng entrusts you to do things?
Even if things are not big, they are very difficult! to be continued
Chapter two hundred and four gladiolus dilemma
This night is really a bit of a chat for Mad Dog Dragon, so these people have been chatting all afternoon. In the evening, everyone naturally has dinner and drinks, and if they drink too much, they will talk more.
Because he came for the cold front, Mad Dog Dragon spoke very little to these people, and Ji didn’t speak.
Although the dinner was rich, Mad Dog Dragon didn’t have much appetite to eat, because he noticed that gladiolus was also out of place with this group of people, and she sat there and didn’t talk much until Beixue Chu Qing talked to her occasionally.
Finally, a party ended in eating and drinking, and everyone said goodbye to each other at nine o’clock at night.
Mad dog dragon has been impatient for a long time. He is fed up with showing off, either boasting about how awesome he is or showing off his knowledge of some big shots.
However, when most people left the back hall, there were still three people who didn’t leave for a second and missed you. Beixue Chu Qing Beixue Chu Qing husband, a taciturn middle-aged man, showed good manners and grace.
I missed you for a second and motioned for the mad dog dragon to sit. "Brother Cucumber, tell me honestly, did Xiao Leng deliberately send you this time?" In fact, there is nothing in the roots of others? "
Mad dog dragon said with a wry smile, "I don’t know what he thinks. He never tells me this, but I will definitely come if he wants me to come."
If you miss it for a second, you will smile bitterly. "I haven’t seen him for seven years, but I still refuse to tell people the truth."
North Snow Chu Qing mused, "I think the cold front is intentional."
You can’t help saying, "What?"
North snow Chu Qing suddenly turned to mad dog dragon "are you married? Or is he seeing someone? "
"As far as I know, there seems to be no object or other object," said the mad dog dragon. "He rarely contacts people and has always been a loner."
It’s the same meaning when you look at each other at the beginning of the snow in the north and miss a second. Don’t say that that guy’s personality will remain unchanged for seven years, and he is afraid that he will not change for a generation.
Some people are stubborn, others are persistent, but stubborn and persistent. With the passage of time, it is difficult to distinguish who is right.
Beixue Chu Qing sighed long, "In fact, it was intentional. It’s been many years. Don’t worry, brother Lan Lan sent you to visit."
"What’s the matter?" Mad dog dragon is curious.
This is really an old story. The first half of it is almost exactly the same as the experience of Mad Dog Dragon. A novice village recruit is ignorant and fantasizes about going to the world to see the prosperity of the world, so it is similar to a feat of going to Hoefeld from a short-tempered village
But Leng Feng-hsien didn’t have the shit luck of Mad Dog Dragon to meet three great poems halfway, so the legendary man fell hungry in the ravine before he reached the Knight Warrior City. Fortunately, the mine dug by gladiolus and rescued him and brought him to this bustling Knight Warrior City.
The first day was very hard, and the world was prosperous. You saw that the problem was that novices were not backed by big guilds and powerful forces. In this prosperous environment, the final result was misery, poverty, starvation and even being bullied. Of course, they were lucky to join the fate.
Although the guild is small, at least they have a small shelter. In the coming struggle, Cold Front and Gladiolus, two very similar people, are deeply attracted to each other by their perseverance, strength and charm.

It’s easier said than done. It seems that I feel that sakura rain and other latecomers threaten the top ten places, and others have accelerated some upgrades. Even after I drove to Long Ge, I felt that the atmosphere changed slightly and I had to speed up a little, so I fell from the second place. That would be funny.

But how can this speed compare with Yang Ye and others?
Too slow! !
In a blink of an eye, a large cluster of wild monsters was cleared, and Yang Ye’s ranking soared from 172 to 67. Cut mandarin ducks in the 1% experience gap of more than 200 people, which is still a high level and a lower level. It is possible to clip tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.
Other people’s grades are constantly advancing, almost every ten minutes, thousands of Bin Song will advance, so a low-level experience jump is tens of thousands of high-ranked. Of course, if you don’t play, it will be scary to watch …
Look at your own experience and look at Yang Ye, the tenth in the ranking list, and smile-this time he is ranked higher than the second time in the miniature continent! to be continued
Chapter 25 sweet potato photos
The black cracks are getting smaller and smaller in the Balog colorful flow ceremony, and it is not clear whether the cracks or the black gas are obvious, which proves that the Balog ceremony is very effective, but as the black cracks gradually shrink, some of the needs are increasing, which means that it is more and more difficult to repair them later.
