I’m really afraid of the people around me. I claim that handmaiden is equal before me, and it makes people feel uncomfortable to have to be divided into ranks.

However, Jingyan is an exquisite person with a good temper and is quite real and lively for my age. After I corrected her, she naturally stopped calling herself a handmaiden.
"You are beautiful and lovely, so it’s a pity that you are buried in the palace as a female officer, or I’ll build a red line for you and the emperor."
I said this with pure kindness. Anyway, I don’t like Bai Xihuang and I don’t mind his multiple little wives.
Jingyan has always been a female official, but if she is not an emperor’s little wife, she has a better future than a generation becoming an old aunt who waits on people.
Jingyan’s face immediately flushed and hurriedly said, "Empress, don’t joke with Jingyan. I’ve been betrothed to General Jiang Wei and I’ll leave the palace to get married in a year."
Speaking of her fiance, Jing Yan’s eyes are shining and her words are both charming and sweet, which shows that she is very satisfied with her fiance.
It seems that I’ve crossed the red line. I don’t think I’m an emperor. My little wife is much luckier than I am to marry the man I like a year later. I really envy her.
"Congratulations, Jingyan. I didn’t expect you to have a general fiance. I just said that you don’t mind."
"How can I know that the empress is also a lifelong event?"
"Alas, I will be lonely when you leave the palace."
Jingyan is very happy to see me. "I can come back to wait on you if the empress is willing to get married."
"ah? It’s really different to come back from the palace. "I asked again," I’m not familiar with the palace rules. Tell me about the palace rules. "
If you want to know the rules here, I’d better know a palace honestly.
From Jingyan’s words, I know that this Qin Palace is very different from the ancient China Palace I have seen before.
There are no eunuchs in this palace, there are rank courtiers, female officials and big guards, but most of them serve the harem, concubines and maids.
Have to sigh Qin marriage system.
Courtiers, female officials, guards and others should have suitable marriage partners to apply to the head court general manager for approval by the queen mother, and then they can choose a lively wedding day.
After marriage, some female officials will continue to stay in the palace during the day and return to the government at night.
Because this kind of marriage is often seen in the court, it is often popular among female officials to secretly date female officials.
Palace life here is absolutely romantic, far from the heavily guarded and interesting court in ancient China.
Many official darling daughter likes to be a female official in the palace.
Taking this opportunity to see the world, we can also realize that many officials and brothers are looking for opportunities for their lifelong events.
Jing Yan also realized that Jiang Wei and two of a kind, two generals, went to her father to get married and made a beautiful marriage.
I think this system is a bit like the Japanese court.
However, there are also disadvantages, such as the problem of green hats from ancient times to the present, which is more rampant here
It is not surprising that the emperor cuckolded himself, and vice versa.
Because many female officials in the palace are borne by married ministers’ wives, it is sometimes difficult to look at the emperor, and it has become an affair.
And many concubines in the palace share the loneliness of the emperor.
It’s not surprising that you dare to hook up with guards or foreign ministers. Anyway, you’ll be fine if you don’t get caught
What is even more strange is that sometimes the emperor will give his concubines to ministers’ wives, just as an emperor Bai Li gave his one-month princess to the wife of Montaigne, the general who returned home triumphantly after attacking the country.
Really generous and tight.
The concept of total chastity is not valued too much in this era
After washing and dressing, a gorgeous palace beauty appeared in the bronze mirror
Clouds, fog, bun, colorful, double-phoenix temples, earlobes hanging on both sides, a string of exquisite moon bells.
Wearing a butterfly dress with six layers of purple and green, the waist ring of azure plum shadow belt has a piece of suet white jade pendant on both sides to hold down the skirt.
I can’t help but wonder in the mirror, "This palace decorator is elegant, gorgeous and beautiful."
Hand-made clothing is much more refined than factory assembly line production. I am flattered to see myself wearing a Paris haute couture suit, which is modern and can’t be taken without hundreds of thousands.
I’m an ordinary white-collar worker, and I’m really extravagant this time.
Jing Yan helped me to put on my dress. "This is the most famous imperial weaving in China. It’s really beautiful to wear."
I sighed, "Crows can change into phoenixes when they wear them. It is true that clothes make the Buddha look like gold."
"Empress is a phoenix, how can she say she is a crow?"
Jingyan listened to the straight smile behind.
"Jingyan, I’m starving. Bring me breakfast. Hehe, I’m looking forward to the top chef cooking breakfast. It must be so delicious that people bite off their tongues."
Since yesterday, I have never eaten a grain of rice, and being a queen is so down and out that I have no food, which is also a prehistoric case of cowardice.
Facing me, Jing Yan couldn’t bear to tell me, "Empress, you have to pay respects to the Empress Dowager before you can come back early. It’s a rule in the palace."