Barrog’s face is still worried, and it seems that he can’t rest assured for a second. His frown is always wrinkled, so he has to always pay attention to the situation here. Yang Ye is quite concerned that Lilina cocoon is so small that it can’t hold a person even a baby. Yang Ye is extremely worried about the situation in Lilina, but Lilina Lian is still proving that she is really alive.
It’s been another hour since the extreme land night reached the summit. Now, the land night not only exceeds the experience value of chasing Long Ge, but also greatly leads the dragon song by about 7%, which makes people fall short of glasses.
We don’t care so much about the limit situation. What we care more about is that we are currently in the ranking and other positions. sakura rain, like the limit sakura rain, has also maintained a fierce growth momentum of the level during this period, and the speed has not lost the limit. We have rushed all the way from outside the ranking list to the first position in the ranking list. It depends on the situation. The horse can move forward again.
Players have been eagerly discussing in other places in the forum, eager to know what happened to these two presidents, which can make their level go up like a rocket, even if people around them want to chase it.
But ….. This situation seems to be too mysterious. Almost no one has seen the specific location of these two people. It is vaguely revealed that there is probably a limit to upgrade with sakura rain!
Yes, this situation is mostly true, so that the two of them can achieve such similar speed.
When everyone was talking about it, sakura rain successfully completed the progress and came to the seventh position. The momentum was fierce and convincing. At this time, an anonymous post suddenly appeared in the forum, which immediately attracted all eyes-
[breaking the news! Every promise war has several friends levels and has made great progress! 】
Go in and have a look. This man explained that he understood that mutual theory is the limit, and sakura rain both promised to fight very closely in a sense. According to some people, they saw two presidents being sent away by a special mage not long ago, but after description and comparison, the way of sending them is very likely to be sent away by the same plot, and the other side must be the player who asked for it. Make a bold guess—
Promise war
He is the most suitable candidate. The promise war can mobilize the two major guilds to help him fight in groups, but it seems that they knew each other before, and at the same time, there is no doubt whether their lines know each other. In this case, it would be great if the promise war called them both. After all, their equipment and grades are top-notch
If you don’t believe us, you will find something amazing if you turn over the ranking list and search for the promise war! At the same time, I’m here to give you a few more promises and friends’ id. If you are interested, you can’t stand it.
When the post came to an abrupt end, it left a lot of suspense, which made people itch. When the player looked at it, there were three strange id luminous (holy priest), double-edged sword (crazy warrior) and rotten orange (heavy archer).
Three id’s that have never been seen before are placed in front of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of players, and they are too lazy to care so much. They can’t wait to search for the "promise war" until they have a look at the mastermind-
The promise war ranks 51 and ranks 37
The promise war ranks 37. I don’t know how much it was before the show. If you want to know the speed, you have to wait and see how fast it goes up. It’s all full at this front, so most players turn to search for the other three id rankings. The highest is 5147, and … and so on …
What’s going on? I just saw it was 5147. How did it suddenly become 56? Nearly a hundred people went in this blink of an eye? Are you kidding me? No one else is upgrading? No, no, no … It is better to believe that others will not upgrade than that he will upgrade quickly.
The players who searched for the double-edged sword were shocked when they happened to touch the double-edged sword, so the ranking changed, making sure that they had not seen the players wait patiently, but …
There’s something wrong with the promise war again!
What happened?
Of course, the ranking has risen!
It has soared from the top 37 to the top 29. This is the top 100. The competition is extremely fierce. The top 100. If anyone can go in and blow it, they will blow it one year or two years ago! !
How did this promise war become famous just like playing?
Not only did he rank double-edged sword, luminous and rotten orange at the same time, but he also made a leap forward, with hundreds of amazing teeth broken! And the players reacted again and immediately searched for the limit and sakura rain ranking. Their ranking has not changed, but the experience value has also increased a lot …
This …
Things have turned out. They are all together, whether it’s the limit or sakura rain, or the promise war or his good friend’s double-edged sword. They have got a fast upgrade method. At this time, they are rushing to the level of speed faster than all the players at present! !
According to this trend, they can’t finish the ranking list? This so-called ranking list can’t be their back garden? But on second thought, it’s probably impossible for them to continue. After all, the game won’t make players quickly upgrade their level, otherwise their life will be shortened, and they probably won’t be able to complete the hegemony …
What is dominating Yang Ye is already the so-called level rise is the most important thing.
Just at the 29th place, he got the ranking again, and jumped to 23rd place. Compared with before, the speed was much slower, but it was also amazing. He went ahead and cut mandarin ducks after him. At this time, the ranking was closely followed by Yang Ye, and it didn’t narrow down. She was 39, and she was already in the top 50. When Yang Ye arrived in the top 10, he should see if there was any chance to enter the ranking list.

Unconsciously, Ye Guchen has passed for a month. Ye Guchen has never stopped in this month. When he sees the mountain, he worships three times and kneels nine times. There are definitely many people who want to shout for a lifetime and express their ambitions.

"My white friend mountain has been insisting for a month, and its heart is commendable. I secretly observed that my qualifications are not bad, which is quite exciting." On this day, in a towering mountain range in Dangshan, two old people looked at each other and sat with chess in their hands. Around the chess, the same four old people with white hair and beard and a middle-aged Taoist sat cross-legged and closed their eyes, not knowing whether they were meditating or resting. It was this chess old man who was talking.
"Well, the qualifications are passable. It’s really good for mortals to have such qualifications. They have entered the realm of virtual Dan. It’s not bad to see Du Jie coming. But you and I are too busy to be distracted. Although this young player is good, he has his own chance. I don’t need to wait for us to work hard. I still want to wait for me to do my own thing better than this young player." The white-robed old man took a glance at the mountain and then said indifferently.
The long years of love for those who fix the truth have made them forget the feelings of the world, and they have become indifferent one by one. They don’t want to pay too much attention to the old man in black robes, so they said, and then they nodded lightly and said nothing.
On the other five people, there was no performance from beginning to end with their eyes closed silently. On the contrary, this other mountain peak was a black brocade, an eagle-nosed old man with a strange face. Looking at this mountain, Ye Guchen kept bowing down on a mountain peak and muttered, "This is so small that I don’t know how long you can last. Hehe, I’m really looking forward to it, but it’s a pity that you have come to the wrong place. Those guys on the other side are all too forgetful. Even if you die here, no one will care about you. You don’t know whether it’s
Speaking, he flickered away from this mountain boulder and disappeared in the blink of an eye. On the other side, Ye Guchen really didn’t know what had just happened. He didn’t know anything about the conversation between the two old men. At last, the old man in black talked to himself. He was still persistent, kneeling and knocking on the mountain in front of him.
Although there were many times when Ye Guchen didn’t insist on going, he insisted on it with his extraordinary perseverance. Whenever he wanted to give up, he would tell himself, "Ye Guchen, you can’t give up, you can’t fail! It is difficult for Xianmen to enter the sincerity! Persistence is victory. We must persist! "
With his self-hypnosis and super will, Ye Guchen insisted on it. When he was hungry, he went to the mountains to hunt wild animals. When he was thirsty, he went to find a clear spring to drink water. He insisted on it all the way. On the stormy weather, on the scorching sun, on how tired his body was, on how hard and painful it was. Ye Guchen still insisted on biting his teeth all the way, and never stopped for half a day.
Ah, ah, ah, shame to ask for a collection in the ticket.)
Chapter one hundred and four ascended a robbery ()
Unconsciously, half a month passed, and Ye Guchen’s body felt a little tired unconsciously. If it wasn’t for practicing some reiki every night and every day, Ye Guchen would have been able to bear it now.
On this day, Ye Guchen didn’t go straight into the mountains as usual, and went to various peaks on three knees and nine knocks to walk. Instead, he sat cross-legged in this wide valley boulder and quietly closed his eyes and slowly recovered his work.
At the moment, Ye Guchen’s expression is dignified, and he has been refining the human-level dark armor, wearing a blood dragon sword floating on his head, quietly waiting for the coming danger, because today is Ye Guchen’s Du Jie Day, and the cloud nine disaster is coming.
At this moment, the thunder sparkles above Ye Guchen’s head. Sparks can’t stop flashing from the black clouds and always follow Ye Guchen’s side. Since he entered the range of Dangshan Mountain, Ye Guchen has been thrown out to play in the open air. Xiaobai also has a face of fear and guards beside Ye Guchen, and he whispers from time to time. Obviously, even he is aware of the seriousness of the problem. Although this robbery is not big in Fiona Fang, it is only a few hundred meters, but Ye Guchen does not dare to underestimate this robbery.
The elders of God once said that I don’t know how many masters and heroes have died in this robbery. Thousands of martial arts have been broken, and 90% of the heroes in this robbery have died in this robbery. Although he is conceited, he dare not have the slightest carelessness because he knows that once he has the slightest carelessness, he will die!
Suddenly, in the windy day in this valley, a ray of lightning flashed in the blink of an eye, and it was instantly split in this leaf solitary body, which was resisted by the blood dragon sword on the top of the head. However, the second day, the thunder fell from the sky and instantly fell on this leaf solitary body. This day, the thunder was more than three times thicker than the second time, and the whole falling blood dragon sword was almost shaken, but the support of Ye solitary body was still strong.
The third LeiJie again three times thicker and suddenly rushed straight at it, just like a basin of shiny mercury falling from the sky with the thickness of washbasin, so it rushed down and landed on Ye Guchen’s body and blood. The dragon sword gave a whisper and burst instantly, but it also resisted the impact of LeiJie, which made this third LeiJie method hurt Ye Guchen that fraction.
The fourth Lei Jie once again followed closely. This time, it has been one meter thick and looks terrible. Ye Guchen did not dare to hesitate to directly resist this dark armor. Although there is a fine wheel in the sun, the moon and the sky, it is the last card. Ye Guchen is unwilling to take it out until it is absolutely necessary.
Dark armor’s defense is much better than the previous blood dragon sword. The fourth thunder robbery has not destroyed the dark armor. Yuzryha’s solitary body is slightly numb and feels a little touched, but there is nothing else.
The fifth Lei Jie has been brewing at this time, which is three times larger than before. It is three meters wide and so wide, but it is a little scary. This Yuzryha lonely face has become very strange. He knows that this Lei Jie is terrible, but he didn’t expect it to be so bad. It is really unexpected.
Little did they know that this was not only his accidental observation of Ye Guchen in the distant mountain peak, but also people were very surprised. Seven Taoist priests in this fairy mountain looked at Ye Guchen with a strange face, and one Taoist priest whispered, "Dear Taoist friends, have you ever seen someone meet such a huge thunder with this heavy thunder? This is only the fifth weight. The fifth weight is already three meters thick. After that, what else? Don’t say it’s this nine-fold lightning robbery, but it’s not that bad to rob the fifth thunder in four or nine days, is it? Wrong novel network many words "
"I don’t know, I don’t know, this heavenly heart is unpredictable. Although I am not shallow, I can’t fathom this heavenly heart, but I know that there are two kinds of people who will be much worse than the average person." One of them, the old man in the blue cassock, touched himself and said with a face of meditation, his expression was slightly dignified.
"What two kinds?" Next to people are curious to see the old man in the blue robe that Taoist asked.
"The first kind of people are killed by the scourge, and the second kind of people are gifted and provoked by the jealous talents. Only when these two kinds of people spend the thunder robbery will they be more serious and the most difficult than the average person, just like those beasts taxiing Du Jie. The more severe the beasts are, the more difficult it is to taxing them, and the more serious their doom is. Both of them have the same effect, which is the same." The old man in the blue robe said slowly.
"Hey ~ so you say this man is a rare wizard?" A man quickly asked after hearing this.
"Hum, not exactly. I have also observed that he has been here for not a day or two. I have secretly seen talent several times, but it is not bad to envy talents that day. It can be regarded as being chosen in the field of cultivation, and it is also rare to envy talents. The gap is not a week or so. On the contrary, he has a faint murderous look. Although it is not obvious, I can feel that it is obvious that this man’s hands are covered with blood and he died in his hands. Even many people are afraid that I think he killed something that he shouldn’t have killed, which made him feel pale and angry. He was also much worse than
This answer made a few people just warm up and their hearts suddenly cooled down. They glanced at each other one by one and then looked at it. Ye Guchen, who was in Du Jie, returned to his futon one by one and meditated again. After the words of the white road flyover just now, they were too lazy to pay attention.
On the contrary, at the moment, another mountain not far from here, the boy Yan Hefa, the black dress person, still looks at the whole leaf solitary in Du Jie with a strange smile, shaking his head and laughing and admiring it for a long time before he said to himself again, "Ha ha, it’s strange that you are a little murderous, but you have killed many people, but you have never killed so many people and haven’t seen the scourge. How can you have it?" I’m talking about jealous talents. Although you have good talent, you’re not there yet, are you? There are many words in the wrong novel network. Do you have any secrets? Even god doesn’t want you alive, so it will aggravate your thunder robbery? Hey, hey, interesting, interesting. I hope you can live. I’m very curious about you. If you live, the emperor may take you as an apprentice. It’s not necessarily hahaha. "
Chapter one hundred and fifty ascended a robbery ()
Speaking here, the fifth thunderbolt has fallen three meters thick, and the thunderbolt crashing down lit up the whole valley. After a loud noise, the whole valley was shrouded in thunder. Ye Guchen also felt an unbearable numbness and instantly penetrated his whole body and mind. A painful feeling surged from my heart, and the dark armor immediately fell apart. The original smooth and black armor looked harder than things, and the scene was terrible.
"Damn it, how did this happen? This LeiJie is so severe? How did Xie Feng pass in the past? " Ye Guchen couldn’t help but think of it at once, but he didn’t know that Xie Fengke didn’t have so many treasures. Although he had a real dragon, he still didn’t get other treasures to survive the apocalypse on his own. Of course, Xie Feng’s cloud nine disaster at that time was no match for Ye Guchen’s fifth power now.
It can be said that Armageddon inexplicably increased the strength, but it was really Yuzryha’s solitary Chen who suffered. It was said that after the fifth robbery, he finally gave Ye Guchen a little rest, as if it was God’s special grace. Although this time was not very long, it was about tens of seconds, but it was enough for Ye Guchen.
With the sixth LeiJie near here, Xiaobai has hated and abandoned Ye Guchen alone, and a rock about 100 meters away quietly observed Ye Guchen’s paws slightly precursor as if ready to jump and escape again. It seems that LeiJie scared this Xiaobai just now.
"Damn dead beast with old mixed eat mixed drink unexpectedly escape at this time? It’s so ungrateful to see how I can clean you up! " See small white jump leaves solitary Chen secretly scold a way in my heart, although even if small white doesn’t go, he will drive this guy away, but seeing this little thing so heartless still has some resentment in my heart.
The sixth Lei Jie is more violent than the fifth Lei Jie. Some Ye Guchen quickly sacrificed the moon, the sun, the moon and the day, and dared not hesitate at all, because he knew that it was not the time to hesitate now. At such a moment, even if he had to hesitate, he might become the magic weapon of the thunder dead at any time. It was not worthwhile to do so.
The magic weapon is like a human jewel, but it can’t be bought again. Even if it can’t be bought, there is nothing wrong with it. There is no way to compare it with life because of dead things. Once people are dead, there is always something better to keep the magic weapon.
For this, Ye Guchen is whiter than anyone, although his heart is a little sad, but he didn’t hesitate to blink when he took out this moon, moon and day essence wheel to fight against Armageddon. The moon, moon and day essence wheel was offered to float above Ye Guchen’s head and quietly suspended there with two colors of light.
Although it is a local magic weapon, the moon, the moon, the day and the fine wheel are definitely not to be underestimated. Although the sixth ray robbery is more horrible than the fifth one, it is still carried by Ye Guchen abruptly. Ye Guchen has some strength but has not been harmed in the slightest.
With the help of the moon, the moon, the day and the fine wheel, Ye Guchen’s Armageddon has become much easier. The seventh moon, the day and the fine wheel Guanghua is slightly dim. After the first road, the moon, the day and the fine wheel float in the middle, and the light is dim to the extreme. After shaking for two times, it still floats in the middle. Although there is a little crack, it can still make it.
"Gee, it’s a good magic weapon. Two pieces at the prefecture level add up to be comparable to those at the prefecture level. I didn’t expect it to be small enough to have a chance to get this thing. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’ll die in this thunder robbery. Hey hey, it’s really worthy that the emperor favors people, so they are all undead and promising. Haha" In the distance, a man in black looks at the valley in the distance with a smile and a face of fatigue, resisting the thunder and leaves, and laughs slightly.
Yu said that the seven mountain Taoist priests also looked at Ye Guchen faintly, but they seemed quite indifferent. They were indifferent to this as if Ye Guchen lived or died.
Of course, the thunderbolt in such a big dynamic and static layer has been tens of meters thick, so a thunderbolt shocked the whole day, and even the whole continent felt as if God was angry. Thunder resounded thousands of miles to hide in this continent, and everyone was responsible for recruiting those broken virtual people. When they saw this thunderbolt, they suddenly got excited and came in the direction of this thunderbolt, but when they found out that the location of this thunderbolt would actually be Tianyang Mountain, they couldn’t help but stop in succession, because there they were ordered by their elders to strictly prohibit them from going to a place to discuss good and evil. This is the iron law!
But Ye Guchen’s roots don’t care about this, so he has a more important thing to do at this moment, that is, to fight against the nine-fold thunder robbery, which is tens of meters thick. Ye Guchen has completely shocked the scene of chaos in the hundreds of meters around here. Just now, it was green and lush, and now it has become a scorched earth, which makes Yuzryha Guchen feel a little chilly. What’s more, he knows that the destructive power of the nine-fold thunder robbery must be far more than that.

Such a bronze temple, which is three feet wide and three feet deep, needs not only a lot of gold and copper, but also a real master craftsman to make it. There seems to be no such bronze temple before.

In the Jingnian Buddhist Temple, the chanting of Sanskrit chants seems to come to the temple from afar.
The chanting is just behind the bronze temple, ten zhangs away from the temple, but no one is seen anywhere else. There is an inscrutable scene that makes people afraid to act rashly.
The strangest thing is that even the chanting hall is dark except for the lights around the Baishi Square in front of the bronze temple and the Buddhist shrine, which makes people realize that if you go to Baishi Square, you will become the most obvious goal.
At this time, an old Taoist priest dressed in a gray cloth robe suddenly rushed outside the copper temple.
At this time, an ethereal and lonely figure suddenly appeared to meet Ning Dodge and asked, "Ning Daochang doesn’t know what the situation is like?"
When Ning Dodge saw the bearer, he finally could not help spitting out one mouthful blood and said, "The martial arts of Zixue Yaodao are far beyond our imagination. This manpower seems to be exhausted and proficient in sound killing. If the masters of the same level contain more masters, it will be in vain."
Shifeixuan suddenly changed color at this time: "If it’s broken today, it’s the third date. I’m afraid Li Gong is worried about his life, but Fei Xuan has to inform him."
However, Ning Dodge suddenly stopped Shi Feixuan at this time and said, "Don’t go. I can only come back alive because I have left him the secret book of Sanshou. I have a feeling that when he masters Sanshou, he will definitely come again. You should leave with Heshibi as soon as possible!"
"ding! Ding! Hey! "
Three crisp chimes came from the hall of evening classes to chant Buddhist scripture and suddenly stopped. The whole temple was silent and insects chirped and gradually filled the mountain temple.
Later, I saw that if there were monks from the Long Snake Array, they not only didn’t leave the team, but also led by a monk in a gray robe with a frightening figure, who walked straight towards Baishi Square. Except for the monk in a blue robe, who was holding a mord weighing more than 100 kilograms, everyone was holding beads, looking at the nose, watching the heart, solemn, but not afraid of falling down because of the narrow vision.
Then two bronze doors in the bronze temple, which are as heavy as ten feet, automatically open to reveal everything dark inside.
Later, a monk in yellow clothes slowly walked out to see his slender figure, natural and straight nose, which showed great personality. The curved lips and slightly upturned lips showed some indescribable charm embedded in his slender face, which was both very beautiful and carefree. He had a generous and bright face, which was beyond the secular world. Zhan Ran’s divine expression was neither weak nor overbearing, but it was comfortable and natural. The most memorable thing at first sight was that his deep and unpredictable eyes could give birth to a heart that could not be underestimated.
Shifeixuan quickly stepped forward at this time and said, "The master’s situation has changed, and his martial arts are so advanced that even the Taoist Ning Dodge almost died in his hand. We might as well wait for a while and then slowly figure it out."
Seeing the nod, Shifeixuan and Ning Dodge had a simple discussion, and then they were escorted by a monk in gray with Choi and returned to Cihang Jingzhai first, while others continued to monitor Luoyang City’s every move in the Jingnian Temple. At the same time, they will also send their younger brothers to inform Li Shimin to leave Luoyang City as soon as possible to prepare.
Just after Shifeixuan and Ning Dodge left Jingnian Temple, an uninvited guest suddenly arrived in Zhang Pingfang.
"Is it done?" Zhang ping at this time while light aficionado slowly asked
"Purple blood long rest assured that things have been completed" is a woman, but also a very beautiful woman and a very wise woman
If Xu Ling and Kou Zhong are here, they will recognize this woman as Shen Luoyan, the think tank beauty strategist of Shi Biao.
Zhang Ping said faintly at this time: "It’s nice to hear that Shi Mi defeated Yu Culture a few days ago. I’m sure he is now returning to Li and passing by. I’m afraid he will plan to go east to Luoyang soon!"
Shen Luoyan charming smile at this time: "Purple blood Taoist is amazing indeed. I can’t believe what happens in the world can’t hide from Taoist, but wild geese have helped Taoist to explore the position of Ci Hang Jing Zhai and whether his promise can be fulfilled."
Zhang Ping said with a smile at this time: "Don’t worry about this matter. From now on, you Wagangjun Xu Ling and Kou Zhong will not pay attention to it. Please come back after you find out the specific location of Emperor Tafeng." To be continued.
Chapter three hundred and thirty-six Day first talented woman
After Shen Luoyan left, Zhang Ping suddenly said faintly: "Song Gong doesn’t know what is the situation of Li Valve now?"
After the tall screen, the figure of Song Shidao immediately turned out to see the folding fan in his hand and smiled and said, "Li Fa is still confronting Xue Jufu. Because Li Shimin secretly came to Luoyang, Li Fa has suffered some small losses in recent times."
At this time, Zhang Ping held the strings lightly and suddenly dialed out a series of vibrato. Then he said, "It’s three days since then. It seems that Li Val is out of luck!"
Song Shidao suddenly said at this moment, "Taoist, who can win the championship today?"
Zhang Ping got up at this time and walked slowly to the window and said, "For this, the Lord of the Song Dynasty sees more clearly than I do, and the Duke of Song doesn’t have to go further and further!"
Song Shidao shook his head at this time and said, "In my humble opinion, if the Taoist priest doesn’t want anyone to do this position, he will definitely not be able to do it, so naturally, my Song family doesn’t have to work hard on a dead person."
Zhang Ping nodded and said, "Song Gong didn’t know that I asked you to find a pianist. What was the result?"
Song Shidao replied at this time: "The Taoist priest can rest assured that he will come to the whole Man Qing courtyard in the evening and invite him to join us. When the Taoist priest needs a pianist, he will naturally appear."
Seeing that Zhang Ping nodded and kept silent, Song Shidao gave a gift and went out.
The next day, Wang Tong, The Avengers, the mighty Wang Tong, finally ended the tragic death of hundreds of cold bodies.
The primitive people are full of people, but Luoyang City is particularly quiet today. Even the men who throw their weight around at ordinary times are pulling their heads one by one and being cautious.
Therefore, in the eyes of many people, everything has come to a successful conclusion last night, but perhaps it was just now.
At night, compared with today’s Qingman Courtyard, it can be said that it is very cold and cheerless. At the door, two people are well-dressed and their eyes are exposed, which makes people realize that it is unusual here tonight.

The purple light flashed a group of people in Zhang Xiaotian.

Now Yancheng!
Several purple psychic powers swing out the Yancheng defense array and instantly collapse!
"Be careful. There is a monk in this city!" Zhang Xiaotian twist a head toward Yang Xiao said.
"Ha ha! What am I afraid of when you are here! " Yang Xiao laughed and then rushed into the city, followed by the spirit of ice and fire!
Zhang Xiaotian and his party have the strength of three comparable monks! Zhang Xiaotian has a fire, water, spirit, ring and mysterious posture, so that he can fight under pressure after meeting the order monk.
"hmm? Level array method? " Suddenly Zhang Xiaotian exclaimed in surprise and looked at a building in the city.
Several purple psychic attacks are easily blocked by the protective cover of the building! Surface spread out light fluctuations let Zhang Xiaotian clearly realize that this is the level of law!
"Lord’s mansion!" Three glittering Chinese characters suspended at the top of the building also made Zhang Xiaotian recognize the position of the building in the city.
"Hum!" Zhang Xiaotian sneered at dozens of purple psychic powers and attacked the building
Layers of defensive cover were broken, and the building finally collapsed in the purple spirit force.
"Who dares to make trouble in Yancheng?" Anger shouted a coarse-clothed man from the castellan’s mansion.
"It’s him!" Zhang Xiaotian’s eyes flashed clean and his heart was sure! Listen carefully. It’s him who said Jie Xiuzhen.
"It’s me!" Responded Zhang Xiaotian said slowly that the attack at hand didn’t stop!
"You?" Coarse clothes big fellow first one leng then nu laughed "spirit force is strange face contains law is good also! But there is no power to attach! No matter how high the array level is, it’s no use! If you meet me, today is your death! "
"Really?" Zhang Xiaotian sneer at a jilt up several spiritual force to the thick clothes big fellow attack.
"Hum! These concentrations of spiritual power also want to hurt me? " Thick clothes big fellow sneer at one by one waved a layer of light fluctuations and then to Zhang Xiaotian attack to meet the spirit force attack at the same time, the body also followed raised a layer of golden mask!
"hmm? The array method has not disappeared? " All of a sudden, the big fellow in coarse clothes stare big eyes, and his face reveals a horror color, and his body suddenly dodges.
However, some can’t come at this time.
"Sniff!" A purple psychic force hit the thick-clothed man’s body, and the golden light of the golden defensive cover flashed for a moment and then became dim.
There are several purple psychic attacks followed by several psychic attacks.
"no!" Thick clothes big fellow pupil contraction heart roar body at the same time raised layers of golden shield to instantly reached more than three layers.
However, there are too many psychic attacks from Zhang Xiaotian, and there is only one layer left in the defensive cover of a dozen psychic powers.
Poof ",however, when the coarse-clothed man was horrified and desperate, the law contained in the spiritual attack was strangely disappeared, and the road was struck in his defensive cover, but the root could not move his defense.
"alas!" Zhang Xiao, as in the heavenly heart, sighed, and the effect was good after the fusion of the two laws. He was able to resist the order of Godsworn’s heavenly solution, but Zhang Xiaotian’s two laws have just been fused and can resist for a while! Otherwise this Zhang Xiaotian can fix this order and kill it!
But even now Zhang Xiaotian can hold him down!
The mind moves to attack the thick-clothed man, and the more purple spiritual power there is! With the support of fire, water and spiritual precepts, Zhang Xiaotian-gen doesn’t worry about spiritual consumption.
"God! What exactly is this man repaired? " Zhang Xiaotian’s incessant psychic attacks make the thick-clothed man’s heart tremble, especially in many psychic attacks, one or two psychic forces containing array methods occasionally appear, just like nails in a cannonball in a marshmallow! Let him have to play 1000% spirit to deal with Zhang Xiaotian mental attack.
Zhang Xiaotian’s psychic attack contains law coarse clothes, and he can’t detect what level it is, but he knows that the level must be very high! Every time an attack with array spirit force hits him, he will feel a sense of danger!
"If you fight like this, you will definitely die!" After playing for a while, the big man in thick clothes suddenly had this idea!
"escape!" Thought gives birth to coarse clothes big fellow to observe the situation around.
However, the observation of the coarse clothes man made him even more horrified.
I don’t know when there are two more monks around! One left and one right, together with the current opponent, surrounded him tightly in a triangle.
These two monks came out of nowhere. Naturally, it was the combination of ice spirit and fire spirit.
I didn’t want to kill this order in Zhang Xiaotian, but it suddenly occurred to Zhang Xiaotian that maybe … killing this order can bring shock to more people! So the mind move Zhang Xiaotian decided the order to fix true life and death.
Three people tightly surrounded the order fix true don’t leave him a escape gap!
At this moment, Lin Er and Bing Ling’s spirit force attack arrived.
"No," the coarse clothes fled in the Han Dynasty. Although his strength was good, he could not bear to be besieged by three monks of the same order who were not weaker than him. You’ll be a fool if you don’t know how to escape again.
However, since Zhang Xiaotian has decided his life and death, will he let him go again?
The figure moved thousands of figures to surround the coarse-clothed man again.
"die!" Tens of thousands of purple psychic powers roared at the thick-clothed man in Zhang Xiaotian.
The coarse-clothed man didn’t know that Zhang Xiaotian’s psychic force contained the reason why the law disappeared. When he fled, he spread himself out and the fluctuation of heaven contracted tightly around him.
It’s nothing, but it’s speeding up his death at the moment!
Without the wave of heaven, Zhang Xiaotian’s psychic attack contains the law and directly attacks the body of the coarse-clothed man.
The fusion of the two methods of law makes the thick-clothed man shrink tightly around him, and the wave root of heaven can’t eliminate Zhang Xiaotian’s spiritual attack on the middle method.
"Ah" coarse clothes man screamed.
He is not white Zhang Xiaotian psychic attack and suddenly have the law.
But no one went to him to explain.
A top monk with a strong order and a strong world died in the hands of Zhang Xiaotian.
From this moment on, the rise of ghost repair, the influence of ghost repair and the help of heaven and earth are doomed to shake the whole world!
And Zhang Xiaotian’s name is also destined to go all over the world!
Chapter three hundred and twenty-two The finale ()
Please read the latest chapter $
The city grabs the energy stone and cancels the ghost repair to recognize the master contract!
Zhang Xiaotian and others are afraid of looting one city after another! The route is very stable!
Well-informed fix true people left the city early after learning the news!
The information that ghosts will die when they sign the master’s contract also slowly flows in. Some timid people even secretly untie the master’s contract of ghosts and slaves.